Stoyan Vatralski At the end of the nineteenth century poor Bulgarian shepherd Stoyan from Vakarel outwits anonymous competition color of American youth educated at Harvard, in that of their native English. Became the author of the bachelor anthem at the prestigious American University, which runs today. The achievement is all the more surprising since 14 years of age go to school and do not even know the letters.But the most notable achievement has been writing a bachelor anthem renowned University "Harvard". Significant event happens on June 17, 1894 In the anonymous competition for the writing of the lyrics - the emblem of the oldest higher education institution in the US, all 560 students in his class involved with aliases. No one doubts that the honor of the graduation celebrations to sing the words of his hymn, will fall to one of the representatives of the highest circles of American society. Then, as today at Harvard and his eternal rival from the same town Yale study only the children of the elite - known politicians, bankers and aristocrats. Therefore, the interest of the audience is huge - which is behind the name Pope, which the jury composed of teachers nominated champion. Surprisingly, it appears that it is unknown foreigner, and that of a completely unfamiliar country, located somewhere in the Balkans. Ritorna all'elenco dei tornei
Tipo di incontro: Partita normale Tipo di torneo (?): Triplo gammon Livello di Sottoscrizione: Numero minimo dei giocatori: 4 Numero massimo dei giocatori: 6 Numero massimo dei giocatori per girone: 6 Tipo di incontro finale (se girone a due giocatori): Partita normale Controllo del tempo (?): 4 giorni, nessuna vacanza Classifica del giocatore: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 Giocatori non classificati: sì Partite non valutate (nessun BKR sarà modificato durante questo torneo): no Torneo privato (manderai inviti privati): no Ordina i giocatori per BKR: sì Tutte le partite di questo torneo sono state create con la funzione di "passo automatico" abilitata (solo per i giochi che consentono tale funzione) Status: terminato
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