Questa pagina mostra il corrente (o ultimo) sondaggio d'opinione al pubblico. Se il sondaggio è ancora aperto puoi aggiungere o modificare il tuo voto. Lista dei sondaggi
Did you know that I,, got my first "25 public votes" on May 6, 2010. The "50 public votes" on July 24, 2012. And is the VERY FIRST to get the "100 public votes" Achievement on July 15, 2023?
Do you think would create a poll just to get the 100 vote achievement first?
No - seems like a nice guy, it is "fake news" that he would do that.
--- I refuse to answer this poll question, as the cultural importance to the world as a whole is worth more to me than answering this poll question here. Furthermore, (did you know there is a limit on space of an answer? THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE NOW THIS!
(nascondi) Se sei interessato all'andamento del torneo a cui stai partecipando, puoi discuterne con i tuoi avversari nell'apposito forum di dscussione. (HelenaTanein) (mostra tutti i suggerimenti)