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You stretched me, I'd never heard the Scorpions, or that song. Didn't you love the music of that time? It had a metal sound, but not as hard-core as today's metal style. That was excellent.
I heard a really odd tune this morning, and YouTube doesn't have it, as far as I can tell. It was David Allen Coe, and he was doing a RAP! I just drove along with my mouth wide open. Good thing I have tinted windows. Hahaha!
Scorpions were a band I got into around 1974,nobody had really heard of them in North America at the time so I'd have to buy imports of their albums.In Trance was a great album released around that time.Being German,they sang english phonetically,and it was sometimes funny the lyrics they'd write such as "I take too much in the saturday night" but they rocked,and apparently still do.Let's visit with our good friend Klaus Meine and company,and listen and watch the classic song IN that Casey Kasim enough for ya?
awesome: Thank you for the Geils. That's some great harp playing, isn't it? I'd love to play like that, but the technique, while I know WHAT they are doing, I've never had anyone explain HOW they do it. We used to call it cross-blowing, but I don't know what they call it today.
Jim Dandy: Intense is right! I might call it terrifying. Tuesday: I like horses AND Harleys. Haha! I don't usually like crowd scenes, but the swap meets are fun, especially if they're a couple days. And, I remember Thunder Island, and still love it to this day. It's a priceless classic in my book. Thank you, Jim the Dandiest. But, why are we surprised you found that one. We know how you feel about cow bells.
Tuesday: The whole album is great,Happy Birthday Baby is another nice song.This might be my favorite cut off the album,though the lyrics at times sound like they have no other valid reason other than they rhyme
Jim Dandy: lol, don't feel bad, others stopped, got up & went to the kitchen, wandered around the house, and then came back! I think the record time was 6 hours!
Tuesday: OMG,funny story.I loved the album,bought it when it was released.Joe Walsh plays almost all the guitar.When I was replacing my albums with cds it wasn't available.Years later I heard the song Thunder Island used as an intro for a radio segment,I called the station's music director to see how he got a copy,it was on a 70's compilation.The complete cd was released finally about 10 or so years ago,one of my favorites for sure
cool...wasn't that Chester from Gunsmoke ? Marshall Dillon must have caught him fooling around with Miss Kitty at the saloon ....the death penalty seems pretty harsh but Mathew Dillon didn't mess around...he's my hero...
awesome: Thank you so much for that,I love J.Geils.I fell in love with them listening to the BLOW YOUR FACE OFF live album.Peter Wolf's rap before MUSTA GOT LOST is a gem
Tuesday: You going? I love to go to those things. I went to one in Pahuska OK once, and never laughed so much in my life. It rained, and we were all camping in a field where there was NO grass. Here are all these guys in their leathers trying to ride through these muddy bogs to get to town to buy more beer. They were falling like logs off a was hilarious. But, we had a lot of fun.
Argomento: Jim Dandy, are you reading my mind from 1450 miles away?
I was thinking about the Ozark Mountain Daredevils just a couple weeks ago, wondering what in the world happened to them. I got on to them in the 70s from a friend who used to hang with them in Missouri and Kansas when they were just little hometown boys. I love that guy's harp. It haunts me.
Interesting, you're reading that book. Isn't there a song? Yeah, Merle Haggard wrote it, White Line Fever. What a difference in disciplines, huh? How is the book?
I still find it strange that Victor Conte was in this band and then went on to open Balco Laboratories ( the maker of the designer steroids that Barry bonds allegedly used...and went to jail for it...
Dolittle: OK, you brought tears to my eyes, and a pain my my heart. Desparado is the story of my life to date. It's the one Gary and I worked out when I was in Cali in November.
Jim Dandy: Did you like the Hendrix and Stones thing? I did. Figure I'm a fan then. It was kind of like being invited to the party.
Argomento: And, now for something completely different....
Stevie Ray had to die on us, but Dallas has a few more tricks up her sleeve. Eric Johnson is another home boy done good, and this vid will make you a believer.
(nascondi) Se vuoi giocare contro un avversario del tuo livello, puoi definire un BKR minimo ed uno massimo per ogni nuova partita che intendi creare. In questo modo nessun giocatore che non sia all'interno di questa fascia di rating potrà vedere o accettare il tuo invito. (Katechka) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)