BerniceC: Moth balls and napthalene flakes are petroleum products, and if you can smell them, they are getting into your lungs, and that is NOT good for you! To rid youself of pests, deprive them of their food supply. Cayenne pepper will repel mice and squirrels.
yep moth balls or napthalene flakes....we put them on the floor of our cockroaches or mice :) and it smells nice :)
but if you have scavenging pets, or small children..crawling etc that will put anything in their mouths BEWARE they are deadly poisonous
Moth balls really work on keeping spiders and wasps away? Gotta try that then. My windows and doors are always covered in huge spider webs. DOnt mind spiders just tired of them taking up all the window an door space
Squirrles oh please we have a family that lives in the eves of our house every year.They move out in the Spring.We had them removed and taken away but they came back every year,so we gave up .
Foxy Lady: Don't forget they also need water. Especially if it's freezing out. I have a big plactic pot bottom that is pretty easy to unmold the giant ice cube and replace with fresh water. I'de love a birdbath heater but don't have.
Foxy Lady: Your right Foxy. SO many people think its cute to feed the birds in spring to watch them chirp by the windows but RIGHT now they need food. I feed the many, many diff types of birds in my neighbourhood. Peanuts for the jay and even squirrels. Seeds for the little ones. Even meat and eggs for the crows and seagulls. All birds are equal in my books.
i started planting snow peas today. they're picked before they mature and eaten whole, usually in stir-fry, very tasty. i like them in a salad uncooked. good gardening to all.
Foxy Lady: 1st time II heard it...I thought"no way"
the soil here in the Ozarks consists mostly of rock and red clay,and b planting grass in this fashion,allows the seed plenty of time to germinate.
ummmmm....mumumum cant play keryo pente..or whatever....would you like to play Backgammon.....cant play that either but at least i know how it goes LOLOL
when planting roses(and it helps to fish quite often) I literally plant the fish carcasses 1st,covering with 3 to 4 inches of soil,then planting the bush.This allows the oplant to "grow into" the fertilizer,after planting shock.
Modificato da danoschek (5. Novembre 2004, 22:38:54)
here the main provider is 'Neudorff' - could be available internationally.
btw the fishy stuff is practicable indeed. 'pre-rotten' in the garden even
entirely un-smelly - and fishbones grated are not notorious either ... :D ~*~
Thanks Nev Nake & Bwildman, but I don't think it's practical to put fish bones, heads etc into pots. I'm actually trying to get cuttings going in pots to transport to another property
Modificato da danoschek (5. Novembre 2004, 02:36:51)
as rooting hormone - it works amazingly well ...
one ounce is about 5 euros here - equals $6.50 ...
it works even in very low doses - truely productive ... ~*~