4 players playing battleboats, 2 players per team, 2 teams per game (maybe less ships per player)
players are allowed to communicate, teammates can discuss their tactics (as in real life 'battleboats')
first player 1, (team a), then player 2 (team b), then player 3 (team a), then player 4 (team b)
as soon as all shops of 1 player have been sunk that team loses and the 2 players of the other team win. each player gets his bkr adjusted individually
what problems could there be ? (aside from the problem of 4 players being able to use more time before everyone has made 1 turn)
rod03801: not sure .. yesterday evening i had the bad performance ... this morning the perfomance was ok again .. except in my games of battleboats which didnt show the board after i made my move :)
in the dark bb+ version it could also be so that you dont have to use all your available shots
suppose your opponent has placed 3 shots in a row .. he can then think he sank your boat .. when you dont use all your available 5 shots (as it he only got 3 of the 4 spots of your 4-size boat) but only use 4 and pass on the 5th
(nascondi) Se vuoi giocare contro un avversario del tuo livello, puoi definire un BKR minimo ed uno massimo per ogni nuova partita che intendi creare. In questo modo nessun giocatore che non sia all'interno di questa fascia di rating potrà vedere o accettare il tuo invito. (Katechka) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)