.This is how she learned of Time travel. Her college professor, Dolittle in physics was fabricating a time machine as a hobby that he believed wouldn't work. Heriot heard his theory's about it and then..
Skyking: arranged a meeting with her professor. He claimed he had exhausted all possibilities and agreed to hand over his notes to Heriot for the sum of.......
Snoopy: now being the year 2240, at 25 years of age, Heriot did not hesitate to take her professor up on the offer. The deal was done and she set off to her own study, papers in hand, when all of a sudden, who should she meet along the way...............................
Snoopy: picked up her papers, and then by chance noticed something stuck between 2 of the pages. As she took a closer look, she discovered it was a.............
Snoopy: Her professor was a very wise man so she came to the conclusion that 1. He had placed the key within his notes intentionally 2. He was unable to talk to her about it for reasons unknown.
She knew the reasons for secrecy would be what would lead her to the next clue
Snoopy: A faint watermark twinkled when she crumpled the page.. she flatened the sheet out and carefully studied behind the text.. It was a map of sorts with the direction Emblem tucked into the upper corner.
Snoopy: So she put the kettle on and made herself a cup of tea and sat down at the table staring at the map deep in thought. Very soon she had dozed off dreaming of what was to come.
Mousetrap: Flying ships and slapping sails. Hooks on Pirates and black patches. Clouds of whisp white cotton. And boxes of treasure. Gold sparkles and twinkling jewels. And just as a bubble floating playfully from the lips of a child. POP! The water whistled as the steam fluttered from the spout.
Heriot Juston wasn't a student of poetry but she had to involve a friend who might know who wrote this poem. So she asked a Guy named Peter Hern who was majoring in Literature....
Hariot had to offer him passage on her time machine if she ever figured it out. The professor would be furious. She decided without no one elses help she would figure this out herself...
pulling out the Thursday flyers, and bills.. suddenly an offwhite envelope drops to the floor.. HMmm?? no return address, she thinks to herself as she slips her finger along the seal to pop it open..
Slipping out the card snuggly fit inside she smiles as she reads.. "Your are cordially invited!" and hurridley she opens it to find.. "To attend The IYT annual Picnic located at the IYT Town Amusement Park" scanning quickly over the details she runs back towards her home.. to arrange the travel arrangements and dates her calendar.. WOw.. that is this weekend!!
She calls in her reservations and prepares her bags to leave..
Later that evening she arrives at the IYT Town Hotel and checks in.. Looking around the lobby to see if she recognizes anyone..
Date: 06/22/03, 11:34
Subject: ... Cochise finds a message left on
his machine... ... Damn, the message is 3 days old... He quickly informs his first mate that he will be away for the weekend and that he is to retrive the longlines on his own... Only have time to pack a dufflebag and will pick up anything needed when I arrive... A quick look around proves that packing should be done slowly as he picks up the almost forgotten pipe...
From: §Erika (Erika)
Date: 06/22/03, 12:11
Subject: One question.. are there
'coasters?.. ..and how long are the lines? (okay, that's two questions, but from my town of Nobody Cracked Here, that's alright.) :)
Date: 06/22/03, 12:34
Subject: ... Upon entry...
... Cochise spends almost 3 hours at the airport checkin while trying to explain the white powder in the pipe... After a quick call to the reservation he gets the results that he was waiting for... Damn uninformed airport police, Oh well ... Off to the hotel and a much needed nap...
From: Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/22/03, 13:20
Subject: Raven checks in on her message board and finds the invitation to the iyt event. Dang i hope im not too late! Running into the lobby, I see most everyone is still by the pool, only most of them are burnt to a crisp and sipping brightly colored drinks with funny umbrellas in them. Oh well, I have some serious making up to do. Barkeep! i will have a Sour Apple Martini please and get the next one ready, this one wont take long to drink! Hi everyone! welcome back cathy, how was the trip?
From: §Foxy Lady(proud member of the ES Mob) (Foxy Lady)
Date: 06/22/03, 13:49
Subject: Ok Cathy i'm here i got your
invite Did i miss it all or are you all in the ER burnt to a crisp?
From: §Big Bad Wolf ²ººº at the beach party (silverbullet111)
Date: 06/22/03, 13:56
Subject: Sneaks over to the beach nearby
.............. Wow lQQk at all the bikini babes :P SURFS UP
Date: 06/22/03, 14:24
Subject: ... Ok OK!!!
... I'm here, now where is my room??? cochise runs past all the people wanting to see if he brought the pipe and hides in the elevator... Damn, If I don't get some rest I'll pass out in front of everyone...
out of her room... and heads down to the pool reaching the patio she quickly heads over to the barmaid placing her order for a Long Island..
Sipping slowly on her refreshment she glances around.. mingling through the crowd.. first passing Foxy and
recalling that date to be her last wedding date.. adding that must be a popular date.. *giggle*.. after short convo Raven stops over.. I had a lovely vacation.. just wish I could have visited more with a Special person.. adding that Erika and her family were very nice and is definately like a sister she never had.. I also was able to meet up with my oldest daughter and her special someone.. before returning home.. It was the most memorable vacation I have ever had the pleasure of taking.. True, real.. down to earth meetings.. How is your summer treating you?? Any vacations in the near future for you?.. Glancing more around the pool and noticing Erika, Excuse me.. I am being called from the other side.. perhaps we can catch up more after a bit..
Cathy steps over to Erika.. announcing the RollerCoaster she noticed from the cab on the way to the Hotel.. including the camcorder is all set and ready to catch the expressions from those who dare to ride it.. LOL..
Soon the barmaid walks over handing Cathy another Long Island.. she quickly gulps down the rest of the first one.. feeling a bit light headed in a good way..
HMmmm.. wonder who all will be here?? Glancing more around the patio..
From: §Erika (Erika)
Date: 06/22/03, 16:09
Subject: oooooooohh no ya don't..
Erika instructs one of the kids to remove the battery from the camcorder, as Erika's had enuf pics taken for the next 5 yrs. (!!!) The lil' one gives Erika the camera battery, without Cathy noticing, Erika runs inside, hits the elevator button, and notices some passed out Indian Chief riding up and down in the elevator, with nobody else present. "Oh well" she thinks to herself.. wonder if he'll notice that i've exchanged this battery for that intriguing looking white powder.
Erika then begins to walk back outside, anxious to ride the coasters, when she hears somebody yelling "WHERE'S MY PINK LIGHTER???!!!" Whoops, she makes a 180, hoping nobody notices..
mingling with everyone.. realizing that Erika has the whole night ahead of her to wait out.. Since the trip to IYT TOWN Amusement.. doesn't begin til Tomorrow!! LOL
Where is that battery from my camera.. Hmmm.. good thing I brought spares..
From: Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/23/03, 08:39
Subject: Raven is now on her 3rd Martini and feeling mello. Thats good that you had a nice trip, cathy. When my children were young, road trips were the best thing for them. they got to see a different place almost every day and didnt get bored. we would drive during the night when they were asleep in the back seat, so we didnt hear alot of "are we there yet". lol I did go on a vacation to boston just last week to visit my daughter and i plan another in august to the deep south to visit relatives. I bet it was nice to see your daughter again, i know how hard it is having them away from home. Man its getting hot out here, im going for a dip, talk to you later. Raven takes out one of the rafts with the drink holders in it and lays down on the water to soak up the afternoon sun.
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 09:45
Subject: The Princess finally
arrives... ...she looks around very nervously hoping to get aquainted with everyone here...hmmmmmm feeling thirsty-i need a drink! 0:-)
Date: 06/23/03, 09:54
Subject: ... One long island iced tea comming up...
... Cochise ,now refreashed decides to help out the hotel by serving drinks...
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 10:07
Subject: Long Island iced tea? mmmmm yummy!
Princess starts sipping on the "iced tea" very slowly...very satisfied,her mouth is no longer dry..thanks cochise! its very nice of you to help out!
before I go get freshened up for the BBQ.. Sneaking a baby carrot from the veggie dish as I pass by.. Okay.. so I took 5.. LOL
From: §Goddess of Oak and Thunder (keista)
Date: 06/23/03, 12:06
Subject: As always, I prepared a wide assortment of goodies.........
.....We have of course, my famous CUCUMBER SALAD, fresh fruit salad picked this morning from the garden, mushroom caps stuffed with lobster, crab cakes, and what party would be complete without "pigs in a blanket"?
Today's main course will include grilled T-bones, lamb kabobs, and fresh steamers flown in from LI Sound. (don't forget to pull those condoms off!)
Ok everybody, don't get frostbite jumping into the pool. With all the rain we've been having, it's quite chilly!
Emerging from the water quickly.. OOOOOOHhhh COLD!!!!! Moving arms around to keep warm.. It's a bit nipply in here! *giggle*.. reaching for the beach ball floating past.. Where are all the stud muffins..!! I might need some warming up later.. *giggle*
From:§Erika (Erika)
Date: 06/23/03, 13:10
Subject: Over there!..
The studs are giving CPR to the scared women getting off the coasters. (I bet you'll ride now, won't ya?)..(the coasters, of course!)
There's a medicine man over there too.. seems to appear similar to that chief who had been passed out in the elevator. He has some good stuff in that pipe of his! :)
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 13:23
Subject: brrrrrrrr...t t t teeth ch chchattering..n/m
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 13:45
Subject: hey cathy... would you mind introducing me to your friend erika? it looks like shes having a ball!....and she knows where all the stud muffins are! hee hee
Subject: Cathy steps out of the pool.. all burnt to a crisp.. Well.. I best be
getting upstairs and freshen up for the bbq... See ya all really soon! :)
Entering the hallway from the elevator on her floor.. Cathy slips her hand into her bag and fumbles for the key.. *thump!!*.. A startling noise quiets her.. as she stands stiffly, not moving a muscle.. *GASP!!*
*ARGH* (She shuffles and kicks, hands over her mouth.. and firm arms hold her tightly.... she drops her key)
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 18:21
Subject: Ooooooooooo coasters!
Yes!... appetizers look yummy! i think i'll have some!
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 18:24
Subject: hmmm..I wonder where cathy disappeared to..
From: Paranoia Promoter
Date: 06/23/03, 18:56
Subject: Mission one complete, meanwhile
another shadowy figure moves slowly as not to draw attention to himself. He is holding a medium sized black bag in his hand. Reaching his destination, he takes one last look around to make sure he is not being watched then he slips quickly into the small wooden door under the roller coaster ride. Reaching into the bag he removes the small flashlight. making his way to the center of the space he finds what he is searching for..... a little snip here, a little snip there and it will be done.
From: bwildman (bwildman)
Date: 06/23/03, 21:51
Subject: LOOK-OUT!!!!!!!
I screamed..shaking my fist at the elderly couple who had pulled in front of the barely legal four wheel drive pick up.Damn Sunday
drivers!!!! Man,I should have left yesterday...but no....had to stay and tune those poor girls engines before I left.*chuckle* I wonder what they have to pay for those skimpy bikini's? OH NO!!!!!missed the exit!!! oh well,I'll just cut through here.. Taking out a rather large section of chain link fence and several small trees..the big off roader finally found itself in the parking lot of the hotel. The Wildman says to himself"I made it!" and walks up to the office.
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 22:32
Subject: Princess happened to be in the lobby when...
she noticed the wildman checking in..she walks up to greet him-hello B! its about time you got here-it looks to me like you could use some fun & relaxation!
From: bwildman (bwildman)
Date: 06/23/03, 22:54
Subject: Fun and relaxation? hehehe
Thats my middle name!!! Princess...your a sight for sore eyes! Come here and give me a big hug! Dropping the bags he was carrying,the Wildman wraps an arm around Princess and pulls her close for a little more than friendly kiss.Quicky remembering his manners he sets her down gently,and says... Princess, I need a drink!..but first I need to find my room and freshen up a bit.....
all warm and fuzzy inside catches her breathe...so,B-would you like to come to my room for some *ahumm* <clearing throat>some drinks after you freshen up?
From: bwildman(bwildman)
Date: 06/23/03, 23:26
Subject: Wondering about the grass skirt
hanging from the motionless ceiling fan,the Wildman looks down at Princess and says... Thats a mighty temting offer Princess,but first lets meet at the bar so I can say hello to everyone. Then with a wink,says.. Then lets see what happens.....
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/23/03, 23:40
Subject: ...but of coarse!...
princess then looks up at the grass skirt hanging...first confused,then bursts out laughing,remembering seeing a man who resembled the chief wearing it earlier...
Subject: Sitting tied in the darkness.. a door slowly creeks open..
casting a silouette in the doorway.. blinking her eyes due to the brightness after being in the dark for several hours.. Cathy mumbles a bit through the gag that has been tightly wrapped around her head.. her wrists hurt from the rope that keeps her bound.. as she struggles to try and losen its constricting ways.. mumbling again a bit louder to the figure.. wwa oo ewww waann ummm eee.. ??
He slips back out closing the door behind him..
Cathy remains silent.. nervous of the outcome.. as she sits motionless she hears some laughter coming from another area.. It sounded like B.. Hmmm??? and the Princess..
From: §Ange£(LEADER:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)
Date: 06/24/03, 07:29
Subject: ;)...big bucks
the skimpier the kini...the more they cost:) believe me i know:) now get that pickemup truck off the lawn before the chief catches ya:)
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/24/03, 08:20
Subject: princess turns to B..and says wait!
shhhhhhh... did you hear that? i couldnt make out what the first noise was,but the second one was a door closing shut...im starting to get a bad feeling,B-i must run & tell the others...princess then runs toward the elevator,thinking to herself,hmmm-i still havent seen cathy around...
Where is everyone.. you all are suppose to be at a barbecue by now.. mingling.. having fun.. Heck.. even by best friend ahem!! Erika.. hasn't noticed that I am not around.. LOL... I guess you all like it that way since I won't be talking as much!! LMCOA!!!
Pardon me.. Michael.. or hey! Ricky!! CYD!! if you are here.. or someone just reading that wants to join in.. We need a detective.. I need to be rescued so that I can go to the barbecue.. and then to the amusement park so that I can distract Erika and who ever else was gonna ride the rollercoaster.. !!
Okay a few mins break so I can get some coffee going.. and let my hands rest from that stupid rope tied around my hands.. To whomever it is.. can you please not tie me up as tightly!!
From: §Erika (Erika)
Date: 06/24/03, 08:52
Subject: LOL I didn't say anything about you missing.. ..cuz we're still recovering from being awakened with singing here. ;) (okay, now i'm really confusing things.)
Let the caffiene absorb first, then i'll add on. But know that i'm IMpatiently waiting for the coasters to come into this story line! ;)
From: bwildman (bwildman)
Date: 06/24/03, 08:56
Subject: Holy Sh*t......
I'm sorry,guess I didn't read the back of the invitation!! LOL
Our newcomer Princess was able to notice I wasn't around.. see.. she cares for me.. *folding arms over breast, snubbing nose up in the air, tapping right foot* ahem!! LOL
(Seeing Princess walk back over with coffee).. Well.. hey there Girlfriend.. *smiling, and turning to her.. letting arms drop.. and sipping on coffee.. You are doing such a fine job..*
*Big Grin*
From: §Erika (Erika)
Date: 06/24/03, 09:30
Subject: *Erika kicks gate fence*..
..as she waits for the coaster rides to open. She sees two figures, dressed in dark clothing doing something to the cables on one of the rides.
Erika runs back to the party and informs the guests that something strange is going on at the park. She then (FINALLY!) notices that her dear, singing friend Cathy is missing.
"Has anyone seen Cathy?" Erika panics.. and runs back to the amusement park..
i found a HOT PINK coconut bra over here in the bushes....hmmmmm...lQQks like the one Cathy had on...*wonders what she was doin over here???hehehe...lQQkin up at the coaster I wonder why it is swayin so badly...and noises...skreeeeeeee....skreeeeech...i musta had one to many drinks or is it for real...as I hurrily move away from the coaster...I hear another noise....sounds like someone sobbin and screamin....*wwa oo ewww waann ummm eee*....it sounds familar....I need to find the person in trouble but just as I approach the door under the coaster.....SNAP....one of the guide wires holdin the coaster breaks...I run for help in a paniced state.....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....HELP! HELP!
{*see I noticed*....hehehehe....now im in the clear:)}
Subject: princess runs outside to look for the others...
she notices Angel running with her arms waving up in the air screaming at the top of her lungs,so she runs toward Angel and asks "whats all the commotion?" where is everybody? did they all go on the coaster? just then,she looks over at the coaster & notices something VERY WRONG...OH MY GOD!
From: §Ange£(LEADERofdaPacK:þ)²ººº (AngelKisses)
Date: 06/24/03, 13:20
Subject: shhhhhh....remember you have been bound and gagged....wow...kinda kinky....u go gurl:)roflmcao:)
From: Paranoia Promoter
Date: 06/24/03, 17:02
Subject: Standing in the shadows he watches as people board the roller
coaster. after the ride runs for a few minutes the wires will begin to snap. He watches
carefully to see if his target has boarded the ride. Suddenly to the far side of the coaster, he hears a piercing scream and yelling. What is happening? Dang, someone has noticed the first wire snapping and is warning people not to ride the coaster! the plan foiled, the stranger disappears into the night to begin preparations on plan B. He thinks to himself he still has phase I to deal with. off to the hotel to see how the hostage is doing....
Subject: Faint screaming is heard in a distance.. Unsure of the time of day, and feeling a bit weak
due to hunger.. Cathy quietly sits.... her wrists raw due to the rope.. arms a bit achy since she has tried to rub her arms against the sharp corner of the night stand next to her... to undo the rope.. if only she could find something a bit sharper to work with..
The room remains pitch black.. and the scampering of feet drift past the door, with a chuckling sound now and then.. If only she didn't have this cloth gag..
She hears some pacing in the hallway.. heavy steps coming towards the door.. then hears the handle slowly turning..
This is where my mystery man has a chance to come save me.. so that I can give him a big kiss.. and a hug.. and still make it over to the amusement park so I don't miss any action
From: Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/24/03, 17:33
Subject: walking back to her room
Raven walks past a door and she hears a strange grunting sound coming from within. She notices that the room number is 666. with a shy smile she wonders to herself what they are doing in that room. She is concerned that Cathy has not returned to the BBQ. Deciding to check on her, Raven turns to go to the elevator that will take her to Cathy's room to see what is keeping her. As she turns to there is a loud crash in room 666. concerned that someone may be hurt, she boards the elevator and goes to the lobby to report the crash. At the front desk, Raven tells the clerk of the noises she hears from the room. The clerk returns a blank stare to Raven. "Miss" the clerk says "We have no room 666 in this hotel".....
Date: 06/24/03, 17:34
Subject: ... Apache comes out of the elevator followed closely by Goddess...
... Not that is just what I needed, but hey!!! Where did everybody go??? Just like IYT pals to take off without me, oh well let's go ck out the amusement park... Goddess nods and stumbles slightly as she needs to find her land legs again...
From: Studd Muffinz Hero At Your Service (itikrrup)
Date: 06/24/03, 17:58
Subject: Twisting the knob.. and pushing lightly..
... on the door.. The tall bulky masculine Studd Muffin enters the room.. Hearing a slight frightened pant coming from accross the suite.. He reaches over and flicks on the light..
Instantly he melts seeing such a beautiful sight, bound and gagged.. *thinking to himself - Wow!! What I could do with a girl that couldn't talk!! LOL His nasty thoughts suddenly flash back into his back mind.. and paces over to where the frightened lady awaits..
He reaches down.. lifting her in one swoop!! LMCAO!!! and carries her over to the bed..
Rolling her on her stomache.. he reaches down to her tiny hands.. letting his fingers sweep over her skin.. and stops at the rope.. untieing it in a quick manner.. freeing Miss Cathy..
He hears her sultery voice.. as she gratefully asks how she can ever repay him.. LOL
Not a worry little Miss.. the pleasure was mine.. and with those words.. he quickly lashes out of the room..
Finally arising from the bed.. she quickly runs to the door.. stopping to pick up the tiny paper card on the floor.. On it read..
Muffinz Hero -- At Your Service No Job too big.. No Job too small.. I come prepared for anything!!! 1-800-MeS-tudd
Pushing the card down into her shorts and grabbing a towel to cover her top half *I will have to thank him later, she thinks to herself* She quickly runs out into the hall.. almost running smack into the Chief and Goddess.. WHoa!! How ya doing there?? She asks.. feeling a bit more safe.. What time is it?? ... I have to hurry..
Date: 06/24/03, 18:19
Subject: ... Woah down there little one...
... Were just looking to find the party... I'm hungry and Goddess wants a ride before they shut down for the night... Why the heck are you sooo pale, are you sick or drunk??? Calm down and we will help you... Surely the party is not out of control just because we took a a a Breather, yeah thats it...
From: Paranoia Promoter(raven1111)
Date: 06/24/03, 18:56
Subject: Alarmed at the statement of the desk clerk
Raven reboards the elevator and pushes the button for the Sixth floor. Dashing out of the elevator she runs down the hall to where she saw room 666. 660, 662, 664, 668 she comes to the end of the hall. retracing her steps she checks the doors on the opposite side of the hall 661, 663, 665, 667 again the end of the hall. this is strange, there is no room 666. could this all have been a dream? reboarding the elevator she decides to go up to Cathy's room to check on her anyway. the elevator doors open and Raven steps out just in time to see Cathy disappear into her room... she is topless! oh dear what has that girl been up to.......
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/24/03, 20:01
Subject: shrugging her shoulders raven gets back into the elevator and goes back down to her room and changes for the BBQ. Dressed in sleek black slacks and deep cut teal silk blouse, Raven makes her way to the Courtyard where the BBQ is already in progress. Hello everyone, I will have a sour apple martini please. Do i see ribs? oh boy i will need a bib for those! lol
From:§Goddess of Oak and Thunder(keista)
Date: 06/24/03, 20:05
Subject: Hey, Chief, let's see if anyone's at the bar while we.......
.....wait for Cathy to get decent, and Raven to get her booty back down here. Besides, I need some liquid courage for those rides.
Entering the bar, Chief and Goddess don't recognize a single face.....Strange, isn't this where we were all supposed to meet? I don't even see Mikey or Erika. They never miss a good party!
Date: 06/24/03, 20:33
Subject: No, we don't ever miss a good party.. Unfortunately Mike and Erika are still running thru the park, looking for Cathy.. since nobody told us she was rescued. Would somebody please send Life-Flight.. Mike and Erika are hyperventilating! ;)
From:§Foxy Lady(proud member of the ES Mob) ((Foxy Lady)
Date: 06/24/03, 20:39
Subject: Nurse Foxy to the rescue with small paper bags breath into the bags,and you'll get your breath back to normal.....Geez can't leave you goes alone one minute.Ok party time.
Subject: OOOooOoPpppSS!!! hahahaha.. OHhhhh sorry.. Wait!! Wait!! I got a business card from a Studd!~!! OMG!! LOL.... I gotta peee!!!!!!!! Hold on!!!!
Date: 06/24/03, 20:53
Subject: princess see's that things are starting to... calm down a bit,but the fact that there are people on the coaster still worries her...and where is erika? she's been dying to get on that coaster all day! princess then starts walking slowly back to the hotel with her head down..she feels a shiver go down her spine & begins to walk a little faster..feeling thirsty-i think i'll go to the bar when i get to the hotel & hopefully i'll see some familiar faces...
From:Studd Muffinz Hero At Your Service (itikrrup)
Date: 06/24/03, 20:56
Subject: Running up to Erika..grabbing her suddenly.. Placing Cupped hands over her lips... BREATHE BABY BREATHE!!!
Subject: Cathy hurridly with jitters from being alone.. slips into her room.. fumbles in her suitcase.. gathers up her white eyelet blouce.. along with her black leather skirt.. and hops into the bathroom for a quick shower and change..
15 mins later.. after fluffing her hair dry she makes her way cautiously to the back patio of the Hotel where the bbq is.. hearing laughter come from the bar she slips in
ordering up a Long Island and spots Chief and Goddess.. along with Raven.. wow!! What a beautiful teal blouce she has.. I must ask her where she found it.. thinking to herself.. as she confronts the table for dinner.. As she arrives.. she inquires on the where abouts of Erika.. wondering if she had slipped on to the Amusement park for the early bird Event.. being held.. Looking over at the wall spoting the clock.. she quickly realizes that the amusement park would have closed just mins before.. and decides to patiently wait for her arrival.. as she starts to take a seat.. her chair is slipped out for her.. by a set of strong arms.. she lets her eyes follow the masculine curves and sexy viens leading up to a pair of Hazel eyes set in a warm face framed by dark golden hair.. OHhhhhh Wow!! You made it she screams with delite..
Date: 06/24/03, 21:27
Subject: Excuse me!!!.. I believe rescuing Erika and Mike is more important than your urge to pee! LOL
Thanks Foxy and Stud Muffinz.. Erika, still dazed from collapsing from heat
exhaustion and hyperventilation, walks back to the party. "We must still find out who's responsible for trying to harm us on the coasters.." While the others are busy socializing, Erika begins investigating..
From:bwildman (bwildman)
Date: 06/24/03, 21:44
Subject: Still looking over the invitation he recieved...the Wildman still can't find that fine print!!!!!! LOL:)
Subject: What fine print, B?? *fluttering lashes* You snuck up on me.. When did you get here? *sassy smile*
Date: 06/24/03, 23:04
Subject: princess walks in the hotel and... goes straight to the bar...with big relief,she see's the gang is there safe & sound...hello everybody! barmaid,may i please get a long island?
Date: 06/24/03, 23:10
Subject: suddenly princess feels these big... strong hands covering her eyes from behind her...hmmmm-i wonder who it could be..
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/25/03, 06:08
Subject: He opens the door to room 666 and goes inside to claim his prize. after switching on the light, he is startled to see untied ropes laying where his prize used to be. Rage wells in him, foiled again. But how could anyone have found this room? mear mortals cannot see this room. There must be another force at work in this hotel. He must find out who else, from the world, is here......
Subject: *Jingle* We interrupt this program with a word from our sponcer *jingle* Are you restless.. can't sleep.. tossing and turning..? Do you find yourself wandering the halls at night..? You may be suffering from "Laka Nukie".. Through endless research, and worthless studies we have learned that over 43% of the worlds adult population suffer from this inconvenience..
It is our goal at Dupoint Ancum to satisfy our consumers.. Our products we offer will tantilize your every desire and urge..
Call today for our catalog and start BEATING "Laka Nukie"
Don't waste another minute.. Life is HARD enough.. 1-800-GOF-ORIT
From: Commercialz R Us (greeniz)
Date: 06/25/03, 08:57
Subject: **PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT** In a recent study, it has been found that people with the name CYD are 10 times more likely to pass gas in cars than other people. The study also shows that people with the name CYD pass gas in elevators and other confined spaces just as often.
Quick fact! 7/5th of all people don't understand fractions.
From: Commercialz R Us (greeniz)
Date: 06/25/03, 09:03
Subject: *Classified* A Public Service Offering TurboSearch Search Engine Results
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From: Commercialz R Us (greeniz)
Date: 06/25/03, 09:07
Subject: Library Billing Notice Borrower Name: APACHE CHIEF OF THE MESCALAROS
Overdue Books:
UFO Sightings (04/03/1993) Cost of Book: $25
Basics Of Tai Chi (04/03/1993) Cost of Book: $17
Aircraft of WWII (04/03/1993) Cost of Book: $34
How to Fart in Public (10/30/1993) Cost of Book: $45
Gone with the Wind (10/30/1993) Cost of Book $53
------------------------------------------ Total Cost of Books: $174 Late Fees: $330 ------------------------------------------
Total Fee: $504
From: Commercialz R Us
Date: 06/25/03, 09:17
Subject: Today's Sponcer ---- Studd Muffinz Hero -- At Your Service No Job too big.. No Job too small.. I come prepared for anything!!! 1-800-MeS-tudd
closing with theme song...
Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run
and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me cry? And would you save my soul, tonight?
Would you tremble if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this. Now would you die for the one you loved? Hold me in your arms, tonight.
I can be your hero, baby. I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever.
Today's "Sponsor" needs to invest in a spell-checker. ;)
Now back to the story.. Has Cathy found her top? What's Erika investigating? Who knocked Cochise into the pool? What's Raven up to? And most importantly.. can we ride the coasters yet??
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/25/03, 11:36
Subject: sipping her martini raven walks over to goddess and cochise. Hi guys, you both look well for being on a shark boat all week. did you get anything good? seeing Cathy come in, Raven motions for her to come over and join them. I got this blouce at bloomingdales, pure silk. definately the wrong choice for a bbq. lol what kept you so long?
From: §"green eyes" (emaryjo)
Date: 06/25/03, 11:41
Subject: this story is so good.. I have my popcorn and diet coke, continue please! n/m
Date: 06/25/03, 12:12
Subject: princess turns around to see... who is standing behind her..SLAP!!!YOU JERK! How dare you touch me! I dont even know you! Go away! she then turns to raven and says "nice blouse"-be careful you dont get any bbq sauce on it..oh,hello cathy! where were you?
Subject: It's just simply beautiful Raven.. the color goes nicely as well.. Of course I always was found of Teal.. Why Princess it is so good to run into you again.. I know you have met Erika, Have you met Raven?? Raven, this is Princess she is a new face around here.. Cathy notices Erika out of breath and walking towards the table.. "Hey Girl!! Did you get to go over to the Pre Opening at the Amusement Park?? Motioning the waiter for another couple of chairs.. After everyone settled a bit.. Cathy begins explaining her brief abduction making sure to warn everyone to be careful and watch their backs.. going on to tell about the figure she wasn't able to recognize.. and her
confined treatment.. as well as the Man who came in to save her.. remembering the business card.. she reaches into her pocket to let the others see..
Date: 06/25/03, 17:39
Subject: likewise,cathy-yes,i have... met erika (wondering why she's out of breath)hello raven..its a pleasure to meet you! listening to cathys abduction story,princess feels that shiver going down her spine again..I KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING STRANGE GOING ON HERE!! turning to cochise & goddess,princess asks,have you two noticed anything suspicious??
Date: 06/25/03, 17:51
Subject: ... Suspicious??? ... Well the bed wasn't turned down in our room, there was no mint on the pillow and, Oh yeah, there was a stranger trying to get in a room without a key down the hall from us... Other than that, Not a thing....
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/25/03, 18:10
Subject: a mint on a pillow? you got a pillow? I had to bring my own! thank you all for the compliment on the blouse. I just love the color teal also. Nice to meet you Princess, hope your stay here at iyt is a pleasant one. What are you drinking tonight? Talk about suspicious events. I was walking down the hall before and i heard strange noises coming from one of the rooms. Naturally i assumed it was chief and goddess's room (they are always at it) I went downstairs for a few minutes and when i got back the room had disappeared! now that is strange. Cathy do you have any idea what the room looked like? do you know why anyone would be after you? Did you bring something valuable back from your road trip that they might have been after? Raven orders another martini and a round of drinks for the table.....
Subject: Just brought my smile.. and a small suitcase.. OH!! and I brought my silver unicorn.. it is my goodluck charm.. I don't know why I was the target.. perhaps I was used as a warning.. I don't know.. but, as far as the room.. well.. it was pitch black.. I don't even think there was a window.. I thought for sure I had been in there for hours.. actually I thought it had been at least a day.. when I left the pool.. I was going to go up and get ready for the bbq.. which now.. I see I didn't miss.. so odd it is.. it's as if time stood still.. or just didn't even pass.. Anyway.. the only thing I saw.. was a tall figure.. wearing a hood.. he came up from behind me.. and grabbed me.. breaking the string off my bikini top.. wrapped his cloak around me.. and carried me off.. I didn't even see where I was going!!.. There was a faint smell though to him.. similar to smoke.. as if he had been around a fire or something.. Hmmm?? he tied me up with rope.. and I was left sitting on the floor.. I only remember someone entering the doorway one time.. other than at the end.. when that STudd Muffin came in to rescue me.. I just wanted to make sure to warn everyone cause.. I don't think it was just me.. he was after.. I think he was doing it as a warning.. simply because.. noone was really guarding the room..
Looking around the table Cathy sees the concerned looks of all her friends.. concerned.. yet looks of caution and uneasiness..
Well.. I am hungry.. I think I will go up to the buffet.. would anyone else care to join me in line?
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/26/03, 08:33
Subject: good luck charm? a small silver unicorn you say? I have read that unicorns have magical properties. In combination with certain people's auras in the right location, they can summon forces from the magical dimention. Cathy I think we need to consult a psychic on this. You may have opened a door to that world. There is both good and evil there. no one is safe as long as that door is open. That would explain the mysterious room you were held in and the happenings over at the coaster ride! I need another martini
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/26/03, 10:12
Subject: Raven turns to goddess goddess, i hear you have some magical powers yourself. do have any feelings on this theory? Raven motions to the bartender to serve another round of drinks for the table and leans close to goddess to hear her answer. meanwhile Cathy returns to the table with a heaping plate of BBQ fixings. Oh thanks Cathy, raven says as she reaches over and helps herself to a huge rack of ribs on the top of the plate.
Subject: So perhaps you suggests a Seance.. Hmmm.. I remember seeing a Ouiji Board in the gift shop window in the Hotel lobby.. it was a rather fancy one, Cathy states in a matter of fact way... like a home made one, she concludes.. Hmmm.. ?? This is eerie... and spooky.. But I am up for it, Cathy goes on.. I am ready for any challenge.. or obstacle that comes my way!!.. *looking around the table*.. (getting a bit sentimental as well).. cause I want to rid this terror before it hurts any one of my friends.. *sniff*.. I need another Long Island Miss.. Cathy softly suggests to the barmaid.. Oh!! And a shot of Cuevo Gold.. with a wedge of lime.. *smile*.. UMmmmmmm these Ribs look delish!! (she picks one up and starts to nibble..)
From:§Goddess of Oak and Thunder(keista)
Date: 06/26/03, 14:02
Subject: Cathy, that's a great idea....... ....the seance, I mean (not the ribs or the tea lol) But be very cautious. All it takes is for one member of the circle to open the evil floodgates. Then we'll have even more serious problems! All those in the circle must be pure of thought and conscience at the time of the seance. I really don't want to have to clean up after someones carelessness. Remember that incident at Cucumber Creek? Sheesh, what a mess!
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/26/03, 14:12
Subject: Cathy have you ever had
Trantula Azule? it is the best tasting Tequilla ive ever had. much smoother than cuervo. has a little citrus flavor to it. goes down nice.
From:Paranoia Promoter (raven1111)
Date: 06/26/03, 14:16
Subject: Madame Goddess the great southern psycic<span> When will you conduct the seance? tonight after the bbq? I know you are staying in room 664, so that would be the ideal place to conduct it, close to the portal. I went to confession this morning, so i am good to go! I will just sit here and stuff my face off cathy's plate and be good until it is time. lol
Subject: Cathy finishes her ribs.. and stabs a bit at the potatoe salad.. Noticing the brownies that Erika has piled on her plate.. she quickly diverts Erika's attention to the man walking past the pool.. a quickly grabs 3 of the brownies off the plate hoping they go unnoticed.. and slips both Raven and Princess each a chocolate treat.. :D..
After secretly eating it.. she lights up a smoke.. Inhales... and takes a sip of the Long Island that is a bit watered down.. Well.. I guess I should run up to my room.. and get prepared for the meeting tonight.. Shall I meet you there
Goddess.. say.. around.. 9 ish.. ?? Slipping on to the elevator.. she awaits the doors to open to her floor.. stepping out.. she runs into the arms of....Whoa!! There you are.. when did you get here??
Date: 06/26/03, 19:07
Subject: Hey!!!.. Who took my brownies?.. Message: Dumb question, i know who took them! (See if i EVER share my baby carrots with her again!) (LOL)
sidenote: Erika politely inquires as to why we're having a seance, when we haven't even had a chance to ride the coasters yet? I WANNA RIDE!!! (okay, i feel better now.) :)
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/26/03, 19:09
Subject: I should go get prepared also... I love seances...kinda spooky though..the ribs were delicious! and so was that "chocolate treat"-hehe...ok,so i'll see everyone in a bit! princess gets up & heads toward her room...
Subject: Well I still dont see any additional directions on this invitatation...I might as well go on down and see who's here. As he steps out of his hotel room and rounds the corner to go down stairs..the Wildman runs smack into Princess..knocking her flat on her tush.. OMG ! Princess!! Please excuse me!! Here let me help you up!!
Subject: *CrUnCh~cRuNcH* (pardon.. I am eating baby carrots) *CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH* What str~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~uctions you need there B?? *CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH*
Seance is tonight.. *CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH*, and IYT Town Amusement Park Grand Opening is Tomorrow..
Hope to see you at the Seance.. I see you are busy though.. ahem..
Subject: *CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH* Sorry couldn't hear ya Erika..*CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~ CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~ CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH*
Did you say something like.. Jumping RW's Bonez..? *CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH~CrUnCh~cRuNcH*
Oh.. I got it.. Does RW have Stones?? as in Kidney Stones??
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/26/03, 20:50
Subject: thats quite alright,reaching for.... his hand,as he pulls her up...i was just on my way to my room to change...we're going to have a seance in cochise & goddesses room-will you be joining us?<still half dazed from being knocked on her tush>...hey,i can see little birdies flying around my head...
From:bwildman (bwildman)
Date: 06/26/03, 20:56
Subject: Seance???? Princess are you sure your alright? Wheres your room...maybe I should help you there.Do you need a Doctor?
Date: 06/26/03, 21:01
Subject: LQQK what i found..
|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ || | Baby Carrots |||'""|""__,_ I_____________ l ||__|__|___|) (@!)'!(@)"""""**|(@)(@)****|(@)
Subject: Down the hall Cathy slams her door!! Removing her clothes she steps into the shower.. letting the warm water drizzle onto her face.. slowly trickling over her SOFT skin..
The steam surrounds her.. as the hot water relaxes her.. Smoothing shampoo over her hair, rubbing up the lather.. and slowly rinsing it away.. Oohhhh.. she reaches for the handle.. turning it off.. and steps out onto the bath towel.. wrapping her hair up snuggly inside.. grabbing the terri cloth robe hanging on the hook.. she wraps herself snuggly inside... walks over to the bed.. tucks herself in.. and drifts off to sleep..
From: §PrincessMia (royalpatmissy)
Date: 06/26/03, 21:05
Subject: yes,a seance...*still a little dazed*... u-uhh yes,im ok-thank you B-my room is just 3 doors down...i appreciate you walking with me..
Subject: As she lay sleeping.. Visions of that BIG HUNKY Man known as The STUDD Muffinz.. enters her dreams..
He is stepping into the shower with her.. LOL and helps her lather her hair.. Massaging her scalp.. and working his way to her temples.. His hands feel sooooo powerful.. So relaxing.. and soooooo secure.. AAwe she moans softly in her sleep.. hahahaha.. She grabs onto his hands as they caress her neckline.. the water stimulatingly shoots onto her Bre*sts.. she turns around to him.. and feels his BBBbbrrRrrrrrInnnnnGGG!!! BBBBRRRRIiiiiiinnnnnnngggGG!!! Cathy grabs the phone almost dropping it from being so startled!! Erika softly speaks on the other end.. asking if she is ready to go to the seance.. Half awake.. Cathy nods her head and replies.. YEs.. OH!! SHoOt!! Yes!!! I'll be right over.. She sets the phone back on the cradle and quickly grabs her clothes.. buttoning her blouce on the way out the door..
************************************** From: Studd Muffinz Hero At Your Service (itikrrup) Date: 06/26/03,
22:48 Subject: I can be your hero, baby.
Message: I can kiss away the pain. I will stand by you forever. You can take my breath away.
Would you dance if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me cry? And would you save my soul, tonight?
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 10:39 Subject: Raven knocks on the door of room 664 Message: she has dressed appropriately for a seance, in her mid calf length black dress, black pumps and black stockings. on her neck she wears her amulet to protect her from harm. Most important of all, in her hair, she wears the anti charm. this charm will work to close the portal when the time comes. hopefully that will be tonight if all goes well. I wonder what psychic they got? goddess answers the door and motions for Raven to have a seat in the living room. Chief is passing around a tray with drinks and yummy looking snacks. In the Diningroom, Raven can see, a large round table has been set up. a low hanging light is positioned over the center of the table and there are chairs all around the table. There are candles in muted colors lit all around the room and sitting next to one chair is a large leather and brass trunk with a shiney gold lock holding the lid in place.......
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 10:53 Subject: He can sence the presence of the other one
Message: in the hotel. He wanders from floor to floor stopping briefly at each door to feel if the presence gets stronger. He has finished the 2nd floor and feels that the aura has gotten weaker as he goes higher in the hotel. The other one must not be in one of the rooms, he must be on the ground floor. He returns to the lobby of the hotel and hears voices and laughter coming from the courtyard at the rear of the hotel. Could the other one be in there? He moves to the entrance of the court yard and stands in the doorway.....Cathy gets up from the table to go fill her plate up once more, since everyone has pinched her food. As she turns from the table she glances up at the doorway. A big smile comes over her face and she begins to wave and yell "OVER HERE, SIT WITH US, WE WERE WONDERING WHEN YOU WOULD SHOW UP!"
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 11:33 Subject: princess turns to B and once again...
Message: thanks him for walking her to her room..he says,"It was my pleasure!" then he softly kisses her on the cheek & slowly turns around & starts walking away...princess yells out,"I hope to see you at the seance!" then she steps into her room & quickly freshens up(worried she might be late)now then,what shall i wear?
From: Madame Cucumber (oh_me_oh_my)
Date: 06/27/03, 13:28 Subject: Has every arrived?..... Message: Please be seated and let the seance begin. As you can see, the ouigi board is placed on the glass table in the middle of the room here. I ask everyone to be perfectly quiet. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Let's begin....
From:E£vira(PrinCessHarley) Date: 06/27/03, 14:02 Subject: Breathes deep:) Message: E£vira just love a good séance.....hehehehe...maybe she will find my long lost man here too...ooops:)she sits down and places her fingers on the ouiji board...as does all the rest of the ppl...some with scared lQQks upon their candle lit faces...others with wicked smiles screamin for more:)just then the chantin begins.... Madame Cucumber ask everyone to say these words together: " spirit, we ask that you commune with us and move among us."...after a few moments... there is a sudden decrease in room temperature...and a rapping sound...Madame Cucumber asks.... if you are with us please rap once....
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 14:05 Subject: Fingers tingling.. Eyes wide open.. nervous expression on face.. Message: A loud "Rap" comes out of nowhere..
Cathy sits nervously wonderin if she will make it through the evening...
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 14:22 Subject: *RAP* Message: The Wildman knocks again......Come on,people..let me in!!!! Don't you know Boat Mechanics are always late!!!
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:22 Subject: An almost inaudible whisper Message: can be heard high overhead the seance group. The hair on raven's arms stand straight up and the charm in her hair begins to get very warm. Raven glances around the table at the faces of the participants, trying to detect any sign of possible possession by spirts of the magical world. She sees none yet. The face of The cucumber is contorted and flushed, she appears to be receiving some type of life force. Raven asks the first question of the force inhabiting the cucumber. "Who are you?"
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 14:28 Subject: BANG BANG BANG!!!!!!
Message: Open up!!! Its me..BWILDMAN!!!! LOL:)
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:31 Subject: Earlier that day........at the BBQ Message: He walks over smiling and sits down at the table. Hello everyone. Glad you could join our Event. Has anyone been over to the Amusment park? I hear the Roller Coaster is exceptionally scary this year. You all must make a point to get over there. Has any one tried the Clams Casino on the buffet? I made them myself.... do try them..... Goddess,
Princess, Erika, Raven, chief and Cathy begin to chat about the big event going on this evening in Goddess's room. He listens intently. He thinks to himself, " there are people here who would try to stop my plan, I must interfere with their little seance game tonight, give them a little thrill, but through them off the track". He stands and says "Please enjoy yourselves, my friends. perhaps i will see you later. dont forget to go ride the coaster or even the Swings, I hear they are a wild ride also" He turns and leaves the courtyard. A rage begins to develop inside him......
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 14:35
Subject: princess runs down the hall and see's B... Message: pounding on the door...Im late also,B-how long have you been here pounding on the door?
From: (raven1111) Date: 06/27/03, 14:35 Subject: Raven removes her fingers from the board Message: temporarily to go open the door for bwildman. Hurry in son and have a seat the fun is about to begin. As bwildman walks past her, Raven, gets a cold chill. she watches him walk to his seat and in the candle light, she sees his aura. What a bright strangly pulsating aura it is. Could he be the one? she must investigate this possiblity and keep a close watch on him. Raven sits back in her seat and urges bwildman to place his fingers on the board with the others and turns once more to the cucumber to see if the answer to her question is ready to come out.
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 14:39 Subject: Hey! open up! you closed the door on me!!!
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 14:44 Subject: Cathy takes the opportunity to arise from her spot.. Message: relieved to get some normalacy, and answers the door.. Hi Princess.. good to see you made it.. I believe there is an extra chair over there.. between Chief and Erika..
Message: and takes her spot...sorry im late,she says softly...
From: § (AngelKisses) Date: 06/27/03, 14:52 Subject: omg!!! Message: Angel is soo scared she lQQks at Madame Cucumber whose eyes r now rollin back in her head...she wants to jump up and run...but cant she is frozen in fear...she glances at Bwildman who has a big smile on his face...he doesnt seem to b scared at all...maybe he knows something we dont...Angel wonders what it could b...hopin it all will come out soon so she can get a strong drink, Angel concentrates hard on the spirit which seems to b within Madame Cucumber ...just then Madame Cucumber rises from her seat...mouth wide open tryin to talk...noises r comin out....what is it she is tryin to say????????????
Chhhhuuuu!! emerges in a more than silent room, from the lips of Madame Cucumber.
And just as quickly as the spirit came through her body. It quickly left.
Passing over to Angels body. Her eyes suddenly looked as though fire were burning. Her mouth twisted open, arms flinging, hips a shakin.. She rose to the center point of the table.. Hoovering over it.
I WANT REVENGE!!!! quickly shot out of her mouth in a deep angered voice..
Angle trembled in fear as the spirit enclosed her being.. Unable to control its overpowering nature...
From: (bwildman) Date: 06/27/03, 15:08 Subject: Having never been to a seance before.. Message: the Wildman is slightly
bewildered at the ongoing events. The table is now full,with everyone holdin hands.The room rocks back and forth with the eeirie light illuminating from the candles. The crazy looking lady...wearing what appears to be..mod style wallpaper,for a dress and a towel of some kind,wrapped around her head....is jerking back and forth like 440 volts is charging through her nervous system.... Suddenly...something touchs his leg...then something else touchs the other!Always calm in the face of danger...the Wildman remains calm,and waits to see what happens next.
From: (PrinCessHarley) Date: 06/27/03, 15:10 Subject: Just as E£vira is about.... Message: to speak...something starts comin out of Angel's mouth...it is a whitish gray colored substance...it is hoverin above the heads of all the participants at the séance...it swoops down lower...maybe to get a better lQQk or searchin for something...someone???Poor Angel is collapsed on the table...the room is gettin quite chilly now...E£vira wishes she had wore more clothes:)she wonders if this being is good or evil....who is it after...she thinks back to a time long ago...had she done anything to piss off any spirits...evil or good...she hopes not;)
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/27/03, 15:23 Subject: My nails dig deeply into Bwildmans leg.. Message: from the tenseness of the Seance.. Not realizing I am squeezing as hard as I am..
Seeing Angel float about the table and stuff coming from her mouth..
She thinks.. Hmmm Pat Chu..?? Is Pat Chu trying to get revenge?? Or is Pat Chu the target??
OH mY!!!
In her excitement.. Cathy's hand runs lightly up Bwildmans leg.. before placing it back in her own lap..
From: § (royalpatmissy) Date: 06/27/03, 20:05
Subject: shaking like a leaf after seeing... Message: Angel floating over the table,and madame cucumber freaking out,princess jumps up & runs to sit next to B,almost sitting right on top of him-he'll keep me safe,she thinks to herself...B puts his arm around princess and says,"dont worry,i wont let anything happen to you"wow! you really are trembling!princess starts to feel a little more secure now-thanks B,she says...
From: § (higgsfam) Date: 06/28/03, 11:00 Subject: Would you mind getting off of me, Princess?? Message: I can barely breathe as it is, Cathy adds.
This is getting to be too much.. as she pushes Princess off and stands to leave..
I need to get some rest so I can hit the Grand Opening later.. she states as she heads towards the door..
From: (oh_me_oh_my) Date: 06/28/03, 13:04 Subject: Crackle! Boom!! BANG!!! Lightening struck next to the window suddenly Message: just as Cathy tried to walk out the door.. She stood frozen with a look of terror in her eyes..
Madame Cucumber immediately asks the spirit.. "Are you Pat Chu?, Please give us a sign if you are?" Silence filled the room.
As Angel lies upon the table the spirit swooped from her and immediately jumped back into Madame Cucumber.. Steam rolled from her lips, eyes brightly shone fire.. as her body started to illuminate in the nearly darkened room. NO!! Came the words.. I have a cold.. I am Patrick Smithenbaulker.. I NEED the SYMBOL!!! Worn in the pocket of .... the spirit started to fade out.. Cathy stood quietly, letting her hand move to her back pocket of her jeans.. OMG! she thought, could it be my unicorn he is after? She again turns to walk out, only stopped again with another crash of lightening..
Not knowing what to do she steps back in the room. Madame Cucumber motions for her to return to her seat.. Shakingly she abides.
MelissaMarie: I decided to try getting in that barn and discovered creatures that were not of our earth. I's be crazy to say they might me aliens. See you and the loony bin...
Skyking: I slowly take a peek inside, and sure enough, those look like aliens! As I turn to run, I holler, "wait! Wait for me! I wanna go to the looney bin too!"
I discovered kid's in there playing and I had no right of calling them outtta there. If I find the owner of it, they would get me on a trustpass charge.
something hit my leg while I was running, which caused me to trip and fall to the ground. That's when I discovered that one of those kids threw a rock at me.
I was right all along. They were3 miniature aliens and a mask fell off of one of them. Big chicken that I was I ran and they were shooting some kind of weapon.
I finally made it to the farm house. When I got inside, there were little bite marks on my ankle. Those are some messed up, deformed lookin' aliens! I hope they are not rabid. There was a sound of digging and scratching just outside. I looked out the window, and we were surrounded by them!
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