How long do we usually have to wait until we are able to move again? Its still the same message.. that i have to wait until new round? And there is still to be left 21 hours... so what happens when the time is up? Do we all fall in the pond?
One concern I have with the Pond rankings is that it may change the game startegy some. Right now it is played with one purpose, which is to win. Second place isnt any better than last place. Some people right now take big risk/reward ratios, its kinda like Im either gonna win big or lose big. But when ratings come into play, there will be more insentive to play more conservativly and stay in the game as long as possible even if it means reducing your actual chances of winning.
I also recently had a game where I went out third from last but it ranked me as swecond, then the person who got second was ranked third....
I also want to know what happens to an auto bid when you dont have enough points left to cover it?
Could we please have another option in the drop down filter box on pond page...or a link somewhere on there for " ponds created by me only" ( like on tournament page)?
dear fencer, first pond ranking is now o.k.,
but in the other pond is something wrong (look
3 x 8. and 2 x 11., but different rounds this player fall)
I think so:
8. furbster
8.Arctic Warrior
10. zockerdotcom
11. Backoff
12. Mach machovic
Universal Eyes: I was thinking of someting simular. Number of rounds that you last divided by the number of rounds the Pond goes on for. This would make the largest ponds equal to the smaller ones as far as a person's staying power is concerned. That, plus doing what fencer suggests and of course win/loss/wins per pond stats should be enough for record keeping, eh?
By the way Universal Eyes, batting average in baseball is not based on plate appearances, but on at-bats. Not the same thing in the rule book. Using plate appearances is for on base percentage. Walks aren't counted as at-bats, but they are counted as plate appearances. Sacrifice bunts aren't counted as at-bats either. Also, the number of hits is divided by the at-bats not the other way around as you have it.
Spring training is just a couple of weeks away!
Argomento: request to all the overbored (overboard?) people in "The very first run"
if you intend to commit suicide and bet 0, could you please do it all together in one turn? doing it in a trickle of one per turn is a supplementary hardship on us survivors
Modificato da Universal Eyes (23. Gennaio 2005, 20:51:09)
I could for my pond tounaments create for example like a Baseball players average,which is based on number of times at the plate divided by there number of hits,in the ponds game a percentage of lasting in the game would be a great way for rating the ponds.
Bry: The basic idea is to take a pond as a tournament. Your final position is used to determine your "wins" and "loses", compared to final positions of other players.
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