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Argomento: Where is Fencer? We need an Elvis smiley
Jim Dandy: Awwww, that was sweet. I'd never seen that, and today was the best day to play it. Thanks. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU BEAT ME! I heard that Elvis is Everywhere this morning on my way to work. I ran straight home this evening, and was going to post it, and were here first. Thanks for giving everyone an advance in spite of my schedule.
Family Man: I wonder what those tickets are worth these days? Have you looked for them on eBay?
Eriisa: The lyrics are online. illustrated no less This is a hoot and a half.
I was at home upstairs. I am pretty sure it was a Saturday and my dad shouted me and said it was on the news that Elvis had died. I came down and we watched the news. It was hard to believe as he was so young.
TexasToest: I think we heard the news on the radio at the beach, and it kinda spread pretty quickly. I believe my mom still has the unused tickets to that show!
TexasToest: I guess I'm a sucker for a good conspiracy theory lol,anyway,this is a special moment from a few years back on this anniversary
awesome: I remember the ole backword masking craze,maybe that's part of music lovers infactuation with vinyal to this day,it had a magic to it.On the subject of Smokey
awesome: That Robinson video is amazing, great quality. Man, there were so many things that were different in the 60s, and one was the way people dressed when they entertained. Another is the dance steps that the back-up singers would do in unison. That was a great video, thanks.
Jim Dandy: I was really high once many moons ago and my friend convinced me that if I played Jailhouse Rock backwards, I would hear a walrus singing a Smokey Robinson medley, so I tried and proceeded to bust my needle on my BSR McDonald turntable,and then I convinced him to let me borrow his Onkyo cassette player until I got a new needle...we never remained friends after that for some reason....
Jim Dandy: The tape is pretty muddy. I don't think I could hear more than a word in 50. The voice had an Elvis-like sound. But, Elvis mumbled, so it could be the real thing. I've heard Elvis-is-still-alive stories almost from the day he died. I don't know, he used to have to fight for his privacy, maybe he got tired of it, bought a mountain, and got on top of it.
gogul: Marvelous stuff you bring us. Every one of those guys are at the top of their game! That base was pretty amazing too, I mean the instrument itself. I'm going to add that video to my favorites.
I was rolling north on Stemmons Freeway in Dallas, somewhere between Walnut Hill, and Royal Lane, going back to the office after lunch. The car, 1975 orange Honda Civic, with those black and white hounds tooth checked seats. I was listening to the radio, and at about 1 oçlock, I heard the news. I found myself in that never land, where everything is strange, and had to pull off the road. It seemed unreal to me - like he never existed, but he'd always existed. The rest of that day, I was in total denial. It had to have been a mistake.
Family Man: Did you tell everyone at the beach? Or were they telling you? That's brutal, losing those tickets as WELL as the King.
Jim Dandy: You have to admit that Elvis dying was a big ending for us kids of the 50s/60s. I got my first Elvis record when I was 10. It was the first record he ever sold. and it was the first record I ever owned.. That's why we remember so specifically where we were, and what we were doing. I almost remember what I was wearing!
Thanks for the few minutes with Beck. He's really a guitarist, isn't he?
Yeah, I heard the pops too. Kind of unnerving, but lip syncing was the thing back in that day.
Modificato da baddessi (15. Agosto 2007, 05:14:40)
The Usurper: you and me both....I broke down an just sobbed while at was SO wrong...
Jim Dandy: LOL! Maybe..didn't notice!!! But I believe you! I was just happy to find a 'pillow talk" song on u tube! I haven't heard that song in years...cracked me up! I had to post it!
Family Man: I personally have never had "pillow talk" with butch or anyone else on here...I save that for my Man, Dan...just general chatting on here... but here ya go..have a listen
Tuesday: oh ok...I guess I do talk about it with other people who play...I never thought it was real hard, but other people tell me that it is... I guess it's like anything ele. I can play instruments, but I can't sing well, or write lyrics or poetry.... and btw, he told me you sing real pretty
Tuesday: yep- acoustic picking...that's my big thing...especially oldies, tho I like messing with some newer stuff...have been working with a program my bro got me recently tho to help me develop more on my electric...I can feel electric blues stuck in me trying to get out
I'm surprised you knew that about me tho - I didn't think I talked all that much about it...
Family Man: I was on my way to the stereo store to buy the replacement cassette deck for the one that hd been stolen from my home.Isn't it funny how we can so vividly remember certain dates.I even remember the intersection I was at when it came over the radio
gogul: I liked it too. I had to watch it again. I'm going to check the Lone Star web site, and see if they have anything about this break of Scaggs' quietus.
Jim the Dandiest: (A) I don't know how you find this stuff, and (B) I had no idea something that great would be on YouTube. It's obviously pretty old. Great way to remember Merv Griffin. I was said to hear he died on the news this morning.
Tuesday: can play pretty much anything I put my mind to, but songwriting is not a skill I possess..I'd offer you my daughter, but she's heading to start college this week. The talent seemed to skip a generation and my Sara is the one who does that. Are ya writing songs? I'm impressed and's a rare talent I hadn't heard that on the radio, but I'd heard of the Plain White Ts. It's a sweet song, do you think you need a pump to get it out of your head? Or, do you like it there?
Here's one I love, that I used to hear on the radio a lot. I heard it tonight during an interview with the artist. I'm not sure if it was an old interview, but they were talking about a new album that, as far as I can see at first blush, hasn't hit the net. But, I still love the song, "Sierra" by Boz Scaggs. I LOVE Nickelback! Thanks for posting that. Never really get to see videos on tv. Seems to me MTV used to play videos when I was a kid! lol.. never see that there now. My favorite Nickelback song is probably Animals. Or the song that is after it on the CD.. I can't think of the name, LOL
(he was in that last video as a RockStar), the 16th of August is the 30th anniversary of his last overdose. I'd like to know where you were when you heard he had died. If you don't want to tell us you boohooed, that's ok, just tell us the story. Tell me yours, and I'll tell you mine. OK, now I gotta figure out if the Wolf is in my head, or if it's just a coincedence. Today, I went out for brunch, and I heard "I Wanna Be a RockStar for the first time. I really dug it. Then, you dragged it in here. Now I'm really spooked. Thanks for letting me know what I was listening to.
Argomento: Re: A rare treat,these guys are musicians musicians
Jim Dandy: You're right about Rush. What else can be said?
Interesting to hear you have returned to heavy metal. I dismissed it years ago as just so much noise. Last spring, I started hanging out with a guy 17 years my junior, and after 10 days in a car with him, I became a devotee (or, is that devotee, I'm sure of it). The reason for this transformation was Queensryche - I love their music. I even bought a CD. The second reason as this band, Scatterbrain. I now own all three of their CDs. Epic was a great tune,it was one of the tunes turned me on to heavy metal again.This was another band that captured my imagination around that time
The song below is one of my favorite songs from when I was younger.... it's funny that I had never seen the video until about a month ago... on YouTube.
Anne's Song (posted below) was with their original singer, which they had I pretty good hit with "We Care A Lot"
Then in 1989, they got a new singer - new album, and made it "big time" on MTV and such - mostly with the song Epic
I can still sing along to all of these songs.... the Anne's Song is even on my MP3 player that travels with me everywhere.
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