Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
Véčet klobu na mloveni
Néni tě dovoleny datlovat do toďteho klobo. Abes mohl datlovat do toďteho klobo, mosiš mit némiň členstvi Brain pinčl.
14-17 10-14, 17-22 23-18, 22-26 18-15, 11-18 14-23, 26-31 20-11, 31-26 11-7, 26-19 24-15, 30-26 28-24, 26-23 15-11, 25-30 7-3, 30-26 38, 26-22 11-7, 22-18 8-11 and so it ends. Hope you enjoyed the game. This was the white defense that beat the Chinook Program.