Adaptable Ali: I had a similar problem and found out that it was an incompatability with one of the Microsoft Updates, by simply downloaded the update for firefox it fixed itself
MadMonkey: and TigerCat, this time once you have your machine all nice and happy again, with all your own personal programs installed, internet settings etc i would suggest that buy a small portabale USB drive (20gb is sufficient) and use Norton GHOST to ghost an entire image of yur PC. That way if an error ever presents itself again you simply plug it in, select the GHOST option and record time it will wipe your PC and GHOST it back to a nice working position....similar to the RESTORE in XP but much MUCH better
I have just played the demo of NFS on my XP Box (and now I know why I never bought the game LOL)
I should point out however that I reformatted my Hard-Drive long ago as FAT32 and not the standard NTFS as most XP machines will be. The reason being is that DOS wont recognise an NTFS Drive.
1) Get a good DOS Boot Disc ( /)
2) Save or copy the game to a folder on your root directory (c:\NFS) (only on FAT32 systems. If your system is NTFS then you need to install the old DOS game to a folder (as above) and then rip that folder to a CD
3) Ensure that the details of your CD Drive are on the Autoexec/config files so that it runs from the DOS boot disc (ie, :
4) Put the DOS Boot disc in your floppy drive, and reboot the PC in DOS
5) Navigate to the C:\NFS and execute TNFS.EXE (or on an NTFS system the CD Rom: D:\NFS\TNFS.EXE
6) BINGO you have a chunky graphics, rubbish sound and rather bland game of an era long since surpassed
Need for Speed im unsure about as never played/owned it. However I regularily play Duke Nuken (1,2,and 3D) and Quake (1 & 2) on my XP Machine!! And as far as im aware they are PRE NFS??
bitwisexor: For starters the white paper you found (as a cache copy-meaning its been withdrawn from the site now!!) was based on Acrobat 5
The latest Version is now Version 7.0 Professional, and the technologies have moved on at serious pace since version 5.
Version 7 has features that would even keep the most professional (cracker) at bay for a while, but like I said THERE ARE ALWAYS SIDE STEPS to all security issues.
Version 7.0 Professional however will keep 99% of people from Editing, Selecting and even Printing your document if you so wish!!
If you also use IE along with Netscape do note that the installation of Netscape kills the XML feed element of IE (RSS pages like the discusiion groups now have etc come up blank.) There is a work-around but it involves editing the registry.
My advice? Until Netscape fix that little issue, if you want to use both netscape and IE stay clear, if you just use NetScape its great :)
Modificato da Badinage (26. Ottobre 2005, 16:31:02)
It depends on the security settings the creator of the PDF has set, they may allow you to edit or they may not?? That is one of the biggest selling factors for PDF
Look at a company that creates a full QMS (Quality Management System) with approx. 100 health and safety documents. They sell this service for thousands of pounds. In the past it was really easy (using find and replace) to alter the word documents for a different company and sell the documents using PDF and the security settings their intelectual property (if you like) remains theirs!! As you simply can not edit it.
Obviously there are ways around these security settings (as with anything thesedays) but genrally they are secure!!
As for the shrinking element. If you have a word document at 2mb the best you could hope to zip it is maybe to 1mb or 1.3mb but as PDF it more like 0.2mb - 0.5mb
Jason: Jason im not sure where you are based but im sure the Vodafone 3G Network / dataCard would suit your needs.
They have several tarrifs, I personally manage around 60 accounts for my company and use two main tarrifs for the users.
1) Connect 200 (which gives 250mb of downloads)@ £35/per month additional MB priced at £1.13 per mb
2) Connect 1000 (1100mb of downloads) @ £88 per month (additional = 0.59pence per mb)
There are others though:
450mb @ 53.00 per month
75mb @ 23.00 per month
The beauty of the G3 network is if you are in a G3 eabled zone you get connection speeds of upto 370k as opposed to the standard 56k of normal GPRS coverage.
Hrqls: All depends really there are reasons that people use PDF formats instead of the word, excel HTML etc etc
1) Security. You can set a document so it wont allow changes, additions or deletions (good for tenders and quotes etc)
2) Copyright: You can also set it so you cant select text, pictures etc and also choose whether the recipient can even print the document!!
3) Size: PDF can shrink word documents 20 fold, making for faster downloads etc
danoschek: I am with you on that one, and always disable any updating, error reporting when i install MS Products. Unfortunately until we are offered other software that is:
a) as good as the MS Suite of products (inc OS)
b) as widely excepted and supported as MS
c) as functional and integrated as MS
we are pretty much stuck. Yes there are lots of other software companies providing good operating systems, good office suites and good management tools (server, web and pesonal) they are not all as easy to integrate into one system.
The BoyCott MS has lost much of its vigor that it had back in '97 and until we can ensure that more people join the campaign we are stuck with gates and his 'one sided' market.
I have certainly done it for DVD's although only when putting data on them?? I have not copied a film that way, you would need a third party program for that!!
There were several isues with Roxio products if i recall. Personally i dont use any of them, i use XP for writing discs and find it the best, but have had several calls from people that had issues after upgrading. The more common was the error messages, the second was mising drives. I think the new update (with sp 2) has fixed it though :)
Usually the a:/ drive if being used to save certain docs etc will try and access each time the doc is opened or saved (even if its now being saved elsewhere) so it can in some cases bottle up cd writers (not the norm though!!)
The error on the CD writers etc certainly sounds like an issue Microsoft Had when people 'Upgraded to XP' for some reason it did not like the recording programming of ROXIO the makers of easy cd creator and others. So it sounds to me more like that issue. But that wouldnt muck up a floppy drive mate.
I have never seen the error on a floppy drive Ian, but certainly happens on CD, DVD, CDRW and USB Sticks.
An easy fix (some times) is to right click on the drive with issues and select properties, recording tab, and tick enable recording onto this device. If not follow the direction on the link above.
They dont exactly install spyware so to speak, but some will negate to find certain programs as 'Spyware' when actually they are. That way they can not get blammed for installing spayware, but can appologise that their system was not robust enough to find ALL spyware!! (legal loop hole type rubbish)
The user license for the Microsoft Spyware?? Well to download it you need to enter your current 'Valid' User Liscense number (XP CD Code), and if you use one of the many 'Illegal' codes then not only will it not work, but id hazard a guess that windows wont boot properly the next time around either LOL
Some spyware are not as good as they proclaim, and infact if they have any affiliate groups then their program will be set to 'ignore' these as threats!!
The Microsoft one is by far the best yet, it has 'Live' protection and live 'Updates' but beware those that do not have an VALID user license for their operating systems!!
Modificato da Badinage (18. Febbraio 2005, 09:22:00)
1 Read the End User Licensing Agreement before installing software.
Often, users blindly click on the 'I accept' button when installing software, without reading the end user licensing agreement.
Doing so will cause you to miss shady clauses like 'third-party software may be installed with this application'.
The end result? You just gave permission for spyware bundled with the application to come on board your computer.
2 Scan your PC regularly with anti-spyware software
Anti-virus companies like McAfee, Symantec and Trend Micro have incorporated anti-spyware tools within their security suites.
There are also other free and excellent anti-spyware tools available on the Internet for home use. These include:
• Lavasoft's Ad-aware:
• Spybot Search and Destroy:
• Hijack This: Some spyware programs are extremely resilient to removal and you may have to try more than one program before they can be removed.
The reason for this is that these spyware programs are designed that way, and 'hook' into your computer at many places.
Another reason for this is that new spyware variants come out so quickly that the anti-spyware industry has to scramble to keep up.
This means you should update your anti-virus/anti-spyware programs with the latest version whenever possible. If you have any problems, consult your security vendor or read the computer forums.
3 Update your computer with the latest patches
For Windows, if you have not turned Windows Update on, go to and patch your system. You can choose not to download and patch everything, but you should at least install all critical patches.
4 Change your browser
Many malicious programs on the Internet currently target Internet Explorer. Switch to another browser, and many of your problems will disappear. Firefox and Mozilla (available at are excellent free open source browsers.
Even if your IE browser has been infected, you can still use your alternative browser to surf the Internet for a solution.
5 Install a personal firewall
A firewall program is indispensable to security. A personal firewall won't keep your browser from being hijacked, but a well-configured one can prevent all sorts of other nastiness, like your passwords being reported back to a hacker via a spyware keylogging program. You can choose from many varied firewalls, from the windows firewall in Windows XP Service Pack 2, or from the various security vendors.
There are also free firewalls you can download from the Internet, such as ZoneAlarm (, Sygate ( or Kerio (
Any recording device should work? Get the recording software to record from the SoundCard and not Line-In, then play the radio on the sound card while recording!!
I have certainly used this method to record Internet Phone Calls and such, so dont see it being any different for radio? Although have never wanted to record that LOL
I would also suggest running a few utilities through the system to check it over. Start-up Cop will check anything that starts when you switch on, and give a hint as to what it does and if its needed.
Then find a good spy-bot, there are loads and everyone is different so search for a good one. I use SPYBOT Search and Destroy 1.3 again this will check for things that really shouldnt be there type of thing!!
Well not totally dumb, there are some (although tend to be the more expensive ones) that will not play normal media as a reader would. But most that I have come across read and write!!
Modificato da Badinage (9. Febbraio 2005, 13:03:53)
Also, you should still be able to use the Mr Data discs, try changing the write speed to x2 or x1 (maybe x4) and reduce the amount by 50mb of the capacity. :)
Oh!! and try using XP instead of NERO or the likes!! XP handles better I think!
Well it should actually just work exactly the same as 'D' drive. If you put a music CD in your writer it should play as normal!! All writers are also READERS!! Unless you got a special one from the same people that make Mr data discs LOL
Modificato da Badinage (9. Febbraio 2005, 12:53:57)
harley: power calibration errors are caused mostly by poor media. (cheap branded cd's ie. promedia) - try using a different brand (compusa, tdk's, memorex, sony) are the best bet; don't waste your money on cheap disks - youll just waste them. also, keep you cd writer clean by using the cd cleaner kits, a dirty lens will also cause the callibration errors!!
WebTv Users can not see HTTP 400 or 500 series headers!! This may explain the confusion at times when pages are unavailable etc. It gives descriptions such as NOT PERMITTED etc
When using the WebTV emulator i have noticed that to access BK using the IP (or indeed any site) that you do not use the prefix www
instead it would be:
Im not sure if this is the same for all WebTV as i dont have one, but I am currently checking my site's compatibility with WebTV due to a few issues, and found that it does work with IP address.
In short, when ya host a website everyone that uses the site technically downloads the pages (thats why new pages take longer the first time, especially wif images) so when you see that the BK home page is approx. 20-40kb (unless changed in the last month or so lol) and has 9,000+ users, that is 9,000 x 20-40kb it all mounts up. So BK would need a considerable band-width.
My site (The Zone!!) only has 3gb bandwidth and i have never came close LOL, although Stevie has the same package as me he has surpased his 3gb already, as he has several videos on his site that users download so they went over the limit pretty damn quick LOL ( was videos of cars before you ask LOL)
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