Argomento: Did not mean to SPAM message boards; not my intention.
Big Bad Wolf, I am sorry and it will not happen again. I thought maybe my opinion about peace and love to all was worth something and wanted everyone to see it. I shall watch my etiquette more carefully from now on and maybe keep my opinions to myself. Did not mean to start anything. I thought it might help; instead it is causing more problems. Oh well, live and learn something new each day. Thank you for taking the time to give me your message.
With all the natural disasters, wars and conflicts going on in the world, why would certain people choose to argue, fight and down others on a site that is supposed to bring fun and enjoyment to people. I hear enough garbage in the world, let alone having to read it in fellowship messages and discussion boards. I overlook most of it but then, once in awhile, like now, I have to speak my mind. They should grow up, go to the gym and punch bags to get rid of their hostility and leave this site alone to what is supposed to be. It is a game site for fun and enjoyment and that should be it. Fellowship messages and discussion boards should be kind, considerate, educational and not a sounding board for petty differences that are blown out of proportion. Now I have said my piece and back to my games.
(nascondi) Se clicchi sopra il nome del giocatore e poi clicchi sulle partite terminate avrete una lista delle partite che sono state completate. Poi clicca sopra il nome del gioco per ottenere un sommario di tutte queste partite, cliccando ancora sopra il nome del gioco otterrete la partita da osservare ed analizzare. (Servant) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)