chupacabraVS2: 1. Yes "darker" ones are ones you haven't gotten. As you said 2. The different colored "cups" are just levels. It appears that 20 achievement points and under are "bronze". 25 up to some other limit is "silver" cup, and the higher ones are "gold". (Or whatever the colors actually are) 3. You only achieve an achievement once.
aaru: You have played and won so many tournaments, it would be hard for most of us to double check for you!
I guess I would just ask, are you sure they were all "public tournaments". From my understanding, won "fellowship tournaments" would not count toward this total.
lizrising: Yeah, looks like a bug. You lost, but you did indeed not jump any blue frogs. Did you maybe finish another game right at around the same time, and that achievement was for that one?
Lotus Flower: If you click on Achievements in your profile, then click on "Membership", you will see the exact same page you saw when clicking his link.