Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too
For posting: - invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy) - information about upcoming tournaments - disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress) - links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)
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Benevolence and magnanimty, now there's two things I'm not normally accused of being. It's also been said of me that I don't suffer fools well.
And yet, here I am, moderator of this particular discussion board. I have to ask myself, how'd that happen?
Those of you that complain about other people talking off topic will be banned. Let the idiots rave. Who cares? Sure, the topic of this discussion board is Gothic Chess, but what kind of conversation is held that only allows one subject to be talked about? So there's members here that really should just shut up, but no, they continue to rant and try everyone's patience. Why get worked up about it? Eventually I'll get around to banning everyone and I'll have the place to myself. In the meantime, get over it.
Warnings for danoschek---
If you post or so much as mention this or simular type things again, you will be banned. "your diffuse puberty rituals of fixative proving" or "rabid wildboar who cannot control his periodic foam outbreaks". As has been pointed out to me before I ever came to this board, you are not allowed to copy and paste a user's previous post. This includes your own! It really is in the user agreement of this site. Besides, if you don't see how stupid it makes you look doing it in this particular instance, I don't want to read anything else that you might have to say. No matter how clearly written you might make it. As far as copying and pasting goes, bringing up a line or two to help illustrate a point is fine by me, but copying the whole thing to clutter up the board is annoying and wastes my time rereading it.
Warnings for QuoUsque/GothicInventor/WhateverElse.
Great, so you think you've invented this game and have somehow tricked the patent office into going along with it. It's modified Capablanca Chess and you didn't make it up except for changing the initial positioning of the pieces. Fine, you're a good player of it. Why keep pounding it into us? I'm the best Building player in the world, but do you hear me continuously carping about it, or putting people down that don't play as well as me? I've won over half the tournaments(28) that have been held since 1979. I created the game in 1972. I am the chairman of the Building Rules committee. I am the tournament director. It is not the only game that I have created, nor is it one that I play all the time. Moreover, I know it can be played better than I play it, it's just that a person that could play it better than me doesn't play the game. And I hope you realize this same thing about you and your ability at Gothic Chess. Hey, let's talk about Dark Chess. How's about you and I play a series of games? I don't have a machine to help me play, and you may use one if you'd like, but please announce it before we start to play. You've certainly done well in promoting this "Gothic Chess", but if how I came to be moderator of this board doesn't show you some serious problems with you and your approach, then you're a bigger fool than even danoschek thinks you are. I'm still mad about how you deleted all of your posts of a few days back. Now the posts in response to yours make no sense and you've cleared yourself too. Also, how you seem to change the past to fit how you feel about the present. I have half a mind to delete every post that you've made here and then put you in "hide" status so that you may read other people's posts, but not be able to respond to them. Serve you right for how you have acted.
Warning for ScarletRose. Let him go. He's faraway, leave him there. Take the bad times somewhere else or talk to each other on the telephone. I won't drone on about my past loves if you don't.
Help from everyone else about these three. Should I ban them all, one or two of them, or none of them? Should I stay on as moderator? Please send messages to me or post directly to this board or both. I shall tally any responses and I might act on them shortly. I'll see how I feel about it depending on the responses that I see here or receive.
Having written this, I also wish to say that I'm sorry for having written this. I've tried mightily to just let things flow and take their course, but no! We just keep having to push the envelope. I've written to Fencer concerning the actions that I might take and what authority I have to do so. He's said that I have free hand and supports what actions I might deem appropriate. If there are objections or support for this post, please let me know.
and what the H*ll do you call your obsessive behavior..?? Why must you try and push everyone else out?? If we don't follow your opinions or rules.. why is it that you continue on and on and on and on..
still the bugreport remains ignored - as the topic also ...
1. August 2004, 18:46:40
your diffuse puberty rituals of fixative proving whatever are as low as your
board-habits - why not answer to the topic questions here ? btw calling a cheater
a cheater is a definition, it's no insult either, so you better don't demand reports.
Although you have not apologized for your poor performance silly me presumed a courtesy
of leaving it behind. Of course we know why indeed you sulk about going away - it's easy chicken out from true competition. I for my part won't feel pelled to having hectic games with running rabbits - no game until licence is renewed. Due to my precious reward as serious
player I prefer to brag only with complete games - if feeling urged to such, anyway ... ~*~ 0:)
The Gothic Chess Federation is being launched full-time, hiring full time staff, getting another (and larger) office, making deals with other manufacturers, so I will have no time to do anything else.
Sorry but i will start something on topic again:-)
As Ed requested i will post one nice game of me against Vortex:
Well i have many great wins against Vortex. Here is one amazing win from me against Vortex which played at a time of 1 minute per move and with 64 MB hash. The whole build of King attack is brilliant!
I have played this game when i had Vortex (I think it was February so it is an older version (1.0)) and i keeped some notes for it then, and now i have added some more details. The comments were written immediately after the game by running Vortex and seeing possible tactical mistakes from me.
11. Bxe3 dxe3 {This Pawn creates for Vortex the most problems. I know it will try to defend it so i haven't capture it, as i hoped Vortex will place it's pieces to defend it and lose in development.}
12. c3 Bf6
13. Ah2 Bg5
14. Nj3 Qf6+
15. Kg1 Qb6
16. b3 Bd7
17. g4 Af6
18. Kh1 {I had to play this move, as Queen and Bishop didn't actually defended g4 Pawn since e2+ is on the air.}
18...Bxj2?! {I think this is not the best.}
19. h4 Bxh4
20. Nxh4 Ag5
21. Rj4 Ae6
22. Rj3 i5
23. Na3 {What is this? I just wanted to win two tempo's for a Knight. I would not dare to play it against a human (as i think it's not good) but i wanted to make Vortex happy for a while:) }
28. Rxf7+ {Now or never! I wanted to trust the statement which says that a king in the center is dead! Is it a good move? I don't really know.}
29. Af1 Ke7
30. Axe3 Kd8
31. e5 Ri3 {Black seems much better (with a Rook more) but i doubt it is. If Vortex couldn't win in this position against me then white should be at least equal.}
32. Rxi3 hxi3
33. d4 {This gradually build up of Pawns i'm creating in front of Vortex's King is the key to my success in this game. Vortex has no idea what is coming and it is really happy with it's position. It thinks it is ahead +360.}
33...Ce7? {There must be something better. Perhaps the losing move.}
34. a4 Qa6
35. d5 b5
36. Ac5 Qc8
37. e6 {A third sacrifice, this one is easier to play. Now it's over!}
37...bxc4 {I can't find a defence but to accept the sacrifice is the worst thing in this situation.}
38. Qd2 Ah6
39. Qd4! Ag8 {AMAZING fail low for Vortex! From a +300 score in favour of Vortex, it went to a mate in X for me!}
40. Cf4 Nh6 {Another big fail low, although here Vortex realised it very quickly, while in the previous case it made 30 seconds or more.}
41. d6! {There are threats everywhere. Vortex can't escape.}
41...Cf5 {I didn't expect that and i was afraid to play the next move, but actually i knew that Vortex can't escape and it was in despair.}
42. gxf5 cxd6
43. Axd6 Qc6
44. Cxg6! {I saw that my damn Archbishop controlled all black's King squares so a check from h4 is a checkmate! Also 44...Qxd6 is a mate in 3 for me and also i attack the f8 square. The game of course is over.}
Argomento: who cares - had not you promised to leave anyway ? okay, go call Scarlet, get busy - better for brainking.
Modificato da danoschek (15. Agosto 2004, 23:25:49)
I suggest to utilize time - precious for those with an own life -
for some edification and subtle psycholgical hints in the latest cave edition ... :D
we know, original intention of the whole humbug is solely to sabotate serious players ~*~
Argomento: moved here as he the gothic liar shows a particulary low pride in his new (periodic btw) rabies attack
still the bugreport remains ignored - as the topic also ...
1. August 2004, 18:46:40
your diffuse puberty rituals of fixative proving whatever are as low as your
board-habits - why not answer to the topic questions here ? btw calling a cheater
a cheater is a definition, it's no insult either, so you better don't demand reports.
Although you have not apologized for your poor performance silly me presumed a courtesy
of leaving it behind. Of course we know why indeed you sulk about going away - it's easy chicken out from true competition. I for my part won't feel pelled to having hectic games with running rabbits - no game until licence is renewed. Due to my precious reward as serious
player I prefer to brag only with complete games - if feeling urged to such, anyway ... ~*~ 0:)
Argomento: first of all it's easy to spot who's the trembling chicken
Modificato da danoschek (15. Agosto 2004, 18:26:56)
awwww you grand chevallier, you were so generous to give Harley
the black stones ... how brave !! next message then covering your
request for yet another nice footstep pattern of mine on your sore butt ... ~*~
Modificato da danoschek (15. Agosto 2004, 18:20:43)
will you lie whenever your lips are moving and make up facts to your needs, faker ?
It is yet visible what I said, despite of your ludicrous spamming to bury reality. I have
corrected your rabies fantasies on 3 boards, it was the bk gothic license I talked of. ~*~
<>we have proof that CM1000 used a program AFTER he said he wouldn't. There is no >validity in anything he says to try and cover up the fact and I am certain people see this.
Where do you see the proof? Sorry but i only have to say that you are awful at mathematical logic.
>I even have copies of dialogue he used in a game against someone else to try and make it >look like he was moving himself but in fact was using a program. It was very funny.
Give the dialogue. Give anything you want. I don't try to cover the fact. I was the one that admitted it immediately and never played again with a program at Reversi 8x8. If you can't accept the fact that i was not doing it for BKR points, then OK. I understand it is difficult to accept such a thing.
if you read my posts, you'll see I never had a problem with CM1000 using a program. But your example is apropos, castigating others for persecuting CM1000 when i recall similar actions taken towards dano.
due to server space limitations, fencer combined the two. This board has been used for many purposes other than gothic chess, including gambling, trash talking, rekindling old amours, and last but not least, persecuting Danoschek, Ed Trice, ughiabu no particular order of course.
i don't doubt his gothic ability, i had a rough time in our games before he timed out. But it begs the question as to why he would crush a computer in goth while using one in reversi. As an aside, I have found one of the games where I beat vortex and will send it. It definitely wasn't a crush though.
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