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Moderatore: Vikings 
 Run around the Pond

Discuss about this new multiplayer game or comment current runs. (includes all versions of the game)

Game link..... Ponds
Ratings link..... Regular Pond Ratings -and- Dark Pond Ratings -and- Run in the Rain Ratings
Winners link..... All Winners - (Regular Ponds Only) - (Dark Ponds Only) - (Run in the Rain Only)

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19. Dicembre 2004, 02:39:32
I did click on the link and all it gave me was the list. I was diligently watching for the game to start. I am on the site everyday...maybe it is just a bug...oh well...:)

19. Dicembre 2004, 02:25:31
Is it just me that is surpised by the range of chosen number? I would have expected maybe a cpouple of clumps... very low numbers , very high numbers....but there is a very wide spread all across the board

18. Dicembre 2004, 22:35:32
good point

18. Dicembre 2004, 22:31:40
I'm not sure, but I'd say e.g. a game with 50 runners will last for 49 rounds, no matter whether they start with 5.000 or 200.000 points, as long as there will be only one fall into the pond per round. ;-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 22:27:54
may I suggest for speed of play starting with 5000 points instead of 20000, and a bonus of 100 points instead of 500

18. Dicembre 2004, 22:06:17
You couldnt click on the red one but rather the actual game link that was at the top of the game page. If you cant find anything on it now Youbet it is likely because you missed out and are now in the pond? Not sure maybe the guys who know more about it can respond better?

18. Dicembre 2004, 22:05:17
You need to click the link instead of the number. Don't give up, the next game should have more of the bugs cleared up :)

18. Dicembre 2004, 21:57:48
I saw the red number 1, but couldn't click on it. The same thing happened to me that happened to scooter. There was no notice of the game starting, I have nothing on my game board to show I am even in it and when I go the the game link, I can't do anything.

18. Dicembre 2004, 20:27:07
Thre was a red number 1 by the game for two days until you play the game that stays there (top of the game list) sorry you missed it

18. Dicembre 2004, 20:24:29
Argomento: What happened??
I never got notice this game started or anything. This never came up on my games list. Was this posted someplace?? I just checked this game today and noticed I was "in the pond"... never even got a chance to play!! Damn...

18. Dicembre 2004, 19:49:36
Modificato da Czuch (18. Dicembre 2004, 20:16:02)
First of all I did not delibertly not carry out your wishes.... As you can see, I began edeting my posts at 12:44 PM est. I got kicked off line for a bit when I got a phone call unfortunatly I cant be online and on the phone at the same time) As soon as posible afterward, I returned online and continued my editing, and as all can see I was still editing 16 seconds 13:07:40 pm est before Stevie hid me at 13:07:56 pm est....

I dont think it was fair and I was singled out, and even after explaining all this to Stevie in a PM, he said I was still hid just to remind me not to use words like ignorant to describe someone who does not know the rules of a game. (I think it is the perfect way to describe someone who doesnt know something myself) What kind of censorship is that?

nyway, the only place I did leave those words were where I used them to apologize to anyone offended by me using those words to describe them.... what is wrong with that? Not to Mention that there are still several others in here who have used the same words and have not been hidden or edited.

I just want freedom and justice for all, not just a select few.

18. Dicembre 2004, 19:07:56
Argomento: ok you are hidden
24hr hide for Czuch chuckers as of now...for deliberately not carrying out my wishes .

18. Dicembre 2004, 19:02:18
Thanks. :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 19:02:06
Modificato da Vikings (18. Dicembre 2004, 19:03:01)
yes you do see, the rules are nearly the same

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:57:54
Oh, I obviously don't see. Does it mean that the rules are (nearly) the same, the lowest bidder is out of the game, the highest bidder get the bonus and that the only difference (if any) is that the second lower bidder is the brave?

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:50:49
no, right now in the game 500 points is not worth it, you would have to spend more than 500 to get it, if someone can get the 500 point bonus without spending 500 points, then they would make a wise move

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:48:18
Modificato da Crook (18. Dicembre 2004, 18:49:04)
Oh, I see. Does it mean that the 500 points bonus get the brave with the lowest bid?

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:46:10
guts means brave, who is brave enough to bet 3 in the first round? Me

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:43:58
Vikings: Thanks. -- Would you please explain it so that I can it understand it with my low English level? :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:40:47
Btw, I've placed the Ponds link to the main menu, so when a new move is to be done, nobody should miss the red number again :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:40:38
Bad Biship, same game, it's just who has the guts to bid low

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:40:05
I didn't say choosing 1 was wise, but over 50 people chose less than you and are still here

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:39:05
Its a new game, its all trial and error to begin with, this does not reflect on a person's intelligence level.

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:36:46
Modificato da Czuch (18. Dicembre 2004, 18:44:48)
Not really Viking..... you still havent given me any logical reason why choosing 3 was anything but a lucky play?

edited to change the number 1 to number 3

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:36:18
Vikings: Would you please tell us more about the Guts?

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:24:31
Chuck, a bid of three is why the version of the game I played before was called "Guts". Think of it in those terms before you call people names that played the game, so far, better than you.

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:17:36
Modificato da Stevie (18. Dicembre 2004, 18:18:05)
Sorry Thad, if I remove them...the conversation will be a tad weird, So I think as you have requested this...hopefully Upchuck will go through all his posts and remove the unnecesary words himself. if not, then he will get a 24 hr hide for not following requested actions.

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:11:47
Argomento: Re:
I am one of the players who DID bid 3 in the first round, and I am NOT an idiot. Would one of the moderators (Stevie or one of the Global mods) please remove Czuch Chuckers' posts.

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:10:16
Argomento: Moderator please take note....
Modificato da Stevie (18. Dicembre 2004, 18:11:03)
I have taken note uphuck, please refrain from calling anyone Idiot, Stupid, ignorant or anything like that. There is no need for it, and it was you who used the phrase first. I will leave these posts unaltered otherwise the conversation will be ruined.
But in the future please refrain from trying to argue your point in such a manner.
And Pedro, please refrain also.

We will all play the game in a slightly diferent manner, so no-one is any of the mentioned.

18. Dicembre 2004, 18:00:45
Yes, surely betting three in the following rounds won't win the game. But betting just a bit more than the lowest bidders did just might do it. Yes, its a long game and it'll take quite a while to see who the real idiots are ;)

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:54:27
Not to mention this is a long game, and the "best" player of one round does not a winner make, I wouldnt be so quick to put your money on any of them just yet :)

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:31:26
I find it quite funny that someone who calls best players of the round idiots gets upset over himself being called idiot when he made far worse move himself :)

Anyways, only one round gone and i think i love this game already. Thanks to Fencer and Bad Bishop to making this available at BK!

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:12:55
Modificato da Czuch (19. Dicembre 2004, 11:28:17)

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:08:34
If you concider purposly making a bad move hoping that your opponent makes a worse one as a "smart" play, then anyone who did bid 3 or less is way smarter than myself. I dont believe that kind of strategy is a good long term strategy though... But for a once in a lifetime shot....CONGRATS!!!

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:02:52

Quite risky indeed! ut in this specific game, it worked! (I wouldnt recommend it again though :)

18. Dicembre 2004, 17:02:34
Modificato da kitti (18. Dicembre 2004, 17:04:30)
Actually i thought of bidding 3 in the first place. Because someone who had not properly read/understood the rules might have picked 1 thinking thats enough to go to 2nd round as there is bound to be people not bidding at all. Maybe that is why there was few players going for one point on first round. Three would have been the choice instead two to outbid the ones thinking like myself in case there wouldn't be anyone betting one. But i just didn't have the guts for that and went for a random number on what i thought to be the safe side :) And it looks like i spent way too many points there. Idiot is a strong word. Looking at the results, betting three was an excellent choice, anyone using more points than that are the idiots :)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:58:23
Modificato da Crook (18. Dicembre 2004, 16:59:59)
Well, with 1 point given one must be eliminated. It means the people didn't read the rules. Tough luck. With 20.000 points given I'd suppose the same or a strong dissadvantage in the mathematic (even if I get the reward, I'm staying here with only 500 points which is not so much...).
I think that the 3-points people hoped that somebody will not understand or not read the (rather simple) rules and give only 1 point hoping only the "non movers" will be eliminated. Quite risky, but it worked! :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:55:26
Modificato da Czuch (19. Dicembre 2004, 11:29:08)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:52:08
Modificato da Czuch (18. Dicembre 2004, 18:51:42)
Thats correct Bishop... If someone did play 2 figuring that with so many players, there was bound to be at least one person who didnt know what they were doing and play a 1..... that is a great play, in this instance.

My point is, that anyone playing this game with any experience will never play 1 on the first round, which automatically eliminates a bid of 2 in the first round either.

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:50:52
I completely agree with your arguments about points and so. The using of the idiot word in connection with other people is another thing. ;-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:47:38
Well...... ????? am I missing?

I mean, if the object is to win, correct? And you cannot win by guessing 1 point, correct? Therefore it is logical to assume that anyone who wants to win will not choose 1, correct? Also, anyone who knows this will not choose 2 because if nobody is going to pick 1, 2 becomes the losing number, same logic for 3, correct?

What am I missing?

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:44:32
I'd like to be called idiot if I'd still have 19.997 points. :-)
Maybe it was a strange move - but it was a winning move. :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:42:04
Modificato da Czuch (19. Dicembre 2004, 11:30:07)

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:39:47
yes you are

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:38:40
Vikings, is there anyway you would have guessed 3 had you been playing with people who knew what they were doing? dont think so, cause anybody who knew what they were doing woukld never guess one. Also, knowing that no one will bid one, noone would ever bid 2 either, making 3 a tough call too!

Maybe I am missing something?

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:33:02
as one of the few idiots who bid three, its quite simple, and it worked!, I have played a version of this game before and it was called guts

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:31:33
Pedro Martínez 
Modificato da Pedro Martínez (18. Dicembre 2004, 19:32:30)
I don't think so, IMHO anyone who bid 83 last round is an *****.

*edited as player is not online to do it*

18. Dicembre 2004, 16:28:03
Modificato da Czuch (19. Dicembre 2004, 11:31:28)

18. Dicembre 2004, 15:50:15
You'll have certainly the chance to prove it. I can't imagine that somebody will use all remaining points now, so the third round should be normal. :-)

18. Dicembre 2004, 15:47:06
with 11 player that bid less than 10 last round, I highly doubt that I would bid as high as 30

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