Discuss about checkers game or find new opponents. No insulting, baiting or flaming other players. Off topic posts are subject to deletion and if it persists the poster faces sanctions. This board is for checkers.
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The English (EDA) introduced a 4 fold repetition rule in the early 1990's along with clarification of "making progress". But even 3 fold repetition is OK - with perfect play you NEVER need repeat a position - so you have a couple of chances to get it right - or do you want forever :)
Jumper2: The site owner Pat told me once he knows nothing about checkers. The original purpose of the rule was to prevent a player who was in a 1-1 mathmatical draw from refusing the draw offers and carrying the game on forever. You are right in that it is a bad rule when applied in other cases. If someone stubbornly refuses a cerain draw here Fencer will step in when notified and declare the game a draw.
This rule is totally wrong in checkers. You have to repeat a move everyonce in awhile to run the opponent out of moves. We should get up a petition of 2000 plus players signing it so management knows their is a problem. or flood the mail with individual protests. Jim Loy should be a big help with this problem.
There is a pretty simple formula for 3 Kings to defeat 2 Kings in opposite double corners but it takes a bit of shuffling back and forth to line the 3 up properly. On IYT my opponent knew how to do it (I had the 2 Kings) but in the process of aligning he duplicated the same position 3 times and the site declared the game a draw. Unless someone knows a super fast way to do this I think it tilts the game unfairly.
*nod* i have it quite often with froglet .. its tough chosing when you only see the red ones clearly and the other 3 colors are replaced by red crosses :)
the problem is gone as soon as i clean my temporary internet files etc. :)
Yep, it helps sometime. I have this problem quite often (MSIE), it's quite annoying. Once I made my move in chess and some figures appeared first after I clicked on "move". :-)
when certain parts of the graphics arent loading then you have a problem with either your internet connection or your browser (probably the cache which is filled up) .. you can try to refresh the page of the game and see if it loads better .. with internet explorer you can press F5 and also Ctrl-F5
scooby......i aploagize for our beginning.as we where playing our games,they all got out of wack,at my end the moves where not even,maybe the problem was the server,maybe we should have Fencer look into this.
Oh you think I am using a programme?
I would have said that I should have a higher bkr if I was. wouldnt you say so?
And someone with a bkr like yours would not know a programme if it hit you
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