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tipau: Ha, not a bad trick. White has to play f3 (either instead of Nf7 or after black castles), followed by e4 and seems to come out better to me (on first glance).
grenv: Ive thought 3.h4 was one of the more risky lines for white, after:
1.Nf3 e5 2.Ng5 f5 3.h4 Nc6 4.c3 Nd4 5.cxd4 Bb4 6.Nc3 Nf6 when 7.Nf7 0-0! gives black some good play (although I still wouldn't touch 1...e5)
Fencer: Filip, my boards have gone back to the borderless style. Now that I've a had chance to see both, I like it this borderless way. I've never had a problem knowing which game is which. Two reasons come to mind for me. One, I don't play regular Chess. Two, you have the name of the type of Chess I'm playing next to the board. It says "Extinction Chess" in bold letters under the left hand corner of the board. Hard to miss that. Ka-boom, eh?
Even though I like how it is being the old style you might want to add something about the borders for the games in the "Settings" page for those that might want different colors for some reason.
BIG BAD WOLF: I have learnt my leasson the hard way moving in an atomic game like it was real chess and kaboom I went. I like the idea of boards, never know which is which but it reminds me to check! (pun haha:)
grenv: problem is I play so little ex. chess that it there is not something jumping out at me and saying "Hey, don't lost all of 1 piece", it's easy for me to forget.
Walter Montego: The problem is if it has the same border (no color) as regular chess, if you are not paying attention and just going from game to game, you could easly make a stupid move in Extincion chess thinking it was regular chess.
Modificato da Walter Montego (16. Maggio 2006, 13:53:02)
Fencer: And without a border it was fine. I didn't even notice. The blue is something you notice. I don't see the reason for it, but it also doesn't matter. If I had the choice, I'd put it back as it was or choose a different color.
Besides, I've been playing Extinction Chess on your site for over two years now. It seems kind of strange to just change the look of the game now. What made it happen?
tbart: No, it is the official rule for "Crazyhouse" (and Bughouse) but not for "Chessgi" (=Loop Chess) which is probably the oldest of the three games.
It was already discussed here, because all Bughouse players (me included) are acquainted to promoted pieces reverting to pawns, but there is no reason why it should be the same in Loop Chess.
Marfitalu: Good question, there is no outstanding reason for it, the main reason was simplicity.
I thought about three possibilities :
- The more natural one seems to consider castling as a king move. Then castling is ambiguous can always be replaced by a rook move, and the right to castle would in fact be a disadvantage for the player who can castle. For this reason I don't like this one.
- Consider castling as a two-piece move, hence unambiguous. This is now perfectly sound. But we would also have to state whether it is possible to castle under or through check. As the straightforward set of rules state that check does not exist and that the goal is to take the king, one would have to allow that. Personally I don't like at all the possibility to castle under or through check, like it is the case here in Atomic and Extinction. But this is probably a matter of taste.
- Banning castling is simple, clear-cut, easy to implement and can be phrased in very few words. That is what I like about it :-)
PS Someone composed a retrograde analysis problem of Unambiguous Chess, a variant I invented before Ambiguous Chess, where ambiguous moves are simply illegal (this variant is less playable but fun for problem composition). He asked me whether he could state that castling was an allowed unambiguous move, as his problem needed it, and I told him it was OK with me.
Fencer: It was fine the color it was, though the new color isn't so bad either. What difference does it make? Can it be made something that the player can set for himself? Just have default colors for each game and if someone wants a different color for some reason, they can change it themselves.
grenv: NOT 3.Nf7?? which quickly loses to 3...Qh4
does it? after 4. g3 - Qc4 5. d3 - Qxc2 6. Nxh8 it is surely better for white, is there anything better?
andreas: You're correct, there is nothing illegal about such a move. In fact it is frequently a tactic used to avoid direct capture and can prolong the endgame.
1. Nf3 e5 isnt as bad for black as one would think at a first glance. Right now im plaing a couple of games with that defense. if you are intrested in playing white aginst it, please do challenge me.
What is the point of being so secretive about an opening. Life is to short, just let it out. Mayby then someone else will save the black side.
mangue: JinkyOng is playing a couple of games currently. if he doesn't wipe the floor with anything brainking has to offer, that settles it as negative.
I guess anything is possible, although Fischer always has been real careful about his privacy and I don't think he would be that overt in letting his real identity be known.
Those Internet Chess Games were always speculation as to whether Fischer played them or not. Something like an urban legend among chess players.
Someone: Who has deleted JinkyOngs original post with his two games? Now there are four further posts who don't make sense anymore. In my eyes either his post has to be restored or all subsequent ones have to de deleted as well.
Someone Else: You have asked why I'm sure that JinkyOng isn't Bobby Fischer, but you also deleted your post. Well, I didn't say that, I was just linking to an article where one of JinkyOngs games has been discussed. But now I'm not sure anymore about his identity because I've received a mail which makes it more probable that he is him:
Read message
From: JinkyOng
Date and time: 31. March 2006, 17:52:57
Subject: jew
BlueJ: The rules say "the target locations of the king and the rook doing the castling move are the same as in standard Chess". So your king will go to c1 and your rook to d1.
Modificato da Chicago Bulls (28. Marzo 2006, 14:29:14)
JinkyOng: I guess you tried to show and prove that your superiority is enough to win even by playing incredibly stupid moves at the opening and losing many tempo's and destroying your King safety at all....
And you succedded in doing that, against all these considered strong players that they have proven to be only some weakies for you, right....?
You win if you capture a _piece_ that causes the explosion of the opponents' King but at the same time doesn't cause the explosion of your King.
This _piece_ can be the opponents King as well.
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