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Stagni conclusi

Nome Vincitore Numero di turni Tempo per mossa Creatore
 *188* Silvestrovská půlnoc *29*Pedro Martínez21 3 giorni 6 oreRolf
 Alligators Anonymous #5karij15 2 giornibobowski74
 For Flashlites OnlyHarry14 2 giorniGammonator
 gettin dark, 4 2000 &^ only watch out waters cold Vikings16 5 giorni 3 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 6. 6. at 6 for 6 days and 6 hours *107**107**107*El Cid35 6 giorni 6 oreR.A.D.Y.
 5. 5. at 5 for 5 days and 5 hours *107**107**107*Gror34 5 giorni 5 oreR.A.D.Y.
 4. 4. at 4 for 4 days and 4 hours *107**107**107*cd power34 4 giorni 4 oreR.A.D.Y.
 3. 3. at 3 for 3 days and 3 hours *107**107**107*Dalmatiner35 3 giorni 3 oreR.A.D.Y.
 2. 2. at 2 for 2 days and 2 hours *107**107**107*YBWORKN>StRod3740 2 giorni 2 oreR.A.D.Y.
 1. 1. at 1 for 1 day and 1 hour *107**107**107*AlterMann25 1 giorno 1 oraR.A.D.Y.
 20 :P Ritdcd power37 2 giorniaaru
 PC - KYSUCKY BEH V TEMNOTE - 8PCfromKNM20 4 giorniPCfromKNM
 Wet darknessVikings15 2 giorniHarry
 One-Day PondMarshmud14 1 giornoPedro Martínez
 splashin around, wear what ya want, it's darkVikings19 4 giorni 14 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 rub dark in theBeaupol15 2 giorniGammonator
 No running in the Darkalexlee15 2 giorniGammonator
 ►► *28* - First 16 to sign - Dark Pond#35tolsty200216 3 giorni 12
 hurry, skinny dippin b4 sun comes uptolsty200213 1 giorno 4 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 waitin 4 a full moon 2Pedro Martínez15 7 giorni 16 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 just a waitin 4 da full moonPedro Martínez15 8 giorni 10 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 Darker than dark vol. 9Pedro Martínez15 2 giorni 2 oreshpek
 skinny dippers with da full moon out 2000&^Pedro Martínez18 6 giorni 7 oreYBWORKN>StRod37
 Darker than dark vol. 8Pedro Martínez17 2 giorni 2 oreshpek
 Darker than dark vol. 7shpek13 2 giorni 2 oreshpek
 Darker than dark vol. 6Pedro Martínez15 2 giornishpek
 Darker than dark vol. 5alexlee15 2 giornishpek
 Soomaa Run in the darkAlterMann18 2 giorniJaak
 12. 12. at 12 for 12 days and 12 hours *107*SentineL38 12 giorni 12 oreR.A.D.Y.
 11. 11. at 11 for 11 days and 11 hours *107*Vikings42 11 giorni 11 oreR.A.D.Y.
 10. 10. at 10 for 10 days and 10 hours *107*Vikings40 10 giorni 10 oreR.A.D.Y.
 9. 9. at 9 for 9 days and 9 hours *107*Pedro Martínez39 9 giorni 9 oreR.A.D.Y.
 8. 8. at 8 for 8 days and 8 hours *107**107*Dalmatiner42 8 giorni 8 oreR.A.D.Y.
 7. 7. at 7 for 7 days and 7 hours *107*Perin38 7 giorni 7 oreR.A.D.Y.
 Samozřejmě musím udělat narozeninový rybníkAlterMann29 3 giorni 6 oremilionovej kluk
 Darker than dark vol. 4pauloaguia20 2 giornishpek
 Darker than dark vol. 3Universal Eyes21 2 giornishpek
 Hot Splash!tolsty200215 1 giornoNirvana
 Darker than dark vol. 2pauloaguia18 2 giornishpek
 Darker than dark vol. 1AlterMann19 3 giornishpek
 Alligators Anonymous #4Lord Dalio15 2 giornibobowski74
 another darkMarshmud14 1 giornoGammonator
 darkPedro Martínez15 2 giorniGammonator
 February dark swimmerBwild25 1 giornoAlterMann
 January dark swimmervarkala16 1 giornoAlterMann
 Alligators Anonymous #3pedestrian13 2 giornibobowski74
 Painter, Xmas, Run in the darkbobowski7415 8 giornipainter
 darkerPedro Martínez9 2 giorniGammonator
 darkNewTry14 1 giornoGammonator
 heard a splash, can't see who's skinnydippingpedestrian19 1 giorno 13 oreYBWORKN>StRod37

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