kid_game_2001: I meant if the wKing is on moved d3-d4, wPawn on e4 and bPawn on e5. Then he is in check, and as I see how Black can escape the check since Pawn e5 can't move... Sorry if I was confusing you!
Sound very different, but interesting, Just one question: What happens if you move into check, and the opponent can't stop the check, eg a pawn that cant move forward?
I'm not sure if it's answered before somewhere, but here it comes: What is the purpose of IceAge chess, to mate the King or take the king? It is a difference if you put him checkmate as white in move 20, he makes his 20th move and then the ice stops the mate Eg backrank mate with wRe8, BKg8, Pf7,g7,h7: Blacks 20th move (he is mate) Kh8, and now the ice age comes...
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