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Czuch:Yeah, what could I be thinking. All those tattoo stores will bring in money (yours and mine)to pay for removal of tattoos from people too stupid to realize that tattoos are permanent. Hmmm. That sounds fair.
Houston just tried to pass a bill where they would use tax dollars to help elevate credit card debt for those that have over spent. It was killed but the dems tried to sneak it past the people. The Republicans rallied and killed that stupid bill. I don't have any credit card bills because I always pay it off. Why should I help out some moron who maxed out ten cards?
Obama says that the government must sacrifice some worthy priority for which there are no dollars. Fine. But what they say is one thing. Right after that he proposes additional spending (money we don't have) for the cure of Cancer. Double speak. National Health Care reform can't wait? Until we have the money? How many trillions in debt does this guy think we can't make before he ruins the country?
Obama is getting a new fleet of new helicopters. Hmmmm, 11.2 Billion dollars. Yeah, like one isn't enough.
But the topper is when he said he "is proud that we passed a recovery plan that is free of earmarks."
Really? He's either lying or he's stupid. Neither choice is good.
There's language in this "recovery package" that requires the Transportation Security Administration to buy 100,000 uniforms from U.S. apparel makers (more that three million of tax dollars). That's an earmark folks.
Three billion in extra transit money. Another earmark.
Fifty million for habitat restoration in the San Francisco Bay area. Another earmark.
1.2 million for products from these companies: General Electric, L-3 Communications and Reveal Imaging Technologies. ( is a joint venture of Microsoft and NBC Universal, which is a GE company.)
There's the 189 million provision for Filipino World War II vets, most of which don't live in the US. Another earmark.
This is supposed to be emergency legislation.
So what's up with the 2 billion for battery research? Emergency legislation? Maybe Obama is just redefining earmarks. Kinda like Clinton did with "is."
There 800 million for carbon capture projects.
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck. It's a duck.
That's just a start. It's pork, no matter what. 200 thousand dollars for tattoo removal? Seriously, if that's not an earmark, what is it?
Nothing surprises me anymore. Change we can believe in? All we'll have left is change in our pockets and it won't be that much.
anastasia: I dont think any of them are making up for it right now..... maybe walmart, gold was good for awhile, it hit an all time high though and has backed off, but unless you have been short selling.... you are losing the new shirt you bought today
Tuesday: I use someone..known him for years,yes,it would be advisable to go to someone to TALK to them...never ever ever let them pressure you to do anything..if they do,you say thank you and get up and leave because that is not the type of person ya wanna deal with.
Tuesday: scratch off!!? I LOVE THOSE THINGS! lol....the market isn't for everyone,thats for sure..if ya dont know what your doing,then you can get into alot of advice..if you don;t feel comfortable with it,then don't invest into it...there are other options,like bonds and stuff like that that is ALOT more tame then the market,lol
Czuch: I'm fine,thanks again for your concern..I am very diversified in my portfolio..a lil here,a lil there....where one fails,the others make up for it
anastasia: It seems like a buyers market, and normally after a good correction I would agree with you.... but we had a good correction, then an election and now a new plan for the future... like I said, the market is way ahead of the curve, if the pros thought this was a good plan for stocks, the market would be going up already... remember, buy on the rumor, sell on the news... by the time you figure out the economy is doing well, the pros are already selling it off..... right now, its more like sell on the rumor and buy on the news maybe?
Tuesday: you have a lot to learn about the stock market.... let me explain one thing... the stock market prices into the future... have you ever heard the term buy on the rumor, sell on the news?
Basically that means that the stock market has already factored in the past and what happens today on the stock market is a reflection of their pridiction of the future.
Everything that has to do with housing and banks etc, has already been factored into the stock market long ago, and may or may not have to do with Bush, but what is happening right now, is that the stock market is factoring in what they think is the future, and it isnt promising... since Bam the past month has been the second worse for the stocks since the great depression!
Believe me, its not partisan to say it...... if the stock market liked Bams plans for this country, if they thought it would be a good thing over all for stocks, then the market would be souring right now... remember buy on the rumor and sell on the news... the rumor right now is not good, and if it was, by the time the average American figured it out, you would have already missed the boat, so to speak.
Tuesday: Certain sources, however, state the baby boomer generation as someone born from as early as 1944 and ending at 1959 or 1960. thats what I found..does this seem right?? I'm gen X baby,yeah,lol
Tuesday: There are plenty of professional investors on wall st. who make a living betting on the future... Im just glad i didnt bet my last dollar on his recovery plan... if you have such faith, and anyone who does, should be putting their money where their mouth is, but until you tell me you are putting your savings into the stock market, I dont believe you really have any more belief in the chosen one as I do?
件名: Re:Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more.
Czuch:Politicans ignore these facts because they are more interested in power than they are in actually helping people. BOB (BarakOBama) says he'll cut the deficit in half. Big woop. He just doubled it so that basically means he's going to do nothing about it.
He also makes promises and then breaks them right off. And lies. In his speech he claims that "no earmarks" could be found in the stimulus package. What a crock. That's a bold face lie and only an idiot will not see through it. Unbelievable.
Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more. Obama is doing it wrong on both counts.
件名: Re:Every financial advice show I see or hear will tell you, as an individual it is best to pay only in cash,
Czuch: Also, a home is not only a place to live, and for only a bit more than renting, but it also increases in value over time, not to mention, what bank is going to lend you 200k to put into the stock market or anything else for that matter? Its the best investment that a loan can buy!
Looks like Bams plan to socialize us and to end the free market capitalism which has gotten us from newbie country to world superpower in a couple hundred years, is working and is well on its way!
I hope you liberals were smart enough to pull all your money out of the stock market before you endorsed such a plan???? Because it is quite obvious that socialism and the stock market are like oil and water.....
件名: Re:Every financial advice show I see or hear will tell you, as an individual it is best to pay only in cash,
Bernice: Read closer... i said except for mortgages, those for most people, are the only credit they should use.
Paying cash for a new home would take most people so long to save for they would never have a new home, one reason is that you have to pay rent as well as try to save for a place to live, which makes no sense, when you can just have no rent payment and pay for a home mortgage. But most other things dont work quite the same way.
件名: Re:Every financial advice show I see or hear will tell you, as an individual it is best to pay only in cash,
Czuch: now havent your last 2 posts contradicted one you say pay cash and in the other you have massive mortgages.
I paid cash for my home, not mortgages here and if I wasn a new "anything" I save for it I agree with you there.....but your statements are confusing, or rather contradictory.
Tuesday: and you would think if a person can make payments they can save money every month....there is something human about that that doesn't work lol
Thats my point, the best advice is to save the money and then make the purchase, not make it on credit.
One problem is that people end up buying more than they need or can afford when credit is employed.
Maybe it is a bit different with business.... but my advice is if you cant pay cash fro it, you cant afford it or it is more than you really need.
Tuesday: Yep. They hook you in then hit you with... um .. um lots of messy stuff. But...... At least over here they have clamped down on some of the rip offs, like charging you £20 for being a little late or for having to send you a letter. People were getting so peeved that the government had to step in and set limits before we stormed and lynched a few people from the financial services industry.
Tuesday: It's the I want it now attitude.. Fine if the deal is sweet, fine if you like some push for extras on the deal. But just watch out for the small print.
件名: Re:Every financial advice show I see or hear will tell you, as an individual it is best to pay only in cash,
Czuch: Nope. That is not true. The truth is to be fully aware before you make any purchase based on credit. Not only taking note of the interest rates, but of the small print as well. This applies to all purchases on credit including houses.
2) know your rights. EG some stores over here will say that they need a receipt as proof of purchase before exchanging faulty equipment. But the law states differently, something I have used in the exchange of faulty goods many times and even made them get the manager down if they try to argue.
3) You are by rights allowed to cross out terms in a contract if you feel they are unfair before you sign, it might mean that the other side might not sign. But better that then signing a contract that is against your interests and lead to you ending up in dooo dooo at the end of the day.
If the lending is sensible then what is your problem with it? No more 100% mortgages, no more stupid rates of interest, and the banks to be responsible and not to blindly invest money in dodgy schemes.