Pedro Martínez: In frog finder only tournaments it does not work like that. Eventhough that option is set all the games will still be randomly assigned! But it does seem to work differently on random games tourneys.. Which is quite screwed up.
In random game tournaments frog finder starting positions seem to be the same in both games against same opponent! This does not happen in frog finder only tourneys, even with "the same position with all opponents" option selected. Only in random games tourneys with frog finder. There are already players taking advantage of that..
(nascondi) Se clicchi sopra il nome del giocatore e poi clicchi sulle partite terminate avrete una lista delle partite che sono state completate. Poi clicca sopra il nome del gioco per ottenere un sommario di tutte queste partite, cliccando ancora sopra il nome del gioco otterrete la partita da osservare ed analizzare. (Servant) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)