ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: rod03801 

Discuss about the Ludo game or find new opponents.

Ludo rules

A game by any other name....

I Love Ludo Hall of Fame...How many passes have you had in one game?

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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8. 3月 2006, 14:03:14
件名: We got outselves a new game! woo hoo!
Hello Ludo Board. hehehehehehe

8. 3月 2006, 14:08:46
件名: I think these won't last long....

8. 3月 2006, 14:13:06
how about a link to the rules?

8. 3月 2006, 14:13:50
hmmm good idea

8. 3月 2006, 14:15:13

8. 3月 2006, 14:17:37

8. 3月 2006, 15:13:03
yep or Parcheesi !!!

8. 3月 2006, 16:26:45
件名: Re:
Eriisa:Very interesting! I have a board that is exactly like this one...played it for years and it was called Yahoo, I think!!

8. 3月 2006, 16:51:59
there are SO many names for this game! I knew it as SORRY!

8. 3月 2006, 16:54:13
件名: Re:
Eriisa: SORRY...thats the game I remember it as, it's also simular to TROUBLE I believe too.

8. 3月 2006, 16:56:42
件名: Re:
Eriisa: In Czech, we call it "člověče, nezlob se" which means "man, don't be angry".

8. 3月 2006, 17:02:44
I know it as Ludo so yippe lol

8. 3月 2006, 17:12:36
LOL Isn't it amazing all the names its know as?

8. 3月 2006, 17:13:14
Maybe it was called Wahoo..will have to find my board to verify!

8. 3月 2006, 17:15:17
LOL, I just realized that I now have a new phrase for my czech notebook!

8. 3月 2006, 17:17:26
件名: Other Ludo names
Eriisa (22. 9月 2006, 05:54:14)に変更されました。
ok, so lets see what we have so far.....

"člověče, nezlob se" which means "man, don't be angry"
Yahoo or Wahoo

and of course.... LUDO

8. 3月 2006, 18:00:24
LOL. it sure is!

8. 3月 2006, 18:11:20
Yes Frustration it had the little popper in teh middle what you pressed to roll the dice lol

8. 3月 2006, 18:13:32
件名: Stairs
Ludo has been added to the Stairs also!

8. 3月 2006, 18:45:07
件名: Re:
Eriisa: i always thought of it as frustration there is also a similar game called sorry where u use cards instead of dice and u have a 2 or 1 to get out in this its just 6

8. 3月 2006, 20:52:02
furbster: i think that game was called Trouble in the US. i remember there were two games with the Pop-O-Matic dice roller in the middle (which i always loved); one was called Trouble and the other one was called...something else. it wasn't Frustration here in the US though, i'm pretty sure...

ah, kinda makes me long for my old Barrel O' Monkeys... :)

8. 3月 2006, 21:21:43
Adaptable Ali 
My opponent rolled a 6 and a 5 , but it wouldnt let her move another piece into play, does anybody know why this is?

8. 3月 2006, 21:24:55
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: There might of been a piece already sitting on the spot where the one coming out would of ended up, if that was the case then it wont let you move one out.

8. 3月 2006, 21:41:28
Pedro Martínez 
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: It's always good to read the rules before starting to play any new game.

8. 3月 2006, 22:13:32
Adaptable Ali 
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I know how to play the game, i used to play it as a kid, my opponent didnt know, i read the rules again for her, and it didnt give me the answer the question i posted in here.......OK!

8. 3月 2006, 22:13:53
Adaptable Ali 
件名: Re:
Skittles: No there wasnt, thats what we couldnt understand

8. 3月 2006, 22:15:29
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: Maybe it's a bug. You might want to post the link and others can take a look.

8. 3月 2006, 22:21:21
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: Yeah I'd report it or send the link to fencer so he can see it, I've read the game rules a couple times and from what I can see, that would be the only reason you can't move a piece out...I might be missing something tho.

8. 3月 2006, 22:24:37
Pedro Martínez 
A link to the game would definitely be useful.

8. 3月 2006, 22:27:12
Adaptable Ali 
thanks Skittles and SueQ for your help

8. 3月 2006, 22:29:58
件名: Re:
WatfordFC: What I've seen so far, is the die that moves out on 6 has to move for the 2nd die.

9. 3月 2006, 01:40:10
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: wasnt any need really was there

9. 3月 2006, 01:45:16
The way you use the die doesnt really work as it should,,, as ive mentioned on the BK board
In th ecase WatfordFC has brought up, if the start point was clear, the six should have let a new piece be placed on the board, and then the five not be allowed to be used if the next one was blocked. but the BK version seems to allow you only to use the complete double movement as a single one, so the rules should really be altered

9. 3月 2006, 02:33:17
件名: Re:
Stevie: I agree. You should be able to use the 6 and then the second dice seperately. It allows you to be more in control of the game...use more of your stategy than luck.

9. 3月 2006, 02:33:28
Pedro Martínez 
件名: Re:
Stevie: The die works exactly as it should. If you can't complete your full roll, you have to pass.

9. 3月 2006, 02:34:32
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Its just the diffenece in Czech and American versions, that's all.

9. 3月 2006, 02:35:47
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: but there is only 1 die,, the multiple rolls are using the same one..

the way it is and the way you say,, would be like in backgammon, saying that if you cant use one of the die, then you are not allowed to move at all

9. 3月 2006, 02:36:30
件名: Re:
Eriisa: nope, czech is probably close to the UK one, as they obviously call it the same name... Ludo

9. 3月 2006, 02:44:06
件名: Re:

Well looking at the rules of Ludo on wikipedia, it says that a roll of a six earns a bonus roll. I did not see where it says in there that the bonus roll MUST be used with the same pieces that the original 6 was moved with, and in addition to that if the bonus roll can not be used, the original 6 is now void.

9. 3月 2006, 02:45:05
Pedro Martínez 
件名: Re:
Stevie: they obviously call it the same name... Ludo

We obviously do NOT call it Ludo.
Fencer chose to apply the Czech rules. So far, I haven't seen one valid argument for WHY the rules should be changed to the American/British ones.

9. 3月 2006, 02:46:19
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: see BBW post..

Id say if the rules are to be diferent, then it needs to be called something other than Ludo

9. 3月 2006, 02:47:06
件名: Name of the Game

That page has some of the other "versions" of the game that some of you were talking about below.

I thought someone was nuts when they said the name of the game was WA HOO - I was proven wrong...

9. 3月 2006, 02:47:06
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: The valid reason is because it makes it easier.

BUT its just a valid reason to be not easier and keep the Cz rules.

no reason for people to get upset over it. Maybe there will be variations down the line.

9. 3月 2006, 02:48:00
件名: Re:
Stevie: a name is a name. The variations of the rules don't matter.

Ludo was simply a easy name.

9. 3月 2006, 02:49:14
件名: Variations
Fast Ludo - Use 2 dice, no "bonus" for 6. Can use 1 or 6 to take a piece out. Can move different pieces with each die.

4-player Ludo - Well names says it I think

9. 3月 2006, 02:49:47
件名: Re:
Eriisa: only Pedro looks upset to me lol

I beg to differ, Called Ludo means Ludo rules should apply

9. 3月 2006, 02:51:33
件名: Re:
Stevie: ok, so you differ.

guess what? Fencer has the final say. hahahahahahaha, you lose! (ohhhh, I couldn't resist that!)

9. 3月 2006, 02:52:19
件名: Re:
Eriisa: im sure there are such things as copyrights etc etc that would say diferent

9. 3月 2006, 02:56:43
Pedro Martínez 
件名: Re:
Stevie: I'm not upset at all, I'm sorry if it sounds/looks so. Sorry for that. I just don't think the rules should be changed. We play it this way in the Czech Republic, so I see no reason for changing the rules of a game played on a Czech site owned by a Czech for the only sake of "making it easier" for a group of "Anglo-Americans". Changing the rules would definitely not make it easier for us, including Fencer. We call it "Člověče, nezlob se" ("Dude, don't be mad") and it's one of the most wide-spread board games in the Czech Republic. All the Czech users would start a rampage if the rules should be changed the way you want it.

9. 3月 2006, 03:33:20
件名: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I agree, if anything it should be a variation to our type.

ohoh, thunderstorm is coming. Children, behave while I'm gone!


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