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rod03801: well so far in his life, everything he's touched has turned to gold. I suspect he'll do great things for the US - after he fixes the mess Obama has made. What a terrible experiment he's been!
Artful Dodger: I'm so excited for 2 weeks from tonight! It could be an edge of the seat night. However, if momentum keeps up, it could be less stressful than it would have seemed a month ago.
I fear 4 more years of the jerk. I personally don't even think its just incompetence. I don't even think he has our best interests in mind. But I guess that's a bit controversial. I honestly feel if he gets 4 more years, it could be the end of our great country as we know it. Or so far down the tubes that it would take a miracle to reverse it.
Heck, maybe even Romney can't fix it. He wasn't MY first choice, that's for sure. Hopefully we can get as many conservatives in the House and Senate as possible to give him an easy road to success.
Artful Dodger: Remember when Canada was invaded by liberals "escaping" the US when Reagan was first elected? I remember reading a story about a farmer finding a bunch of them sleeping in his field. Our press had already done a fine job of scaring the crap out of those folks, so no one was too surprised by this mass exodus.
England’s Take On Final Debate – Romney won the presidential debate by looking presidential Obama And Romney Spar In Final Debate Before Presidential Election October 23, 2012 2012 Presidental Debates, Barack Obama, Election 2012, Mitt Romney
Romney won the third presidential debate – and how he did it was encapsulated in a single exchange. The candidates were discussing military spending and Romney had just accused Obama of making harmful cutbacks. The President wheeled out what must have seemed like a great, pre-planned zinger: “I think Governor Romney maybe hasn’t spent enough time looking at how our military works. You mentioned the navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets because the nature of our military’s changed.” The audience laughed, Obama laughed, I laughed. It was funny.
But here’s why it was also a vote loser. For a start, Twitter immediately lit up with examples of how the US Army does still use horses and bayonets (horses were used during the invasion of Afghanistan). More importantly, this was one example of many in which the President insulted, patronised and mocked his opponent rather than put across a constructive argument. His performance was rude and unpresidential. Obama seemed to have a touch of the Bidens, wriggling about in his chair, waving his hands dismissively and always – always – smirking in Romney’s direction. By contrast, Romney sucked up the abuse and retained a rigid poker face all night. He looked like a Commander in Chief; Obama looked like a lawyer.
Artful Dodger: Here it is Reagan carried 44 states (out of 57) and got 50.7% of the popular vote. Both Oregon and Washington gave their electoral votes to Reagan. Wow. So it IS possible (not impossible) that Oregon could do it again. Only have to wait two more weeks to see what happens.
According to the official U.S. Marine Corps website, every Marine is STILL required to complete a bayonet training program … because “the weapon becomes just as effective [as a rifle] in close combat situations.”
We spoke with Dan Riker from Bayonet Inc. — a leading military surplus outlet that specializes in bayonets — who tells us he believes Obama’s comment was “ignorant … because our soldiers still use bayonets.”
He adds, “[Bayonets] are still distributed to the military all the time — he should get educated on it”
Iamon lyme: Washington usually votes towards the Democrats in national elections. Same with Minnesota and Wisconsin. But Wisconsin has a conservative governor so who knows. Minnesota is a strange bird. They lover their liberals. Washington loves the liberals except for those on the eastern side who are mostly conservative and independents. But not enough of them to matter.
I'm voting yes for charter schools this year. Competition is good.
Artful Dodger: This morning I learned my state went from "safe" (electoral votes secure for Obama) to "leaning towards" (Obama). Oregon has always (in my memory) thrown its support to the Democratic candidate. We were one of the few states who supported Carter's re-election. I'm not sure if Washinton was one of those few states or not, but I wouldn't bet against that. I'll have to look this up to be certain of it, but I think only three states gave their electoral votes to Carter. (Carter vs Reagan)
The Col: Dick Morris, a superb political strategist, gives the win to Romney. Romney was very effective in the debate despite being sick. Obama had several very bad moments. BTW, we still use bayonets. Duh.
(V): Fetal pain is not bs. Doesn't matter in the larger picture because it's morally wrong to take the life of an innocent human being without just cause.
Bwild: Obama looked to me more like an angry sullen student looking at his teacher, but not really listening to him. Every once in a while it seemed like he actually heard what Romney was saying. I could see both of their faces on split screen. When Obama talked his face cycled through the same expressions, angry then concerned then thoughtful then angry etc etc... but sometimes he looked lost, like he forgot where his own narrative was heading.
On split screen, Romney was always looking at Obama like he knew who he was listening to. But when Romney talked it seemed like Obama was trying to drill a hole in Romney with his patented jedi death stare. Romney must have had his shields up though, because Obama's death stare didn't faze him.
The Col: I didn't say "during the three" debates. I was talking about last night's debate. If you were "paying attention" you would have noticed that.
Mitt came prepared for a real debate, and it was obvious Obama thought he would have the same advantage going in that he enjoyed in the first two debates. I understand that you saw something else, I get that. But I don't need you to tell me what I saw or heard because I'm able to do that for myself. So thanks for trying, but no thanks. Me big boy, me can think for myself now. LoL
Iamon lyme: quick study... the look on Obama's face the last half of the debate was that of a student listening to his teacher. When Mitt said what he would do in the middle east really had Obamas attention. Obama knew he was out-classed.
The Col: regardless of the polls...I felt Mitt carried himself more as a President should. yomama was always the wrong man for the job. just my opinion.
Iamon lyme: "interrupting" ? I don't care which candidate you support, if you think Obama is the one most guilty of interrupting during the 3 debates you're either not paying attention or so much in the bag you have lost all objectivity
Bwild: Mitt impressed me right from the start of the debate. He was the first to talk, and Obama wasted no time interrupting him and cutting into Mitts two minute time limit. Mitt wasn't a bit fazed by this, almost as though he was expecting it. He let it go on for a few seconds before "interrupting" the interruption and continued to talk as though nothing had happened. Losing a few seconds of his two minute time limit didn't hurt him, because it served to showed Obama's utter lack of respect and a penchant for breaking the rules. Obama is a quick study, but I think he realised too late that this last debate would be by the book.
Bwild: Don't take my word for it, all the polls say he won fairly big.I find it interesting that both Democrats and Republicans agreed Romney won the 1st debate, but for some reason Republicans can not stomach the admission Romney might lose a debate, regardless of the polls overwhelming results pointing that way.
The Col: I didnt see it that way. seemed to me mitt walked thru yomommas bs about the "lies" and has a great outlook on middle east strategy.. just getting rid of yommama care will be a big feather in OUR countries cap. not to mention small business reforms that will be a economic boost to OUR country.
Artful Dodger: Really... if you want to think that, go ahead. It makes your case easier for you to 'be the moral one' .... ... that it has nothing to do with real life is irrelevant to you.
"And the baby feels tremendous pain in an abortion."
At what age of development? Please get your basic facts right, it stops all this BS.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: They definitely want to suppress the truth about the ONE. Even the ONE wants to do that. Hence all the stonewalling etc.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Correction, I meant to say:
" far enough behind him for it to NOT be too great of an embarrassment..."
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Artful Dodger: I wonder the same thing. I think he does believe that no one really builds up his own business, because he personally has been propped up and helped along the way. His choice of ideology, party affiliation, church, the city he chose to live in and what state he represented, what he wanted people to think of him when writing his books, etc etc ... even going back to when he first got a social securty card so he could apply for his first job... it shows a clear pattern of how he was able to get things done for himself.
Anyway, the whole truth will eventually come out, but not before his presidency is far enough behind him for it to be too great of an embarassment for the Democratic party. Like say, oh, maybe a hundred years from now?
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Obama is such a liar. I wonder if he believes his own nonsense.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Artful Dodger: I managed to see most of the debate this time. Romney did better, Obama about the same as last time. I appreciated the fact that in this debate it didn't look as much like a free for all, with the moderator and Obama on one side and Romney on the other. The first two debates were a joke, but tonight's debate looked more like a real debate.
I've become so used to hearing the president lie that it doesn't bother me anymore... I was more interested in hearing what Romney had to say, and watching the expression on Obama's face as Romney was talking.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Obama was a jerk at the debates tonight. What a lying scum bag of a prez.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
(V): [ Not around... through. Some of it relates to your certificate. Don't worry, everyone in the civilised world has one. It doesn't make you special!! ]
say what?
[ The Banks.. I can agree with that. ]
Me wasn't talking about "The Banks". You no know what me say?
[ Satan.... You mean our animal nature, or some strange man made construct...]
No, me no mean what you say me say, me mean say what me say me say. You no know what me say by the way? What you know me not say and what you say me say is no same as me say what me say. No, me not buy that... me say you know me not say same as you say me say... so there.
件名: Re: But if they lived in the US, they would undoubtedly be criticised by the same people who try running end plays around parents to gain control of their children.
Iamon lyme: Not around... through. Some of it relates to your certificate.
Don't worry, everyone in the civilised world has one. It doesn't make you special!!