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 Chess variants (8x8)

including Amazon, Anti, Atomic, Berolina, Corner, Crazy Screen, Cylinder, Dark, Extinction, Fischer Random, Fortress, Horde, Knight Relay, Legan, Loop, Maharajah, Screen, Three Checks

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- discussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position ... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

Community Announcements:
- Nasmichael is helping to co-ordinate the Fischer Random Chess Email Chess (FRCEC) Club and can set up quad or trio games if you send him a PM here.

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24. Aprile 2006, 12:27:15
Argomento: Atomic opening
1. Nf3 e5 isnt as bad for black as one would think at a first glance. Right now im plaing a couple of games with that defense. if you are intrested in playing white aginst it, please do challenge me.

21. Aprile 2006, 13:23:15
Argomento: Re:
What is the point of being so secretive about an opening. Life is to short, just let it out. Mayby then someone else will save the black side.

14. Aprile 2006, 11:04:41
Walter Montego 
Argomento: Dark Chess tournament starting Sunday
2006 Second Quarter Open Number 5 Dark Chess

3 day standard vacation. It's an open.

3. Aprile 2006, 18:00:21
Argomento: Re: even simpler
mangue: JinkyOng is playing a couple of games currently. if he doesn't wipe the floor with anything brainking has to offer, that settles it as negative.

3. Aprile 2006, 07:54:36
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
kleineme: JinkyOng's posts have been restored (they were only temporarily hidden) after one derogeratory post was deleted.


3. Aprile 2006, 07:44:17
The best would be to ask the master himself, do you have his email

3. Aprile 2006, 01:15:49
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants

I guess anything is possible, although Fischer always has been real careful about his privacy and I don't think he would be that overt in letting his real identity be known.

Those Internet Chess Games were always speculation as to whether Fischer played them or not. Something like an urban legend among chess players.

2. Aprile 2006, 19:57:34
Modificato da mangue (2. Aprile 2006, 20:00:18)
Kleinme, Jules did delete my post. Not sure about the reason why...

PS: i do not like to be censored

2. Aprile 2006, 19:37:23
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
Someone: Who has deleted JinkyOngs original post with his two games? Now there are four further posts who don't make sense anymore. In my eyes either his post has to be restored or all subsequent ones have to de deleted as well.

Someone Else: You have asked why I'm sure that JinkyOng isn't Bobby Fischer, but you also deleted your post. Well, I didn't say that, I was just linking to an article where one of JinkyOngs games has been discussed. But now I'm not sure anymore about his identity because I've received a mail which makes it more probable that he is him:

Read message

From: JinkyOng
Date and time: 31. March 2006, 17:52:57
Subject: jew

Meine Kampf, read it.

JinkyOng: It has to be "Mein" instead of "Meine"

29. Marzo 2006, 23:15:47
Beren the 32nd 
Argomento: Re: Castling in fischer random?
BlueJ: The rules say "the target locations of the king and the rook doing the castling move are the same as in standard Chess". So your king will go to c1 and your rook to d1.

29. Marzo 2006, 09:04:34
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
at least you could have chosen some games which were not published previously:
The third coming of Bobby Fischer?

28. Marzo 2006, 16:11:10

28. Marzo 2006, 15:57:26
Argomento: Castling in fischer random?
If rook is a1 and kin b1, how to castling? Is is king in place and rook to c1?

28. Marzo 2006, 14:27:51
Chicago Bulls 
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
Modificato da Chicago Bulls (28. Marzo 2006, 14:29:14)
JinkyOng: I guess you tried to show and prove that your superiority is enough to win even by playing incredibly stupid moves at the opening and losing many tempo's and destroying your King safety at all....
And you succedded in doing that, against all these considered strong players that they have proven to be only some weakies for you, right....?

28. Marzo 2006, 13:33:14
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
JinkyOng: Chess? Not chess? Perhaps these games should be submitted to the editors of the ARTLEX or Grove art dictionaries. :)

28. Marzo 2006, 06:59:47
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
grenv: The game is chess. The play is not chess. The result against strong players in 3 minute blitz game is art.

28. Marzo 2006, 03:13:23
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
JinkyOng: What variants are these?

28. Marzo 2006, 02:39:57
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
nabla: 2 of my games which can be published.

[Event "ICC 3 0 u"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Round "-"]
[White "guest381"]
[Black "zhong"]
[BlackElo "2908"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "A00"]
[TimeControl "3+0"]

1. f3 d5 2. Kf2 g6 3. Ke3 Bg7 4. Kf4 Qd6+ 5. Ke3 Qb6+ 6. d4 e5 7. Kf2 exd4 8. Na3 Nf6 9. e3 dxe3+ 10. Bxe3 c5 11. Bb5+ Bd7 12. c4 O-O 13. Ne2 Bxb5 14. cxb5 d4 15. Bd2 Nbd7 16. Qb3 Rfe8 17. Nc4 Qe6 18. Nf4 Qe7 19. Rhe1 Qf8 20. Nd3 Rxe1 21. Rxe1 Re8 22. Rxe8 Qxe8 23. Nd6 Qe7 24. Nxb7 Nh5 25. Qa4 Nb6 26. Qxa7 {Black resigns} 1-0

[Event "ICC 3 0 u"]
[Site "Internet Chess Club"]
[Date "2001.04.21"]
[Round "-"]
[White "guest71"]
[Black "Beber {IM Robert Fontaine}"]
[BlackElo "2827"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B20"]
[TimeControl "3+0"]

1.e4 c5 2.Ke2 Nc6 3.Ke3 g6 4.Nc3 Nd4 5.d3 Nf6 6.Kd2 d5 7.Ke1 Bg7 8.h3 O-O 9.a3 e5 10.Bg5 Be6 11.exd5 Bxd5 12.Nxd5 Qxd5 13.c3 Ne6 14.Be3 Rad8 15.Qa4 e4 16.dxe4 Nxe4 17.Rc1 a6 18.Be2 b5 19.Qxa6 c4 20.Rd1 Qf5 21.Nf3 Nxc3 22.bxc3 Bxc3+ 23.Nd2 Nc5 24.Bxc5 Bxd2+ 25.Rxd2 Rxd2 26.Kxd2 Rd8+ 27.Kc1 Qe5 28.Bxc4! Qc3+? 29.Kb1 bxc4 30.Rc1 Qb3+ 31.Ka1 Rd2 32.Qc8+ Kg7 33.Bf8+ Kf6 34.Qc6+ Kf5 35.Qc5+ Kf6 36.Qe7+ Kf5 37.Qxf7+ Kg5 38.Be7+ Kh6 39.Qf8+ Kh5 40.g4# 1-0

25. Marzo 2006, 12:22:38
Chicago Bulls 
Argomento: Re: Atomic, da bomb.
You win if you capture a _piece_ that causes the explosion of the opponents' King but at the same time doesn't cause the explosion of your King.
This _piece_ can be the opponents King as well.

25. Marzo 2006, 12:10:10
Argomento: Atomic, da bomb.
I was wondering, in Atomic Chess, is it possible to take the king, or do you need to cause an explosion which kills the king?

22. Marzo 2006, 22:49:36
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
SMIRF Engine: To say the truth, I had initially also made the same request for 10x8 variants, but I have already received a lot more that could fit into the Encyclopedia.

22. Marzo 2006, 22:39:52
SMIRF Engine 
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
WhisperzQ: Thank you for the link! Now it is double clear, that there has been a request for 8x8 variants

22. Marzo 2006, 17:50:49
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
WhisperzQ: Thank you !

22. Marzo 2006, 17:50:02
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
SMIRF Engine: Here is the original post from November last year.

22. Marzo 2006, 14:09:24
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
SMIRF Engine: Link on this board or PM to me.

22. Marzo 2006, 13:00:52
SMIRF Engine 
Argomento: Re: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
nabla: welcome - where?

22. Marzo 2006, 12:57:15
Argomento: Encyclopedia of Chess Variants
Good news for all of you who sent me games for the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Chess Variants : after the sad death of the author David Pritchard, it would have been a real pity that his huge work stayed unfinished, and indeed the task has been taken over by John Beasley.
He is the editor of the Variant Chess magazine and is undoubtly competent enough to continue David's work. The most interesting games might find there place in the magazine as well (on of them, with my annotations, has already been published there).
So, good-quality variant games are still welcome !

21. Marzo 2006, 12:22:05
Argomento: Chess Varianr Random tournament!!

Fast Chess Variant tournament with Fischer time!

14. Marzo 2006, 16:30:23
Walter Montego 
Argomento: Dark Chess tournament April 16th start

6. Marzo 2006, 19:59:35
Looking for Fischer Random opponents.

27. Febbraio 2006, 01:21:55
Argomento: Join In!!

24. Febbraio 2006, 09:16:21
SMIRF Engine 
Argomento: European Chess960 Quick Motivation Tournament
Congratulations to the Winner rabbitoid!

Thank you to all participants, especially to the strong finalists: rabbitoid, Fencer, votacommunista and Chessmaster1000.

16. Febbraio 2006, 20:37:35
Argomento: Re:
Kipling: Don't get me wrong, you had a better position. It's just that 3 times repitition is a draw, there's no agreement required.

16. Febbraio 2006, 20:32:16
Argomento: Re: Extinction chess
Pafl: Well your game is fun, doesn't look "pathetic" at all :-). The other one is stranger, with Black responding to a "check" by putting himself in a double check, and then winning the game !
But none of them really features play with KQRBN v KQRBN. As long as there is another piece on the board, this extra piece has unrestricted attacking possibilities and I would not call the position an endgame. However it is of course just a matter of words.

16. Febbraio 2006, 19:50:26
I expected more...but I guess I was wrong.

16. Febbraio 2006, 17:40:57
Chicago Bulls 
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
Modificato da Chicago Bulls (16. Febbraio 2006, 17:41:49)
grenv: I told you that it is silly game! As i've said i think between 2 logically strong players a draw is the clear result. I feel squeezed when i play this game so i hate it too.....!

16. Febbraio 2006, 17:27:48
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
Pythagoras: LOL back, I doubt i'll ever play this silly game again so he may as well wait for Godot.

16. Febbraio 2006, 17:26:07
Chicago Bulls 
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
grenv: Oh LOL! Then just try to explain him that there is no other way.....! I can't believe that a 1500 Legan rated player can't see this.....
I'm sure he will understand except if he wants to made it in purpose or he has other reasons.....
Perhaps he waits for you to gain an established BKR or a high one, as then he would lose less points with the draw....Just guesses....

16. Febbraio 2006, 17:21:44
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
Pythagoras: I tried twice already

16. Febbraio 2006, 16:51:17
Chicago Bulls 
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
Luke Skywalker: Or just offer to Kipling one. He would obviously accept....

16. Febbraio 2006, 16:04:41
Luke Skywalker 
Argomento: Re: draw by repitition
grenv: It isn't automatic. you have to request it from fencer

16. Febbraio 2006, 16:00:18
Argomento: draw by repitition
How come this game isn't a draw? There's nothing in the Legan rules about repitition not being counted?

16. Febbraio 2006, 16:00:08
uh ... sorry for the link :-)

16. Febbraio 2006, 15:59:16
Argomento: Re: Extinction chess
nabla: I have made it once to the A HREF=" ">"> 30th move but only due to a series of blunders as me and my opponent were both rather pathetic players.
The most "endgamish" endgame I have ever seen is probably in this game of my friend Diogenes against Votacommunista. Only I do not quite understand the ending of the game which Diogenes should have won quite obviously.

16. Febbraio 2006, 13:40:50
Argomento: Re: Extinction chess
Pafl: Good question ! Of course a chess-like endgame is impossible in Extinction, but we could choose to call endgames all positions where both camps have only unique pieces except of pawns (that is, KQRBN v KQRBN). I didn't reach any here yet, but it doesn't seem an unlikely issue at all.
Now, many of the positions just after the last piece trade will probably be either simple forced wins, either dead draws with all pieces having to stay on their posts in order to avoid a breakthrough. Has anyone played an interesting "endgame" here ?

16. Febbraio 2006, 12:23:52
Thanks i was in bit of a rush and didn't think to add it

16. Febbraio 2006, 12:18:43
Argomento: Extinction chess
Has anybody ever reached some sort of "endgame" in Extinction ? Or what was the longest game you've ever played ?

14. Febbraio 2006, 15:23:30
Argomento: Chess tournaments (all variants) for players under 1300
Modificato da furbster (14. Febbraio 2006, 16:11:24)

[Tournament description added ... WQ :}

5. Febbraio 2006, 08:04:29
Walter Montego 
Argomento: Re:
grenv: I can think of a few others. :)

5. Febbraio 2006, 07:49:33
Argomento: Re:
رضا: it's the only reason that i can think of.

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