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Argomento: Re: Pink Floyd and The Wizard of OZ :o)
MadMonkey: I bought that on dvd years ago,it's called The Dark Side of Oz,but there are a bunch of versions,trust me,I searched for the critics choice of the difinitive version. This is another "OZ" sync,kinda cool,it features Rush & Willy Wonka
Tuesday: cool,I must check it out.I wuz gonna post a live version of R n R Train,but decided this little gem from Bon Scott's past would be more fun,he's one of the background singers to the right
Tuesday: My read on it is that he's leaving a comfy(yet unsatisfying) lifestyle for parts unknown.He's "freefalling" leaving himself without his prior safetynet,yet he knows it's the path he needs to take regardless of the guilt he feels knowing the effect it will have on loved ones
Tuesday: I caught him last month,fell in love with the cd driving along St Pete's beach last Jan.It's almost like he found a black hole portal to the 70's,this tune is a fave
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