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Profilo: Karthum

Karthum - Brain Pawn, 20 Cervelloni, 45 punti obiettivo
Punteggio complessivo: 725 vittorie, 70 patte, 282 sconfitte, 4 tornei vinti

Karthum messaggi più recenti (forum pubblici):
Chess variants (8x8)
30. Maggio 2008, 18:20:34
Argomento: Re: Varying the Loopchess Rules
1. Triple check is possible. Yet very rare in practice.

2. The rule gets very interesting in combination with rule 1. If you can only put your piece in play with a normal check, the opponent can take it off the board by promoting a pawn! :D
In my region bugchess is nearly always played with the combination of these two rulez!

If the opponent has only a king and pawns left, a promoted pawn is simply removed from the board!

Rule (2) comes often into play. Early checkmates with dropped pawns/bishops on f2/f7 can be prevented by blocking the own king. This is no beginners rule but quite an interesting defense possibility. Besides checkmating is often too easy by dropping a queen.
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  •  Chess variants (8x8) - 2 messaggi - including Amazon, Anti, Atomic, Berolina, Corner, Crazy Screen, Cylinder, Dark, Extinction, Fischer Random, Fortress, Horde, Knight Relay, Legan, Loop, Maharajah, Screen, Three Checks (moderatore WhisperzQ, Mort, Bwild)

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