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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
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5. Maggio 2005, 20:33:08
Argomento: "Antispyware" drivel
<1. I use Microsoft Antispyware. It gives no comment whatsoever about this site.

2. Images at this site are generally in the \images\ folder of the same server. There may be confusion with where images and scripts are generally loaded from Nevertheless, loading IMAGES from a different server is not considered unsafe. It is true that IE has respective setting, however, it must be turn on by hand; no highest security level has it on by default, and a very few contemporary sites would pass it.

3. Security alerts are triggered by redirection of some specific things, like form submission, or mixing secure and non-secure items. These are not used here.

4. Albeit ItsYourTurn may work faster for those who are in over 20 hops from, "pages" are much more complicated there, by default loading a page for a non-member includes execution scripts from a number of servers including such notorious as MidAddle, TribalFusion, etc. Both BrainKing and ItsYourTurn mandate acceptance of first-party cookies, however, if you accept also third-party ones, they are "identified" by Ad-Aware as "data miners". In IE resolve this issue in Privacy->Advanced.

6. Maggio 2005, 01:06:30
Argomento: don't use antispyware from ms spies
Modificato da danoschek (6. Maggio 2005, 01:11:00)
You probably know that a program called Microsoft AntiSpyware is
currently being given away by the Redmond company in a public beta program.

What you may not know is that the program started out being co-developed
by another software company — which happens to own the rights to
Microsoft's spyware database for the better part of the next three years.

That's an interesting tale, and the telling of it may
give your company a look into the future of all such software.

Good Fences Make Good Developers

Stu Sjouwerman is the founder and COO of Sunbelt Software, the maker of
IHateSpam, Directory Inspector, and many other programs for PCs. Sunbelt
is also the publisher of CounterSpy, an anti-adware program based on much
of the same code as Microsoft AntiSpyware.

You might wish to read how Sjouwerman explains it:
AntisSpyware - Separated at birth
An article by Brian Livingston ... ~*~

14. Maggio 2005, 23:03:26
Argomento: can anyone help - graphics card problems
im having major problems with my graphics card and am at the end of my tether trying to fix it - please go to

where ive outlined the problem - any help is greatly appreciated

15. Maggio 2005, 00:53:49
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Fiona: I read the forum posts and it covers almost everything I would have tried, too
- the only thing yet coming up my mind, the fresh installation might not have resolved
all resources conflicts, which would be indicated by a triangled excl in device manager ~*~

15. Maggio 2005, 22:50:11
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
danoschek: thank you for looking for me - the problem has now been resolved by a link someone on there gave me - they said that sometimes windows ME only installs the graphics card in 2D so the link told my pc to install it in 3D - or something like that lol - anyway its all working perfectly now thanks :o)

15. Maggio 2005, 23:11:38
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Fiona: good to hear - well as they say SE=some errors - ME=more errors ... ... ~*~

15. Maggio 2005, 23:24:08
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
danoschek: lol i agree with that - hopefully i wont get anymore for a while to give my hair chance to grow back after tearing it out these past few days LOL

16. Maggio 2005, 17:15:19
Argomento: system restore
Modificato da Chimera (16. Maggio 2005, 17:19:35)
Was looking around in my puter and found that system restore is disabled. No idea how, why or when this happened. Does anyone know a reason why I shouldn't turn back on system restore?

*edited to add*
I have a couple system restore points that I have set myself. Last week I tried to use system restore to fix my puter by using one of these points. It told me that it could not restore my puter to this point. Does anyone know a reason it would refuse to restore my puter.

16. Maggio 2005, 18:18:17
volant: maybe problem is between keyboard and chair.... I´m joking...sometimes the reason why this or that have happened to Windows are...hmmmm....let´s say inexplicable . Really this should be happened by any other applications you have installed into your computer or this might be indication that your computer have been infected by some spyware,adware,virus or something like that from net.
I have some experiences with system restioration too, and after 2 or 3 months it didn´t work good as you wrote.I think this is not good way to backup your system. Maybe you can try NortonGhost or other applications that are hundred times better and works very good. It is a shareware but I am sure that there can be found any other freeware programs that will be able to satisfy your needs.
Try google it.

16. Maggio 2005, 19:19:20
Argomento: Re: system restore
volant: there is one main reason only for switching of system restore ... i.e.
if defective system files have to be repaired after a virus scan or, for replacing them
with better ones - since wingoofs would restaure the rotten files immediately else ~*~

16. Maggio 2005, 19:47:05
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
danoschek: se = some errors, me = more errors .. what about ce = critical errors ? ;)

windows ce,me,nt combines to 'cement' .. unable to move around ;)

16. Maggio 2005, 19:53:25
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Hrqls: lol don't let me get into the long horn honking ... ... ~*~

16. Maggio 2005, 20:02:07
Argomento: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
danoschek: :)

16. Maggio 2005, 20:58:47
Argomento: Re:
temo and danoschek thank you for all your help

16. Maggio 2005, 22:27:37
Modificato da temo (16. Maggio 2005, 22:32:51)
Danoschek is right, it is recommended to disable windows system restoration to be able to repair system after infecting.
There are also many other steps that must be done to be protected from viruses, spyware etc.
Simply things are recommended: use antivirus and firewall and don´t browse on "dangerous" sites.
Also I would recommand (very suitable) to disable this services on windows which only makes your system more vulnerable and occupy tons of MBs in your RAM and I guess you´ll never use this serveces in real life (cmd-services.msc)
-automatical configuration WiFi (if you are not -using wifi conectivity of course)
-ICF (firewall in Windows ´cause I guess you are using better one )
-Indexing Service
-NetBIOS (port 135) over TCP/IP
-nvidia driver helper service
-protocol SSDP
-sever (if you don´t have your own private network)
-terminal services
-web client

and others can be found. (see blackviper).
Certainly disable automaticaly windows updates - only when notified you´ll download them.
And don´t use Exploer but some better alternatives such as Firefor or Opera, and Mozilla Thunderbird instead of Outlook.
Sometimes it is good to scan system with ad-ware or Spybot-Search&Destroy.

Or use LINUX.

17. Maggio 2005, 07:53:44
Argomento: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
Modificato da danoschek (17. Maggio 2005, 07:58:48)
In 2000, the classically-minded among us may have noted a TV ad
for Microsoft's IE e-mail program, which uses the musical theme of the
"Confutatis Maledictis" from Mozart's "Requiem."
"Where do you want to go today ?" is the cheery line on the screen.
Later, the chorus sings "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis,"
which translates: "The damned and accursed are convicted to flames of hell." ...
Seems even Gates of chAos and his MS con-sorts are having a clue sometimes ... . ~*~

17. Maggio 2005, 16:48:17
Argomento: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
danoschek, I'm not sure...You don't like Microsoft?

I don't either. However, I have learned that when I use Microsoft products, I have less problems with my computer. Not that Microsoft products are better. I, personally, think that Microsoft intentioanlly designs their products to be incompatible with other software. Then when you mix Microsoft with non-Microsoft you get problem.

18. Maggio 2005, 19:27:45
Universal Eyes 
Argomento: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
BBW pm me.

18. Maggio 2005, 19:31:55
Argomento: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
Universal Eyes, are you talking to me or BBW?

18. Maggio 2005, 20:09:09
Argomento: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
Summertop: I don't see a message or talk altogether,
perhaps the visibility switch 'please' was not implemented ... ~*~

19. Maggio 2005, 01:20:15
Universal Eyes 
Argomento: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
What part did you not understand.

19. Maggio 2005, 01:23:24
Argomento: Re: Universal Eyes:
Modificato da danoschek (19. Maggio 2005, 01:36:51)
the part with your lacking understanding of whom to reply to ... ~*~ _

19. Maggio 2005, 02:33:53
Argomento: Faulty Microsoft Patch Raises Questions About Automated Patching
Modificato da danoschek (19. Maggio 2005, 02:35:36)
Problems included inability of Exchange servers to connect to domain controllers
and domain controller replication failure as well as difficulty connecting to terminal servers and file shares. link to the full eweek article about MS05-019 here ... ~*~

20. Maggio 2005, 11:17:08
Argomento: Re: Faulty Microsoft Patch Raises Questions About Automated Patching
danoschek:There is a quite of few problems due to the site,it's based on the cookies being blocked and having to lower your protection on your PC i'm sure you can understand that.Medium security is basic but when you drop to a lower level then your in risk.Microsoft will be giving a call tommorow that has a hijacker on my PC,i've discovered 47 outside users and was advised never open attachement and close the internet connection when answering the telephone.

25. Maggio 2005, 00:06:59
I'm trying to find a driver I can download for a GX10 mobile phone data cable. Any ideas? I've searched the net for a couple of hours and not found one.

25. Maggio 2005, 09:10:16
maybe this contains what you need ? the modem driver
(i hope i selected the english language correctly .. it was in dutch by default for me so i changed the country code manually)

you can also click here

25. Maggio 2005, 11:18:16
Thanks Hrqls, but that doesn't seem to have worked. I installed it, but it keeps asking me for a disk, which I don't have! Thanks for trying though :O)

25. Maggio 2005, 11:29:05
Argomento: Re:
harley: I've got an Anita Dobson disc. That should frighten it into submission.

25. Maggio 2005, 13:45:16
Argomento: Re:
harley: what is the exact message you get ?

if it asks for you to insert a disk, you could try to copy the files to a disk (3"5 disk) and run it from there

bumble: i dont know Anita Dobson .. but i guess i dont want to know here either ? ;)

30. Maggio 2005, 06:27:28 
Argomento: 800GB DVD
800GB DVD's soon?

Full News Story Here

Current DVDs can hold up to about 8.5GB of data.

5. Giugno 2005, 00:30:21
Left in disgust 
Argomento: Help!
I'm trying to render and burn a DVD from Premier Pro - the file is probably no larger than 1gb ... but it keeps telling me that there is no more room on the 'disc'. I checked the hard drive that I am burning to and it has 20gb of empty space. It's driving me crazy! any one in the know here who can advise?


5. Giugno 2005, 00:32:53 
Argomento: Re: Help!
baudrillard: I'm not sure of the program, but I know on one of mine, there is a setting to change from burning a CD to a DVD (That is the program might still be thinking it is burning to a CD and not a DVD)

5. Giugno 2005, 00:52:45
Left in disgust 
Argomento: Re: Help!
Thanks ... i fell foul of that earlier. On Nero Suite you have to make sure you click on DVD. But my problem is the rendering ... which goes first to the hard drive before burning.

Worth asking though - thanks a lot!

5. Giugno 2005, 01:42:51
Argomento: Re: Help!
baudrillard: Do you have an option to 'write at once', or something similar? So it doesn't use any space on your hard drive?

5. Giugno 2005, 10:23:58
Left in disgust 
Argomento: Re: Help!
harley: Do you have an option to 'write at once', or something similar? So it doesn't use any space on your hard drive?

Hi Harley. I've tried to do that .... but it hasn't worked. I blundered yesterday .... I had trimmed the video to 15 minutes from 60 mins but had left one file ... which made it think it was still 60 mins. That will teach me to work on wine ;-) But it still doesn't solve the issue. When rendering, it seems to think that a 1gb file is 10gb (or something like that). Weird.

Incidentally, I bough an external hard drive - the Iomega plug and play - it is small enough to carry in my back pocket! Amazing. But it runs on USB2 and I only have USB 1.1 ... so it is slowwwwwwwwwww.

Time for a new computer???

5. Giugno 2005, 12:33:59
I bought an external for my old PC, but I have a new one now so I have one internal and one external! They come in handy.

This might sound like a daft question, but you are using a DVD disc and not a CD disc? Thats something I struggled with at first, trying to make VCD's instead of DVD's!
And does it make a difference if you use Nero instead of Premier Pro? Sometimes just using a different programme can help.
Otherwise, you could try splitting the file instead of cutting it, then you won't lose any. I have usea 'Easy Video Splitter' in the past and its great. Very easy to use.

5. Giugno 2005, 17:41:06
Left in disgust 
Argomento: Re:
LOL, Harley ... I think it failed to write straight to a disc from Premier Pro because you need to be a registered user!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooops, now I have spilled the beans! So have to write to hard drive and then burn to DVD. It's a very slow process though ... I'm using a Jack Rabbit burner and the fifteen minute piece I just finished is taking an hour to burn. But once the first one is done, I can copy it in around five minutes. It really is time for a new computer with more power, a built in DVD writer and a HUGE hard disc.

I still can't figure out why the rendering file is 3gb and the burn disc is 0.5gb.

6. Giugno 2005, 19:28:10
Every time my mum runs her ad aware programme she gets 'keylogger - threat - severe'.
What is this and how can she get rid of it? The programme isn't doing it.

8. Giugno 2005, 05:19:05
Universal Eyes 
Argomento: Re:
Modificato da Universal Eyes (8. Giugno 2005, 05:40:22)
Hi Harley,the best bet for her to know would be to run the computer in safe mode,install microsoft anti-spyware combined with Norton,it not only will eliminate it but as well,give you the computer #s and ips codes.

In my eyes it sounds like the browsers been hijacked,if you type a comma and you see and extra space then you'll know for sure,if she's using the Telephone as the provider to the internet,she should always automatically close all windows or log of before answering,that's there new way of getting at the system,the old email attachments is another,but these Worms and viruses are expanding as well as getting alot more advanced.

Hope i made some sense and have helped someway.


8. Giugno 2005, 08:33:04
Argomento: Re:
harley: I would use some software to get rid of this as soon as possible because who ever wrote it could be collecting personal details such as passwords and bank details ,some web pages have these keyloggers built into the webpage , so all antivirus ect should be kept upto date , but there are estimated one-to-two new variants and 10 to 15 websites per week which makes it hard to be 100 percent safe i think.

8. Giugno 2005, 11:39:12
Thats great, thank you, I'll pass those on. She had a keylogger before, and it seemed to go so we're not sure if this is the same one or not. How do they get on the PC in the first place?

8. Giugno 2005, 15:48:05
I think just visiting certain webpages can do it , but i think you may have to download something from the page to get it into your system but im not sure if you can get then by just clicking something simple like "CLICK HERE TO MAKE THIS YOUR HOMEPAGE ECT" but someone else here might know alittle more about how easy or hard it is to avoid getting it on your system

8. Giugno 2005, 20:53:23
Cheers Jason.

9. Giugno 2005, 02:24:43
Argomento: norton is a waste of money
resources and not worth the instructions paperback.
microsoft haha antispyware from the world's most professional spies,
you must be kidding ... use freeware programs that do the job as well. ~*~

9. Giugno 2005, 02:29:00
Argomento: to jason
you may google up 'hijackthis' - the program was already mentioned
earlier and was coded to repair browsers taken over by twilight sites.
at the moment main threats are rootkit virii and team-trojans coming up ... ~*~

10. Giugno 2005, 20:06:35
Universal Eyes 
Argomento: Re: norton is a waste of money
danoschek:With norton and beta 1 and adware i''ve been able to find the viruses and worms,and even there computer name and ips come up so there are in bigger trouble then they think,3 agents to take them down,i've been offered a job at microsoft,to do tracking.
Noton is not that good because,on the scanning it comes up with possible browser hijacker,which i already know the browsers been hijacked already,if they were really good it would have came up with a definate.

10. Giugno 2005, 21:21:56
Argomento: Re: norton is a waste of money
Universal Eyes: With norton and beta 1 and adware i''ve been able to find the viruses and worms

eh? how do you got them? in work i am admin of 66 windows systems since 4 years - no virus, n worm ... nothing since there. why?
1) strictly always update the OS
2) Using strictly and strong policies (mails and so on)
3) Using NON-IE-Browsers. At the begin it was netscape, now firefox
4) Using an updated antivirus - i recommend antivir.
5) using a combination of a general firewall and personnal firewall (i recommend kerio=
6) prohibiting using danger ports

but of course, the most problems are because people are clicking at everything ...

11. Giugno 2005, 14:15:06
Argomento: Bengali fonts
Modificato da Fencer (11. Giugno 2005, 14:15:42)
I am just experimenting with Indian languages and I've got a problem - when I try to display this page in Firefox, it works great and I can see all Bengali characters. However, Internet Explorer shows only question marks or little squares.
I think the problem is in a missing font in the Internet Explorer because I am sure I have this font installed on my computer (when I open a Wordpad, I can write in Bengali). Is there a way how to "install" the fonts to the IE?

11. Giugno 2005, 14:41:31
Argomento: Re: Bengali fonts
Modificato da votacommunista (11. Giugno 2005, 14:42:10)
Fencer: I started my notebook for work for you ... this is the only Windoof PC I have. So, XP SP2:
- IE 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_grd.050301-1519 shows me the bengali fonts
- Firefox shows me the bengali fonts

at my linux pc(suse 9.2) i see all fonts too

system up to date?

11. Giugno 2005, 14:44:00
Don't know what to tell ya. Shows up fine in IE for me (although finding IE was hard for me, I kinda buried it)

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