Do you know a MANGA "Thermae Romae"? It is a Japanese cartoon which has short stories. This is a comedy that a central figure of stories, who is an architect in Roman Empire, comes and goes between present Japan and Roman Empire by time travel. This manga has a scene where WASHLET surprises the central figure. Released Italian and French translations ( now you can purchase them at Amazon ). English one will be released in November, this year. Ritorna alla lista degli Stagni
Tipo dello stagno: Corri attorno allo stagno ID dello Stagno: 7210 Numero minimo dei giocatori: 16 Numero massimo dei giocatori: 22 Tempo per mossa: 2 giorni 12 ore Inizio: 17. Giugno 2012, 02:05:04 Fine: 27. Luglio 2012, 02:05:03
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