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BBW's Tips on how to speed up page load the brainking site
Computers (BIG BAD WOLF, 2007-03-12 20:16:01)

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24. Dicembre 2006, 19:48:11
King Reza 
Argomento: Re:
Marfitalu:The only French sentence that I understand is Je ne parle pas Francais. 

24. Dicembre 2006, 19:51:32
NOT a floosie 
I don't see a black stick that looks like it has a magnet. Would it be on the board or someplace else?

24. Dicembre 2006, 19:53:14
Argomento: Re:
NOT a floosie:Hang on.. Ill find you a photo

24. Dicembre 2006, 19:55:22
click this

The bottom right corner on this one is where the ram stick or sticks are .. they are located on the mother board

24. Dicembre 2006, 19:57:41
King Reza 
Maybe the picture of an actual RAM can help more :-)

24. Dicembre 2006, 20:05:43
NOT a floosie 
I can't get the pictures. On the bottom right corner there is a black stick thing with a flat gray series of wires connected. Is that it?

24. Dicembre 2006, 20:10:44
Argomento: Re:
NOT a floosie: Ram doesnt have wires sticking out from it.. the item or items you are looking for as there may be two, just stick in to the machine in to prongs...
and in all honesty with all the info we are giving you to see if it is the ram it may not be.. Any chance you know anyone at all who is a tad technically inclined on PCs that can take a look?

24. Dicembre 2006, 20:11:09
NOT a floosie 
Ok...I got Rose's picture. I have the three black boards that are on the right. The white things that are on the left in the picture, are going from left to right at the bottom of my board rather than up and down. There is one thing at the bottom right of mine that is white not black (no big deal). There is a flat wire thing connecting the black plastic thing with holes in it which is plugged in there. I've taken it off and reconnected it.

24. Dicembre 2006, 20:13:38
NOT a floosie 
LOL If I can't find it, I'll pack it up and take it to work with me next week. One of the guys is pretty good with these things.

Ok, I've figured out how to remove the three sticks.

24. Dicembre 2006, 20:24:49
NOT a floosie 
I'm putting it back together and will give it one more try. My Mom has been very ill and I need to leave for the hospital soon.

24. Dicembre 2006, 23:12:26
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Computer Beeps
OK, first I'm no tech.  I am a "hit that button and see what happens" kind of tech. ;)  But if the beeping continues, I'd check the keyboard.  If a key is stuck, that will cause a beeping too.  If you are still having a problem, try a different key board.  ;) 

If it's a software problem, one can always reinstall everything.  If hardware, and not the keyboard, then I dunno. 

If all else fails, there's always the 9-stories solution.

Take the computer up to the 9th floor, open the window, and throw it out.


25. Dicembre 2006, 00:10:26
we determined the beeps already Groucho.. get with the program! hehehe..
Its likely memory or vid card.. either way that beeps are internal not a stuck key

Hey groucho.. Merry Holidays!

25. Dicembre 2006, 00:46:37
NOT a floosie 
Modificato da NOT a floosie (25. Dicembre 2006, 00:48:55)
@ Groucho. Yeah, I'm that kind of fix it person too!

Thanks for everyone's help. It's probably an easy fix, I'm just not that familiar with the insides of these things. I'll work on it after we get my Mom home and when I have more time. *or take Groucho's 9 story solution!

25. Dicembre 2006, 01:44:07
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re:
Rose  Story of my life.  I'm late again  :)  My daugher says I need a memory upgrade lol

25. Dicembre 2006, 01:45:27
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re:
NOT a floosie:  ;)  Usually when I fix it, I break it more first.  ;)  I always manage to figure it out but it's like taking a short cut the long way around. 

29. Dicembre 2006, 02:59:26
NOT a floosie 
Argomento: Yipeeeeee!
You guys are the best!

It was a bad RAM that was causing the beeping. There was a sale on a Circuit City, and they were out of the one I needed. It will be in tomorrow, and I'll be back in business!

Thanks sooooooo much!

29. Dicembre 2006, 03:07:28
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Yipeeeeee!
NOT a floosie:  I tried.  :)  Glad to hear you got it figured out.  

29. Dicembre 2006, 03:35:37
NOT a floosie 
Argomento: Re: Yipeeeeee!
Gr☺uch☺: And a wonderful suggestion it was!

I can hardly wait. Hopefully, I can start doing some work at home now. I type 97 words a minute and have picked up Quickbooks at work when our accountant decided to quit a year ago.

29. Dicembre 2006, 04:17:23
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Yipeeeeee!
NOT a floosie:  lol, I type 9 or 7 words a minute.  ;)  lol    Actually I think I type about 50 but under pressure it drops.  I may go as fast as 60 but it's never sustained very long.  I should test it. If I'm typing something that is already written, I think I can do about 45 - 50 with few errors.  But 97?  That's like super speed!  I can't even think that fast.

My daughter just gave me an old computer from work.  It's about 5 years old.  I don't think I can use it but I'm gonna have something to hack around with and see what kind of trouble I can cause.  I'm going to see if I can get it set up for a gaming computer but I think I need XP at least and it may only be able to handle 98SE ;) 

29. Dicembre 2006, 05:15:31
NOT a floosie 
Argomento: Re: Yipeeeeee!
Gr☺uch☺: 40-60 wpm is good. I think computers slow down speed because you are concentrating on watching the screen so much.

I found the guys at Circuit City were really helpful when I went in asking dumb questions. They must get them all the time from us older folks.

29. Dicembre 2006, 05:26:43
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: Yipeeeeee!
NOT a floosie:  At least you know which questions to ask  :)  I'm still learning but am mostly self taught (trial and error).  You can find any answer to any question if you word it right.  Google is great that way.  I learned to air brush photos on the internet and my first one turned out great!  lol.  People asked where I learned how to do that.  Problem is, I can't do it again without the directions.  And from a professional's perspective, my work was not that good.  But you'd have to know what to look for in order to understand the places I mess up.  Mostly it looked pretty good ;)

29. Dicembre 2006, 05:52:16
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
or if others know the answer too.  And for those that run into this situation, you can learn from this  ;) 

I was sent a picture embedded into Word.  You can't right click and save it. I tried that and it didn't work.  How does one extract the picture from Word. I tried something and it did work.  Anyone know? ;)

29. Dicembre 2006, 14:23:45
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
Gr☺uch☺: Save the doc as an html page on to your desk top, it will then (or should) create a folder with the photo/picture in there..
Or you can some times click the image click save then go to your graphics program that is open. click new and paste.. most times that works but it can give you a grainy photo for some reason.. but saving as an htm or html page you normallly get the image the way it was intended to look/

29. Dicembre 2006, 17:29:40
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
Rose: Smartie. ;) That's what I did (saved to a html file). I didn't know it could be done so I just guessed. Pretty cool. Your second idea I think I tried. I right clicked the image but didn't get a save option. ;)

29. Dicembre 2006, 18:58:42
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
Gr☺uch☺: how about leftklicking it. then copying it and opening and saving it with a graphic-program?

29. Dicembre 2006, 18:59:58
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
diogenysos:I find when u do that it doesnt always go in the graphics program as a clean image. It can be grainy or be distorted for some reason. 

29. Dicembre 2006, 19:18:06
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
diogenysos: I did that but it saved as a word program ;) Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

30. Dicembre 2006, 03:37:15
Argomento: site problems
Modificato da clueless36 (30. Dicembre 2006, 03:38:46)
This site is very slow for me and wondered if anyone out there has any ideas what the problem could be...I have a desk top dell deminsion 4550..i have a lot of space on the c drive, not sure if that means anything...other sites where i play are not this slow they are "normal" speed..I would like to buy a membership here but it takes me too long to play 20 games..thank you for any help you can provide...i am on dial up..i see 52kbps when i log onto the internet...not sure if this helps or not....

30. Dicembre 2006, 17:47:25
Argomento: Re: site problems
clueless36: I know last night the site went back to giving me white pages after submitting a move, but no error messages about like before. Its as if the lines (maybe the site) were too busy. I have broadband and dont normally have any problems, or when i do at least others do.
Last night after submitting a move. the game would go and done would come up in the status bar, then it would just sit there. Then after 10secs, 30secs or more it may carry on. In the end it stopped coming back, but if thats a site or line problem i do not know.

30. Dicembre 2006, 19:39:39
Argomento: Re: I know the answer to this question but want to see if there is an easier way
Rose: sure. the quality of a graphic may vary. within word, there is no chance to change and/or increase the quality, because word is not the program one should use to embed graphics. unfortunately, naby people just know word and nothing else. if possible, the graphic should be sent as a graphic and not embedded into word. the average graphic with a good quality on a screen is a 72dpi-jpeg file. to be printed it should be minimum 150dpi. there are many easy-to-handle freeware-progs that help people to view and resize graphics. i recommend e.g. "irfan view"

2. Gennaio 2007, 21:39:32
And now for something completely different LOL

Seriously, why is the space on my C: drive shrinking by the day, even though i am even deleting programs off it now to try and get some more?
Got rid of emails, temp files, you name it.......
Defrag wont even run now as i have less than 15% free.

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:02:14
Argomento: Re:
MadMonkey: cookies????
have those been done?

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:07:21
what are cookies exactly?

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:12:42
Argomento: Re:
jessica: not that im computer literate as such but I think they are a record of everywhere you have been on the internet...your computer saves "cookies" of where you have been......not the sort you can eat LOL

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:21:53
Argomento: Re:
BerniceC: Yes, i have done all the usual stuff, but day by day the space gets smaller & smaller. Much more and nothing will run.

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:26:41
Argomento: Re:
MadMonkey: have you tried Ctrl,Alt and Delete to see what is running.....sounds like something in the background causing big probs for you....try closing everything down....

3. Gennaio 2007, 00:27:05
Argomento: Re:
BerniceC: but then I guess you would have done that already LOLOL

3. Gennaio 2007, 01:10:28
Argomento: Re:
Modificato da hexkid (3. Gennaio 2007, 01:10:52)
MadMonkey: Search your disk for files larger than ... errr ... 2Gb! If you don't find any, try a smaller file size :)

Identify what program is writing to those files and disable that program.

... I suspect some kind of logging.

6. Gennaio 2007, 22:17:04
Argomento: BBW...or anybody
I have download a couple movies using utorrent and Mininova, they are .avi files. When I go to play them in any form they are only music files. Does anybody know what is going wrong.

I have downloaded a couple in Limewire, they are mpg or mpeg files and they are just fine and can burn them using Nero. Limewire is just so slow is all ...
any advice would be appreciated...thanks

7. Gennaio 2007, 01:46:16 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
BerniceC: Hopefully someone will jump on here to help better then me - I'm thinking for some movies, you need special codec's loaded to properly view movies. I had to load a lot a long time ago, and since then I have no problem playing just about any more - but I'm pretty sure it's because I loaded all the codec's that I needed.

Now I'm not 100% sure about this - but you may want to get this:

It's a pack with all of the most popular codec's on it - and says it will allow 99% of movies to play correctly. Again, not 100% sure about this so please don't get mad at me if this blows up your computer or something.

7. Gennaio 2007, 04:33:05
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
BIG BAD WOLF:  I just tried a download using uTorrent 1.6 and the file played fine.  It too is an avi.  It might help to know what kind of computer etc Bernice has.  I'm using Windows Media player 11.  ;)

7. Gennaio 2007, 04:43:52 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
Gr☺uch☺: It depends on the AVI and how it was coded. Different programs use different "codecs" to encode the move in .avi format (or other formats). Some will play on Windows by default, while others will not.

Wiki page on Codec's:

Basicly - some codecs will make files smaller, while others may keep the audio beter, while others will keep the video better. This is at least how I understand it - at least without getting very technical and such.

7. Gennaio 2007, 05:04:18
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
BIG BAD WOLF:  If a person had the latest version of Windows Media Player could they still need a codec to play a particular file?  I know that in the past I've had this problem and had to download form the site to update the Player.  

7. Gennaio 2007, 05:20:18 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
Gr☺uch☺: I'm not sure (I don't use the latest version of Windows Media Player) - but my guess is that it is impossible for WMP to have every codec out there - so I would guess that even with the latest, you may sooner or later run into something that needs a codec.

... and I'm far from an expert - I could be wrong in all of this - if so, I'm sure someone will correct me.

7. Gennaio 2007, 05:47:43
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re: BBW...or anybody
BIG BAD WOLF:  I'm not sure about it either.  :)  I'm sure someone will know the answer.  

7. Gennaio 2007, 05:57:24
Modificato da Bernice (7. Gennaio 2007, 06:01:45)
Im using WMP version 11 I think...will not play avi files....I have no probs with mpg DVD movie files.

Using XP and keep everything upsated to the latest if I can.

Power DVD is another one....wont work with avi, I cant think of the other 2 i have....but thanks anyway you 2 :)

*** edited to change to version 11 of WMP...I checked it***

7. Gennaio 2007, 06:36:00
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re:
BerniceCcheck This Out

this will tell you you're not alone with your problem :)

I think it's a DivX problem.  from the second site:
is a super simple fix. I just went through the same problem. all you
have to do is download the divx codec. go to and download the
divx codec. its free and will allow you to work. good luck guys


I downloaded DivX (free version) and installed it after experiencing the no video problem with .avi files and it solved it.

Let us know if that solves it  ;:)

7. Gennaio 2007, 08:25:38
Argomento: Re:

download this small and powerful player "VLC media player"


this one should work even with incomplete files and you shouldnt have to download all thos codec-packs, that may cause trouble on your cpu...

8. Gennaio 2007, 04:17:20
Argomento: Re:
diogenysos:Thank you so much....downloaded the VLC player and everything is working just perfectly....I downloaded Happy feet as an .avi this morning and all is working well.
Groucho Thank you also for your information and it made me feel better knowing that it wasnt just me LOL.
I decided to download the player becuase it would have been easier to get rid off if it didn't work, but it is just great, so I am happy.

Thank you both so much

8. Gennaio 2007, 05:48:46
Papa Zoom 
Argomento: Re:
BerniceC:  Glad to have been of help ;)

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