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 Checkers variants (8x8)

Checkers variants (8x8).

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

30. 10月 2007, 14:09:31
件名: Re:
but there could be some good explanations, same family that share the same nick, etc...

@Atila, I know its very frustrant than trying to play his favourite game and the rules are not accordingly with the official ones. We portugueses trying to add the Portuguese variant to the site, and we feel the same frustration.

I think we just need to be a more patient and wait for the events. I still believe this will happen one day. However the situation of changing rules is not understandble, because we have prior experiences and I'm sure (as some user said before) if this happen with other variant, this will be anounce on the Site in several ways.

So come on Fencer give some light here.. ;-)

29. 10月 2007, 11:19:04
件名: Re:

I absolutely agree with your post, and I wasn't directly question you about the deletion of the game or the rules of the game. I just want to know the rules of the game, is simpler as that.

Hope Fencer clarify this issue for us players. This is a game site, right? So the game rules should be the mainly important here, correct?

Assuming that the game was delete for change of rules, where are those rules mention, Fencer? And what happen to the games that started before the change of the rules? Are all be erased?

27. 10月 2007, 07:19:38
件名: Re:

Seems the game was erased... Reason?!?!?!?!?

Rules have change or not? Are we going to repeat something that happen long time ago with Czech Checkers where the rules change at middle of the games? And at that time no games were erased!

I have no problems with the change of the rules but this is basic! To play a game we need to know the rules!

If the rules have changed I ask for all the Turkish games that started before the change of rules and still not finish to be erased also!

2. 11月 2006, 12:45:36
件名: Re: Corner Checkers rules
So is my E1 piece blocked? Yes
Can it move to F2? Nope

Can it capture to G3? Nope </>

If it can capture to G3, why can't F6 capture to H8? Because it can't capture to G3

12. 1月 2006, 01:09:54
件名: Re:
Spanish and Portuguese Checkers are the same game, because Spanish decided a long time ago to change to the Portuguese Rules.

I used to play a similar to Gothic version in Brainking with same rules but on a real Board and with just the 12 normal pieces.

11. 1月 2006, 11:25:33
件名: Re:
"Czech 8x8 checkers are mainly played in Czech Republic and in Slovac Republic.
The rules are very similar to Spanish checkers, but priority for captures are lightly different : the king must always take first, even if a man can capture more men than it."

Depending of what you conside similarity, if you say its the variant more similar to the Spanish one (BTW Spanish Checkers years ago change their rules to be equal to Portuguese ones, but the international name remains Spanish... go figures)
here at BK, ok I agree. But in fact theres a lot of diferences between the 2 variants. I'm going to try to name all:
- The Board is a mirror
- Draws are automatic in same special situations. It means you have a number of limited moves to try to win the game after a special situation. If not the game is declared a draw. Doesn't need the agreement of both players.
- You jump always the maximum of pieces
- Jump Quality rule in the same number of pieces.

Last Note: The flying Kings are called Queens! :-)

10. 1月 2006, 13:51:54
件名: Re:
"With choice of captures, the player must take the maximum number of adverse pieces."
This is not correct here! Its correct on the official game.
"With choice of captures, the player must take the jump with the Queen."
That is the correct sentence for the all BK checkers variants that has Queens in it, including Turkish.

Nightstorm I believe the rules were changed because the rules were wrong here not because of the draws, that was a consequence of the rules being wrong. With the change of the rules the Czeck Checkers you play here has the same rules of the official game.
Unfortunately or fortunately, depending of the perspective its not the case of the Turkish variant. I'm quite satisfy with the actual rules, but I can also play with the official ones too!

By the way I vote for the Italian version too! And of course Portuguese the most ancient Checkers variation in the world, that remains unexchange. Please... :-D

30. 1月 2005, 19:29:47
Nope BBW, you can choose between Parachute and pawn, but when it involves a Queen, always a Queen.
I hope you join me in my crusade against Fencer in regarding Checkers Varinat rules now... ;-)
Just kidding, sorry Fencer. :-)

8. 1月 2005, 18:53:21
件名: Re: Curious
Well I played when I was a child on real boards, with fewer pieces (12 for each player) but i don't remember from where came from.

18. 11月 2004, 21:22:19
件名: Re:
If I recall right, should be zero add to both players because the difference its not big enought for taking points from you. I will say you should report the game to Fencer and explain the situation.

4. 9月 2003, 13:38:44
件名: Re: Moving Kings
Just a note, its not a King, its a Queen! :-)

5. 6月 2003, 13:37:09
件名: Re: question
When you promote, the move is over.

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