i am addicted on konqueror 3.2
When you middle click on one link, or when a javascript tried to open a new window, you can default open a new tab instead a new window. When you try to click on the cross and have many tabs opened, it asks you "do you want to close the tab or the window". It also contains a nice password management utility, which is protected by password (like a passport), and much more.
I think it is available for most unixes, especially Linux. go to konqueror.org if you are not using windows...
I guess you know peer-to-peer programs which lets you download millions of title from the net!
If you like spyware, slow pc, popups and more wonderful annoyances, just download kazaa. You will then be able to download the whole internet for free :-)
If you prefer downloading from a website, just type something like "MP3" in your search engine...
Be sure you know how to survive delicacies like Dialers, Virus, Spywares !
Legally, the disk industry, which is losing a lot of money because of internet, is very agressive against people putting some music on their website. You can even go to jail ! This is certainly not what you are looking for.
It will take at least a few more years until you can all your music directly downloaded to your PC for a reasonable price. Sorry!
PS: one last word : do NOT believe that you are anonymous when you use kazaa. You are identified by your IP and therefore by your Internet Provider!
If you are not sharing your computer with other person, I would not care about those files.
The DELTREE is quite dangerous actually. It is really important not to make a mistake. If you DELTREE X:\, you can say bye bye to your datas !
Did you try to type the location in Internet Explorer, like
c:\Documents and Settings\yourself\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5, in the address bar?
I would not too much worry about microsuck.com article. If you use InternetExplorer and Windoze, you should just be aware that you are vulnerable. Do not worry ! Your boss doesn't know about those files and won't be able to detect you are playing on brainking.com during work LOL
Please do not try to clean your disk with DELTREE as suggested ! This article should be read just for information. I do not want you to lose some data + time ;-)
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