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16. Dicembre 2007, 06:49:55
Argomento: Re: theme nite

16. Dicembre 2007, 21:08:16
The Col 
Argomento: Re: theme nite
goodfoods:This clip was recorded in 1975,but I think Duane Eddy makes the grade

17. Dicembre 2007, 00:22:13
Argomento: 1950s
OK, wind the clock back.  My grandparents sent this 45 rpm to me along with a whole box of Fleer Double Bubble when we lived in Pakistan.  This will flat take you back.  Sheb Wooley

17. Dicembre 2007, 00:26:01
Argomento: Re: 1950s
TexasToest: before my time but funny! Thanks for that 

17. Dicembre 2007, 00:35:24
The Col 
Argomento: Re: 1950s
TexasToest: ok,the Fleer company were clearly into marketing God's gift to bubblegum via the music arena.I remember getting a 45 of Glenn Campbell singing "True Gritt" along with the bucket of bg I bought at our local fair back in 69 or 70

17. Dicembre 2007, 00:44:30
Argomento: Re: 1950s
Ewe:  1958????  Umm.....yeah, prolly so.  Actually, it came out before 1958, because we came home in December of 1958.  There was a coup in Pakistan, and we weren't American government employees - no protection if all hail broke loose.  So, we skeedaddled.  Dad was finished with the pipeline, anyway.  We left Karachi in mid-November, and made it to San Antonio on Christmas day, 1958.  (That's a story in itself.).  Lemme just check the release date on that number.....OK, possible.  It was June of 1958.  

17. Dicembre 2007, 01:09:48
Argomento: Taj Mahal
Taj Mahal - I was looking for Taj's "Cajun Waltz", but YouTube came up short on this one.  But, I did find this, and it's timely.  If you live in Washington D.C., oh you bourgeois thang.  Bourgeois Blues

17. Dicembre 2007, 01:11:05
The Col 
Argomento: Indulge me while I get sentimental
This was so part of my Christmas tradition growing up

17. Dicembre 2007, 01:44:56
While I was looking for Taj, I kept running into Yanni at the Taj Mahal.  I did watch that video twice, and found this woman, Karen Briggs, on violin (fiddle) and she's quite a star.

This piece is a performance at the Acropolis.  I'm not a big fan of Yanni, but I do love fusion.  This embodies fusion, and is quite exciting to me.  It contains a violin duel between Briggs (the beautiful, passionate woman in red), and the conductor Shardad Rohani.  Karen Briggs gives me chills that start at the base of my spine and end at the top of my head. There is some stunning tribal percussion in this also.  Within Attraction

So, off I go looking for more Karen Briggs, and what do I find?  Karen Briggs, Bella Fleck (be still my beating heart) on the banjo and Stanley Clarke on bass.  A little improv

17. Dicembre 2007, 01:56:37
The Col 
Argomento: Re:
TexasToest: Didn't Yanni mary that chick from Gunsmoke?

17. Dicembre 2007, 02:02:30
I have never paid enough attention to him to know who he married.  Maybe he married a Beatle, I wouldn't know. 

Klaatu, interesting.  I haven't heard about them in a while.

17. Dicembre 2007, 05:27:58
Argomento: Re: theme nite
Jim Dandy: thanks Jim Dandy, that was a nice video clip of Duane Eddy, didyou check out hisclip of him playing his Grammy winning Peter Gunn theme?? an will always like his Rebel Rouser, if you like instrumental, you may also like the Safaris(Wipe Out), the Ventures(re-did Safaris Wipe Out, also played theme from Hawaii 5-O, and a bunch of other great stuff, how 'bout Booker T. & the MGs'(Green Onions, BootLeg) and some of the border instrumental from Herb Albert and the Tiajuana Brass( Lonely Bull, Tiajuana Taxi)

17. Dicembre 2007, 05:45:10
Argomento: Re: 1950s
TexasToest: thanks TT!that was great!! hadn't heard that one in a while!! you like those novelty songs you'd like Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini!!! or Wooly Bully or Lil Red Riding Hood!!

17. Dicembre 2007, 11:58:43
Modificato da MadMonkey (17. Dicembre 2007, 11:59:59)
A bit of fun
Something to cheer everyone up
Who remembers 'Capstick Comes Home' ??? (used in the old HOVIS advert on TV)


Sorry, can not find a video

18. Dicembre 2007, 15:03:19
The Col 

18. Dicembre 2007, 23:11:30
The Col 
Argomento: Great tune

I was a big T Rex fan,I think Marc was also a fan of the tune,as this one of his sounds very similar

19. Dicembre 2007, 03:33:13
Argomento: Thank you....
What lovely music to come home to after a grueling day.  Thank you, Dandy-Pie. 

I heard of a band I had never heard of before this morning on my way to work.  I'm going to be researching them the next few days, and I'll put something up for everybody.  Not only are they talented, their story is interesting.

19. Dicembre 2007, 04:37:24
The Col 
Argomento: Re: I see dead people
Modificato da The Col (19. Dicembre 2007, 04:51:40)
Here in NA they were known(to a small group of fans) as Angel City,everywhere else, The Angels,
killer band,especially the FACE TO FACE album

20. Dicembre 2007, 09:39:54
The Col 

22. Dicembre 2007, 01:34:50
The Col 
Argomento: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
He went on to co-produce many of U2's best selling albums

22. Dicembre 2007, 03:31:13
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Jim Dandy:  Do/did The Angels and Great White share any people? 

I always appreciated Brian Eno.  What's wrong with me then if everybody ignored him.

One band I'm enamored of this week is White Stripes.  It's a woman and a man who went to school together, and all the time they were in school, they talked and dreamed of forming a band when they graduated.  Well, they graduated, and they formed a band - a 2 person band.  She plays the drums, and he plays the guitar.  I intend to do some more research on them this weekend.  I'll put up more as I find it.

23. Dicembre 2007, 02:58:28
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Modificato da Nirvana (23. Dicembre 2007, 03:01:12)

White Stripes

Fell In Love with a Girl

23. Dicembre 2007, 03:21:17
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Nirvana:  Thanks, Nivana.  I'm looking for a particular song, though.  They, like so many bands, play in different styles.  

23. Dicembre 2007, 20:21:03
The Col 
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
TexasToest: The Great White involved in the infamous fire? not sure.
White Stripes had to grow on me,it took me awhile to adjust to the two piece concept.I like the tune that is featured in the video with the multiplying drum sets

23. Dicembre 2007, 20:26:19
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Jim Dandy:  I'm working on a piece that includes them.  But, as I told you, I'm not setting anything up on this site anymore, it just destroys my links, and blitzes my messages.  I posted some stuff last night, and it's not even here.  I might just post a link to, and you can enjoy it there.

23. Dicembre 2007, 20:31:20
The Col 
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
TexasToest: I don't understand fancy shmancy computerese "it just destroys my links, and blitzes my messages"

could you say that in simpleton speak

23. Dicembre 2007, 20:33:49
The Col 

25. Dicembre 2007, 03:29:14
Argomento: Happy Christmas

25. Dicembre 2007, 05:14:56
Merry Christmas Everybody! May you have all have a wonderful and joyous season!

25. Dicembre 2007, 11:15:15
Argomento: Thank God Its Xmas / Queen

25. Dicembre 2007, 18:45:22
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
TexasToest: The White Stripes is one of my favorite bands. They are odd but they're great performers. I saw them a couple of summers ago and that show ranks in my top 5 of all time.

I listen to all sorts of music, but I have 6 that I listen to consistently in the car: Antigone Rising, the White Stripes, the Pixies, Pink, the Beatles and the Dixie Chicks.

Here's Antigone Rising performing at Bonaroo:

26. Dicembre 2007, 04:26:00
Argomento: Re: Largely ignored by the mainstream,but pure genius
Jim Dandy:  I had spent all morning composing a message with links to pictures and some stories that meant something to me.  I wrote them using html in the plain text editor, and when I finished, and sent the message, I tested the links, and none of them worked.  That is destroying links. 

The reason it took me all morning to get the message done was that after I posted the message, it just disappeared.  So, I had to redo the thing, and send it again.  That is blitzing messages.  You know?

26. Dicembre 2007, 05:18:39
Argomento: Re: Disappearing messages and links.
TexasToest: That is really anoying when that happens especially after spending so much time on it.
That kept happening to me on tagworld so now I save everything before I post it.

26. Dicembre 2007, 05:22:35
Argomento: Merry Christmas.....
Jim Dandy:  I have loved that Cheech and Chong piece since the first year it arrived on the charts.  It's priceless.  Thank you.

:  That one's making the rounds this year.  It's really cute, though.  You gotta laugh.

:  Thanks for that little piece.  I think I've only heard that song once, and was surprised it even existed.  I don't personally know that I would say Thank God it's Christmas, but I'm sure there are those who feel that way.

nivabef:  We really appreciate your post, I don't believe we've heard much from you.  I'm with you in the Dixie Chicks, being from their town, and being a Texas chauvinist.  Antigone Rising, I have heard, but they don't seem to be on my radar much - not sure why.  I liked that piece, though.  They are really high energy.  

I hope to hear more of the White Stripes too, maybe I'll buy one of there 6 (?) CDs.  But, I loved them the first time I heard them.  There are some really interesting indies out there right now.  I'll be bringing some to the fore after all this holiday mess is over.  Thanks again - come often.

26. Dicembre 2007, 19:30:13
I would like to be removed as a mod here.....thank you!!

27. Dicembre 2007, 02:18:55
Argomento: Re:
Dolittle: You know I don't want to.  But, since you want me to, I will.  I hope you'll come see us from time to time, and don't forget where you're welcome.

27. Dicembre 2007, 07:09:03
Argomento: Almost Time To Say "Good Riddance" To "2007" :)

27. Dicembre 2007, 16:42:41
The Col 
Argomento: MSG

28. Dicembre 2007, 23:49:09
Argomento: Re: Almost Time To Say "Good Riddance" To "2007" :)
srnity:  Do you really believe that was a bedroom recording?  Love the song, though, and it's a propos for this time of year.

Jim Dandy:  Very good band, Armed and Ready.  I especially liked the percussion section. 

29. Dicembre 2007, 03:40:06
The Col 
Argomento: Re: Almost Time To Say "Good Riddance" To "2007" :)
TexasToest: Michael Shenker might be the most underrated guitarist in rock,those crowd shots always make me nervous,there always seems to be one woman determined to expose Gods work.This song always touches me,and the photos are beautiful

29. Dicembre 2007, 04:27:02
The Col 
Argomento: This band was always in the shadow of,and compared to Lynyrd Skynyrd
Logically I should feature a video of thenm in their prime,but I consider this to be a video of them at their best.Danny Joe Brown (the singer) had a stroke the year prior to this,he had also had the leave the band a varios times over the years due to diabetes.Sadly Danny Joe passed a few years ago,but if the love in this room doesn't touch you,you aint got a pulse.

29. Dicembre 2007, 06:17:50
The Col 

30. Dicembre 2007, 11:18:04

Wish i could find more songs with these guys!

31. Dicembre 2007, 00:49:52
The Col 
Argomento: I'll always have a soft spot for a performer who states he's posessed by Jimi Hendrix
That's what Frank Marino says,either way,he's a talented fellow

31. Dicembre 2007, 01:45:24
Argomento: The Weepies
Nobody Knows Me At All:

Gotta Have You:

31. Dicembre 2007, 04:57:13
Tai Shan - China sings to me all the time.  Before I die, I want to go there, and walk on the Great Wall.  If I could just do that, I would be happy.  7,000 steps.  Can you imagine?

Molly Hatchet - Oh yeah!  Fine stuff. But, Danny Joe was having his problems even during that performance.  That was hard on him, but he came through like the champ he was. thought you might like to know that I, for one, have a pulse.

Rare performance from Elvis.  He always surprises me, though.

Blue Moon of Kentucky - Ain't it fun when two, strikingly different, types of music meld into one, and it occurs to you that one begat the other?  I wish you could find more of them too, Andersp.  But, without a name....what's a person to do?  Write to the YouTube member who uploaded it?

Frank Marino - maybe he is!

nivabef - Want to tell us about the Weepies, and what they mean to you?

1. Gennaio 2008, 00:59:51
The Col 
Argomento: Happy New Year everyone!!!!

1. Gennaio 2008, 02:26:17

2. Gennaio 2008, 01:24:23
Argomento: Happy New Year
Hahaha!  Cute, Dandy-Pie.  You know I'm week for kitties.  I kept expecting the cat to give the performance two paws up.  Hahaha! 

I hope everyone has a prosperous and a healthy new year.  My best wishes for all of you.

2. Gennaio 2008, 10:55:20
The Col 

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