Tipo dello stagno: Corri attorno allo stagno ID dello Stagno: 7024 Numero minimo dei giocatori: 16 Numero massimo dei giocatori: 23 Tempo per mossa: 23 ore Inizio: 8. Gennaio 2012, 17:05:25 Fine: 28. Gennaio 2012, 20:05:28
(11. Gennaio 2012, 16:40:16) Wonderful! You are a linguist. I've understood it very well. Thank you.
Mossa: 3
Pedro Martínez:
(11. Gennaio 2012, 13:19:06) Polish is THE language with an enormous number of consonants. Finnish is the other extreme, having “too” many vowels in it. Czech is somewhere in between. There are, however, some words in Czech that are formed only by consonants. This is because R and L are sound-bearers – just like the R is the sound-bearer in the English word “burn”, or “shirt”.
(10. Gennaio 2012, 15:50:09) Thank you very much! I feel that Czech has many words with a few vowels. Possibly, "r" in Czech is a vowel sound?
Mossa: 2
(10. Gennaio 2012, 03:27:51) I guess he didn't have enough money to pay for any vowels...
Pedro Martínez:
(10. Gennaio 2012, 01:17:07) A mole farted through a sod – a greyhound escaped through the sod to the city district of Krč, having first gulped down a quarter-handful of grains. :)
Mossa: 1
(9. Gennaio 2012, 02:27:52) A mole farted through the turf - Greyhound through the turf having devoured a quarter handful of seeds... please tell me what he does?
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