Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
Poker should involve gambling shouldn't it!? So, put up 50 brains and take a chance.
It will be 2 sections of 5 people each. Each player will have 2 games against the players of his/her section. The winners of each section will go to Round 2.
First place will receive 300 brains, and 2nd place will receive their 50 brains back.
Brains can be purchased on the "Brains" page. It's only 7 Euro for 150 Brains! Win enough, and you could buy a membership with Brains, instead of cash!
2 days per move, fixed weekends only. (No vacation days)
Same game, use 6 dice instead of 5 - and a few different categories:
4 of a kind – have 4 of the same dice, sum of ALL dice 5 of a kind – have 5 of the same dice, sum of ALL dice
Full House (2+3) – have 2 of one, plus 3 of another (2-2-5-5-5-x) = 25 points Full Car (2+2+2) – have 2 of 3 different values (1-1-3-3-6-6) = 40 Points Full Hotel (3+3) – have 3 of one, plus 3 of another (1-1-1-4-4-4) = 50 points
Large Strait – have 5 dice in order (1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6) = 45 Points Full Strait – have 6 dice in order (1-2-3-4-5-6) = 60 points
6 of a kind – have all 6 of the same dice = 75 points
I set up 5 fast start Frog Legs tournaments - which should start once 5 players sign up. So if you are interested in trying out the new game, go join one/some now.
Salongo: I am sure everything that was typed was perfectly acceptable. Moderators who only understand one language are at a disadvantage of course, and have no way of knowing what something not in English means, of course.
I am always impressed that so many people in other countries are so multi-lingual! I only know bits and pieces of Spanish and French (other than English, of course, lol).
rod03801: I suppose I should write bilingually ... But you are right - I have already told Paris to ask me somewhere else ... that is what is in Czech written in my previous message.
Paris Hilton♥: to protože je to engliš fórum :) Harry a jeho tlupa z Přátel je pro mne dnešní Banda ... a tu nenchám u sebe vyhrát, grrr :) další dotazy rači do vzkazníku, eště by se tu mohli zbláznit někteří ;-)
Salongo: já to přečtu, ale píšu mizerně - tak se nebudu ztrapňovat a odpovím česky . Harry na nás neřve , ani nás nebije. Ale je fakt, že na to šéfování asi nemá čas
srnity: you are right - it is a nonsense, so I deleted it ... my mistake during creating that tournament :( it should have been without invitations ... I just did not want to spam all over BK ... I am sorry
Modificato da toedder (23. Gennaio 2008, 13:25:16)
TarantinoFan: In this case a stronger opponent is one who earned more points in this tournament.
S-B points is the sum of points of the opponents you beat. If you beat me one time and I earned 5 points, that's 5 S-B points for you. If you beat me twice, that's 10 S-B points for you. And so on..
rod03801: So what are they referring to when they say "stronger opponent"? That is where I read the BKR into it. Obviously a higher BKR means a stronger opponent doesn't it?
Vikings: We were discussing it and thought that the lowest BKR should have been sorted by the SB because she won at least one game each against stronger opponents. How can the SB be the same for all of them when it uses their BKR to sort them? Or at least that is the way I understood it.
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