ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 

Discuss about the Ludo game or find new opponents.

Ludo rules

A game by any other name....

I Love Ludo Hall of Fame...How many passes have you had in one game?

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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9. 7月 2006, 03:29:36
good question. Now that I think about it, I too would have expected to by now and yet I have not

10. 7月 2006, 03:34:11
件名: Re: triple 6's
nivabef & SafariGal: I believe when you really do roll a 6-6-6 the system kicks it to a 6-6-5. (This is going to make me sound like a dork...) But for a short while I was tracking what I rolled... and ummm... I found that 6-6-5 was rolled twice as much as any other 6-6-x number... while there was no triple 6's. Yeah... I guess I'm a dork...

10. 7月 2006, 04:08:46
件名: Re: triple 6's
rednaz23: Just shows that Fencer didn't want to deal with a 4th die so he cheated a little

10. 7月 2006, 04:09:32
I think so... :-)

10. 7月 2006, 04:21:57
件名: Re: triple 6's
mctrivia: That can't be it.. I've seen 4 dice lots of times in the first turns when you get 3 dice.. Like, 1 - 4 - 6 - 3

But yeah, I've never gotten 3 6's either.. I thought it seemed strange, too.

10. 7月 2006, 04:24:20
however... also note that you will never go beyond 5 die there either... You never see 3-1-6-6-3 or anything like that...

10. 7月 2006, 04:24:34
beyond 4 die I meant...

10. 7月 2006, 04:27:29
件名: Re: triple 6's
mctrivia (10. 7月 2006, 04:30:11)に変更されました。
rod03801: 3 6's in a row have a stitistical probability of 0.463% about the same as getting 30 passes in a row. I beleive are record is 48 times. There should be atleast 29 times that people got 6-6-6 before a 48 passes game happened.

11. 7月 2006, 00:55:21
It seems like I get 2-2-2 quite a bit in the opening rolls.

13. 7月 2006, 18:23:11
have superfast ludo games in waiting room if anyone is interested .....i will resign at end if you cant finish then or fear timeout.

13. 7月 2006, 23:56:25
ive played sooo many games i think im an expert on the dice....lol

a few basic things.... 3 and 5 are most common numbers alone and after a 6 as well.
6 and 1 are hard to get but when you get them theres a big chance of recurrence like getting 6,s in a row or especially 1,s in a row.
dont know how the random number generation is set up but but its almost as if the dice pick a lucky side and an unlucky side if not for the whole game then for periods of time.
if you are having an unlucky period ...best to log off and sign on after a while and your luck might change .... on the other hand if your having a good dice spree play as fast as you can till it lasts ....lol
hope these tips are useful to any ludo fanatics and a reminder that i have some fast games waiting in the waiting room ....lol

14. 7月 2006, 00:27:05
件名: Re:
actionpoints: I do believe the die are based just like IYT, on the point in time (down to the thousandths of a second) you click on the game to open it up (I mean servor time)... That is when the player gets to see his piece... I tracked the dice rolls, and am sort of a stats nerd (yeah, I admit it, I have to with my job), and the only thing that really stuck out as way off, is the 6-6-5 to 6-6-x rolls... and that is because I believe 6-6-6 are turned into 6-6-5... Anyways, that pretty much makes it random, because even a system to try and "cheat" and get the roll you want won't be able to factor in the time it takes to trasmit your move to the system, plus, how are you suppose to know what each roll is associated with each point in time?

Hmmm... Oh, I always see 6-4's... that is the one that I remember getting a lot... or so I remember getting... Do the stats and you will see...

Of course I am not positive on this, Fencer would know for sure...

14. 7月 2006, 00:38:04
件名: Re:
rednaz23: It is common practice in embeded systems(my area of work) to use either the temperature or the smallest unit of mesurment acompanied with a psudo-random algorithm to generate random numbers. In this way even if you could chose the time down to the nano secound of when you want to play the psod-random code will make it so that the number will still be next to imposible to predict. Using temperature is ideal because this is constantly fluctuating and is imposible to predict.

I know that intel procesors use the CPU temperature to generate random numbers I am not sure about the others or what code Fencer is using. Would be interesting if someone could write a program to find ludo statistics.

Longest pass streak.
Longest consecutive die roles of the same value
How many times each die has fallen as well as set combinations.

Anyone have the time and knowledge to do it?

15. 7月 2006, 00:52:57
hello everybody again ....

i just finished a game which im assuming might hold a few records ....

1. its a win with the best possible margin that is the oppoent had 4 pieces in.
2. there might be someone else who finished the game in lesser moves but well this one ended in 35 or 36.
3. i heard the most consecutive passes record is 48 this one had less but who know could have gone one to beat that if the game lasted longer.


im sure i can validate the lucky and unlucky dice theory with this game as well.

15. 7月 2006, 07:06:31
Sylfest Strutle 
件名: Re:
actionpoints: im sure i can validate the lucky and unlucky dice theory with this game as well.

Then you would first have to come up with your personal definition of the word validate. ;)

15. 7月 2006, 07:22:43
件名: Re:
whopper: smart reply hehe . im sure we both know the definition of validation but before you start correcting or objecting me please do ask yourself the meaning of theory. (if i were validating a fact ofcourse the word validate would be overkill with 1 meager example but we are talking about theory my friend )

15. 7月 2006, 16:15:52
Sylfest Strutle 
件名: Re:
actionpoints: Doesn't validation of a theory make it a fact?

16. 7月 2006, 02:54:57
件名: Re:
whopper: some theories always remain theories like the quantum theory or the space/time theory and 1 can only provide/argue/validate them with whatever knowledge is available . reason these theories remain theories is because the proof or knowledge used to make them acceptable is never enough and they remain arguably acceptable until new data comes in to reject them but in any case my purpose here is not to argue with you endlessly or meaninglessly so if you plan to keep at this nonsense then be my guest and you can crown yourself the king of arguments lol

16. 7月 2006, 03:00:47
Sylfest Strutle 
件名: Re:
actionpoints: Why the hostility?

16. 7月 2006, 06:55:41

20. 7月 2006, 21:28:17
件名: just wondering
if anyone knows whats the most moves played in one game

21. 7月 2006, 14:05:29

22. 7月 2006, 21:35:46
件名: Any luck?

23. 7月 2006, 01:58:02
件名: Re: just wondering
imsoaddicted: This one had 129. http://brainking.com/en/ArchivedGame?g=1765517

25. 7月 2006, 05:36:21
件名: yuck

25. 7月 2006, 17:48:07
件名: Re: yuck
rednaz23:That probably set a record!!

1. 8月 2006, 02:35:23
件名: Ludo Tourney

2. 8月 2006, 16:24:31
Pedro Martínez 

11. 8月 2006, 13:48:00
Live ludo tourney will start in two hours
I hope there will be 2 more participants, anyone here interested?

11. 8月 2006, 14:37:54
件名: triple 6
mangue (11. 8月 2006, 14:38:11)に変更されました。
I have got many 6-6-5 already, I just got two 6-6-5 in a rows.

I think it should be clarified in the rules if a 6-6-6 is turned into a 6-6-5.

When I was a child, I was playing this game too, and a triple 6 was sending all stones home (quite frightening, is not it?)


11. 8月 2006, 18:21:48
Tourney went smooth, I didn't saved enough slots on time but I hope players were satisftied and this even will be repeated : )

11. 8月 2006, 21:56:09

11. 8月 2006, 21:57:46
件名: Re:
voldemort: 31 passes in total

13. 8月 2006, 23:35:29
件名: auto-pass
Does anyone know anything about this auto-pass thing?

14. 8月 2006, 01:45:15
Something I have learned:

If anyone is sent a link about auto-pass, I advise you to consider the information that you are giving out... these links come in a game message while playing ludo against certain people, possibly regular messages, or found in discussion boards. Just consider what you're doing!

14. 8月 2006, 11:56:33
件名: Re:
rednaz23: personal messages or messages everyone can see?

14. 8月 2006, 18:42:06
件名: Re:
voldemort: People have been sending messages to others at the beginning of the game and referencing it as a brainking thing. Don't buy into it. If it isn't a brainking website, it isn't a brainking website!

15. 8月 2006, 11:19:56
Is anyone interested in playing 'live' ludo tourneys? If so, i hope that some paying member will organise one or two : )

16. 8月 2006, 01:58:08
件名: riddles...
Two Ludo riddles...

What is the most blue squares you can get on the board at once?

What is the highest total of the die you can get?

Please don't post answers, I will post the answers in one week (Aug. 22). So stay tuned!

19. 8月 2006, 04:26:34
件名: Re:
mctrivia (19. 8月 2006, 04:58:26)に変更されました。
rednaz23: the auto pass thing is a program hexkid wroute at my sugestion on the user script board. It works well we have been playing with it for a few weeks in private games. No it is not an official part of brain king Fencer refuses to write the option so we decided to write it. If you want to use it the address is: http://hexkid.eu/BK/AutoPlayer/AutoPlayer.php

You do however need to give your username and the MD5 hashed version of your password. The reason MD5 is because it can not be reverse enginered into your password.

If you don't want to use it then don't.

19. 8月 2006, 04:29:33
件名: Live Ludo Game
Live Ludo Starting in 30 min

19. 8月 2006, 04:35:53
件名: Re:
mctrivia (19. 8月 2006, 04:38:42)に変更されました。
rednaz23: As for the message it is sent every time the auto player plays for us. It allows for you to play us a lot faster as the system checks every 15 minutes if the game is autopassed and if it is will play on our behalf. If there is more then one option it does nothing.

Auto pass works for the following games so far:
Anti Backgammon
Anti Chess
Anti Reversi
Backgammon Race
Crowded Backgammon
Hyper Backgammon
Reversi 10x10
Reversi 6x6
Reversi 8x8

19. 8月 2006, 04:43:05
件名: Re:
mctrivia: The MD5 hashed version of your password, is that your BK acct password?

19. 8月 2006, 04:56:29
件名: Re:
mctrivia (19. 8月 2006, 05:01:05)に変更されました。
Skittles: that is the md5 hashed version of your bk account password yes. There is a link to a calculator on the site.

For example if your password is: 1234
then your MD5 hasshed password would be: 81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055

goto http://pajhome.org.uk/crypt/md5/ for more info on MD5 and a calculator

19. 8月 2006, 05:03:57
件名: Re:
mctrivia: So is there any way that someone can find out the password being used through this?

19. 8月 2006, 05:07:10
件名: Re:
Skittles: it is not posible for anyone to find out what your bk password is.

19. 8月 2006, 06:17:54
件名: Re:
Skittles: I'm not saying anything bad, but want to add that with anything that is not an official part of BrainKing like this script should always be used at your own risk. If the script endangers your security - or messes up games, it is all at your own risk.

Again, not saying that this does not work - I know nothing about it, but everyone should be clear that it is at your own risk.

19. 8月 2006, 06:28:08
件名: Re:
BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah I know what you mean, I know nothing about it either and dont intend on using it but was wanting to know more about it. Some one else had asked me about the security of it and I had no idea what to say. Personally I wouldnt want to take the risk of it messing anything up unless it was a BrainKing feature.

19. 8月 2006, 06:52:29
件名: Re:
Skittles: I agree it is use at your own risk.

19. 8月 2006, 20:31:57
件名: Re: Live Ludo Game
Skittles: Sorry I timed out on that live ludo game. Was only 2 of us signed in and it appeared it wouldn't start. I will pay closer attention next time!!

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