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Talking straight politics is depressing. I'll come back after the heat dies down and people here start getting goofy again. I give you know who about 1/2 day to give me a reason to jump back in... shouldn't take much longer than that.
Artful Dodger: Right now I'm "effectively" retired, but I prefer to say that I'm unemployed. Depending on the outcome of the presidential election, I'll know whether or not to call myself retired or unemployed.
I think the same is true with other people. Some doctors have already retired sooner than they had planned, thanks to the added headaches of Obamacare... and some people who were thinking of going into medicine are having second thoughts. Remember reading about the so called "brain drain" during the middle of the last century? Brains were "draining" out of Europe and finding their way to the US. We may be facing our own brain drain soon... either going overseas, or essentially being redirected and absorbed (in other words, effectively lost) in our own economy.
Artful Dodger: I've heard the equivalent of $5 US per gallon is the norm in Europe. And our unemployment norm appears to be approaching or has already reached Europe's normal (average) percentage. Depending on how things go in the next few years, unemployment here may hover at 8 to 11 percent, if we can hold it there... I don't think it will be coming down anytime soon. However, that currently estimated 8 to 11 percent may just be wishful thinking... it could be higher than that.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret.But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said:
mckinley: its self explanatory.any educated person knows the meaning. it does seem rather odd, that 3 christians here on this board want to criticize and ridicule anyone that throws out another option or opinion. so much for "brotherly love." myself...I'll stick to the "harm ye none" philosophy.
On second thought imitating (V) would be exhausting. Building mazes with false and misleading pathways is not something that comes naturally for me. And boozing it up doesn't work for me either... I would be the icon who is always falling down.
No, in order to pull off a good imitation of how he talks would require even more coffee than I'm accustomed to drinking, along with enough Nyquil to knock out a horse for several hours. I think using a master maze builder template is the best way to go... on the other hand, intentionally whiplashing our brains from one side to the other could cause permanent damage.
So I think V may have a point... we must conceed a point to the undisputed pettifogery champion.
件名: Re:anyone who knows anything about Christianity can tell you (or the bank teller) that Christians aren't perfect.
Artful Dodger: [ What???? Seriously???? Crap. There goes my day. PS....stop making sense. You're scaring me. ]
Huh? What? Are you implying that up until now I haven't been making sense?
Oh crap, your'e right again! My identity is supposed to be wild and impulsive, and yours the sensible one. However, as I am only a figment of your imagination I need not take any responsibility for anything I say, because anything I say is on you. Or Bush, take your pick.
PS, are you sure the conspiracy nuts are still at it? I don't want to keep this up if everyone has figured out I'm actually just me.
mckinley: LOL Well, anyone who knows anything about Christianity can tell you (or the bank teller) that Christians aren't perfect.
If we were perfect we wouldn't need to be forgiven for anything. And Christ himself had a clever reply to his critics when they accused him of socializing with sinners. He said he came to save sinners, not the righteous... because the righteous don't need saving. Not only was that logical, but it had to sting the consciences of his critics... because even his critics knew they were not blameless and without sin.
I wouldn't worry over what the bank teller thought about it. For all you know the teller doesn't even know you, but if he/she does know you and condemns you for not being perfect, then he/she knows nothing about your faith.
件名: Re: which to my knowledge (or in my ignorance) was never characterized as Judiasm or Christianity or Islamic... because none of those religions yet existed.
Iamon lyme: It's a term that was created after.
Abrahamic religions (also Abrahamism) are the monotheistic faiths emphasizing and tracing their common origin to Abraham[1] or recognizing a spiritual tradition identified with him.[2][3][4] They are one of the major divisions in comparative religion, along with Indian religions (Dharmic), East Asian religions (Taoic) and Neopaganism. As of the early twenty-first century, it was estimated that 54% of the world's population (3.8 billion people) considered themselves adherents of the Abrahamic religions, about 30% of other religions, and 16% of no religion.[5][6] The Abrahamic religions originated in the Middle East.[7]
The largest Abrahamic religions are, in chronological order of founding, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Baha'i Faith.
>>>>> Didn't realise the Baha'i was considered an Abrahamic rooted faith. Yet I admit I've not really read up on it.
Übergeek 바둑이: [ One thing is certain, Mohammad was a historical figure whose existence can be proven. ]
[ All of the main characters of the Old Testament have no historicity to them. In other words, nobody can prove their existence beyond what is stated in the Old Testament. The same is true of Jesus. There is no proof of Jesus' existence outside the New Testament, and the Gospels date to about 75 to 120 AD depending on what scholars intepret as the original documents and oral tradition that they were based upon. ]
LOL (selective ignorance?) There is an abundance of historical documentation to prove otherwise. And please don't insult my intelligence by asking where... you have the same access to information as I do.
Übergeek 바둑이: [ Of course he is referring to Islam. No offense but denying that Islam is an Abrahamic religion is rather ignorant. ]
No offense taken. I've been called worse... but I'm not familiar with the term "Abrahamic religion". Abraham was an individual who had a relationship with God, which to my knowledge (or in my ignorance) was never characterized as Judiasm or Christianity or Islamic... because none of those religions yet existed.
The connection between Arabs and Jews is genetic. Abraham was the literal father of both. There is no genetic connection between Abraham and Islam, other than the fact that it was conceived and embraced by a distant offspring of Ishmael. Islam is a religion conceived by a dessert pirate (not my opinion, historical fact) who started off wanting to be accepted by the Jews, was rejected, and as they say the rest is history.
> I can't assume the third Abrahamic religion he refers to is Islam, because there is no connection between Abraham and that religion except through the son of the woman who was not his wife. But it probably is the religion he is refering to.
Of course he is referring to Islam. No offense but denying that Islam is an Abrahamic religion is rather ignorant. All of the prophets of the Old Testament are also prophets to moslems, as is Jesus Christ. Scholars believe that the Old Testament refers to the descendants of Lot and his daughters as the ancestors of Arabs. More accurately, Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. If one goes back in time far enough, both people descend from migrations that occurred in Asia minor during the last ice age (between 25,000 and 11,000 years ago). Of course, that is older than the Old Testament's age of the world according to Genesis.
Historically, before Mohammad founded Islam, most Arabs were Christians and Jews. The religious change came with Mohammad, just as Christianity had its origins in Judaism as it existed at the time of Christ. People today look at Islamic law and think it is somehow different, but much of Islamic law is a reinstatement of laws in the Torah, plus the interpretations that Islamic scholars made of them.
One thing is certain, Mohammad was a historical figure whose existence can be proven. All of the main characters of the Old Testament have no historicity to them. In other words, nobody can prove their existence beyond what is stated in the Old Testament. The same is true of Jesus. There is no proof of Jesus' existence outside the New Testament, and the Gospels date to about 75 to 120 AD depending on what scholars intepret as the original documents and oral tradition that they were based upon.
In that sense Islam is more "historical". The person who originated the religion wrote his own book, and there is historical proof outside the religious books that form the basis of the religion. The Koran clearly states the Abrahamic origin of the religion. Some Christians refute that because they want to see themselves as entirely different from Moslems. This is not surprising considering the conflictive history between Christians and Moslems.
Artful Dodger: [ Maybe I'll takes a stab at the question just the same: "What is forbidden in all 3 Abraham based religions" ]
Is he saying there is only one common forbidden among the three?
The other puzzling thing is he talks about the Old Testament and New Testament as though they have nothing to do with one another... as though the two parts of the Bible have nothing to do with one another. Even orthodox Jews who do not recognise Yeshua as their messiah know the two are connected, even if they do not believe the New Testament to have any validity. But (V) talks about it as though they are two entirely different religions. I can't assume the third Abrahamic religion he refers to is Islam, because there is no connection between Abraham and that religion except through the son of the woman who was not his wife. But it probably is the religion he is refering to.
As the good book says... forever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth.
(V): [ Right, they were not. It is not consistent with Christ's teachings... yet an eye for an eye is there in the Bible. Yes, I know it could be said that it is a phrase in the OT, and Christ is of the NT. ]
Not just a phrase, but as AD pointed out it was a way for people to deal with people who would harm other people. Disincentives for commiting crime does work... criminals are immoral, not stupid. Just like anyone else, if they feel it's not worth the effort then chances are they won't do it.
The New testament marks the beginning of the New covenent. Until Christ came along, God delt with the people as the people changed. It started with one simple rule, then the rules progressively became more complicated as the people became more unruly.
[ Yet the OT is part and is relied on to 'authorise' certain NT matters.. such as the coming of a Messiah, much regarding being 'gay' and the big argument over evolution. All gone with no OT. Which contains the oral history of the Jewish people, written down. Including their wars, some notable geographic events and massacres done by the Jews. .. The same God that Christ is of ordered, or did these massacres according to the OT. That cannot be denied as written.. debatable if it was actually 'God'. It might just have been their justification for it all. ]
Spoken like a true atheist. On other occasions you've spoken of God as an invention of man, to control people or simply make them behave themselves. Either you believe in some other sentient being with the power of a god, or you don't believe in any god or gods. You still haven't explained or demonstrated how it is you are not an atheist... nothing you have said indicates a belief in anything resembling a god or gods. If it's a secret you don't want to share, that's fine with me. I'll accept your belief in The Unknown and Unproclaimed God as proof of your not being an atheist. I'll assume you are not lying, but that you just want to keep your undefined deity a secret.
Iamon lyme: Jules used to be a master designer of complicated mazes and after years of making master mazes for the masses he has trouble both walking a straight line and talking one too!
Maybe I'll takes a stab at the question just the same: "What is forbidden in all 3 Abraham based religions"
Artful Dodger: And... and what if the him and/or her person on the camel is NOT the owner of said preganat camel regardless of whether the person is pregnant or not? Huh? Yeah! What then?
Awww crap, now I'm starting to sound like (V)!
Is that what happened to him? I mean, was he okay until he started talking at this board?
Artful Dodger: GAzooKs, you're right! Double jeopardy... double the trouble for the unwary foot traveler.
But wait, what if the pregnant driver was texting or distracted by talking on a cell phone?! Legally speaking, would it still be considered Bush's fault by left leaning liberals and the mainstreaming media and Oprah and pregnant camels? Does Obama intend to avoid taking responsibilty for this as well?
Artful Dodger: If the driver is pregnant then she can't be held responsible for the accident due to hormonal changes etc. The pregnant camel isn't to blame either as it's not the camel's fault that the driver is full of hormones. Therefore it's the fault of the other driver unless she too is pregnant. In that case it falls under the legal "No Fault" jurisprudence. If for some reason there isn't full clarity as to the no fault fault, then Bush is to blame.
Artful Dodger: Oh, well, that's a horse of a different color.
If the camel is pregnant then the charges are modified, because obviously the mother to be is having hormonal issues and cannot be held responsible for her actions, so in the case of no rider and/or non ownership the victim of said accident is fartfully out of luck.
However, in the case of a driver of a pregnant camel being directed by driver is said to be responsible for operating not only one, but two camels at the time of accident. So the victim has the choice of running over the driver with one camel of equal weight to camel pregnant with baby camel or two camels whose combined weight equals but shall exceed total weight of pregnant camel plus rider plus any and all other items having weight and are therefore subject to the laws of gravity.
I'll interpret for you: If you were legally crossing or traveling upon a dirt path and a camel bearing a rider ran over you, you had the right to run over the passenger of said camel utilizing a camel of similiar size and weight to the camel the aforementioned passenger was in control of at the time of the accident.
Accidents involving camels not carrying riders are exempt from the eye for an eye statute but require restitution from owner of said camel. Camels whose ownership cannot be established or proven must be given to victim of accident to be property of victim, at which time aforementioned said camel of questionable ownership status must relinquish all rights and privileges afforded without exception to all and any camels not previously bound by terms of ownership and/or contract.