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管理人: MadMonkey 

Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

Mar 2025 - Backgammon 6 - Starts 14th March

Mar 2025 - Battleboats Plus 6 - Starts 31st March

Apr 2025 - Triple Dice Poker 4 - Starts 11th April

Apr 2025 - Dice Chess 5 - Starts 25th April

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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3. 2月 2007, 01:07:36
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
emmett: I think pawns can "see" smilies, but not send them(?) She can always resign (I've done it) and ask Fencer to set her free

3. 2月 2007, 01:03:48
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
emmett: Also, I don't think pawns can see your smilies.

3. 2月 2007, 01:03:47
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
TarantinoFan: And "emmett" is SO right on the money with the direct communication idea - I've done that too, and it worked

3. 2月 2007, 01:03:09
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
goodbyebking (3. 2月 2007, 01:16:20)に変更されました。
srnity: Now TarantinoFan is locked into the only tournament she is allowed to play for several months. That is the curse of the pawn.

3. 2月 2007, 01:00:16
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
TarantinoFan: I see nothing wrong with voicing your discontent Free speech, yadayada I was blessed by someone recently (still haven't figured out who to say "Thank You" too tho) giving me a membership & I'd be MORE than happy to set up a Tournament just for you - let me know what you want & it's good as done - I've been in your predicament and I know how frustrating watching vacation days day by day can be NO PROBLEM really, just tell me what you want me to set up and it's done

3. 2月 2007, 01:00:02
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
TarantinoFan: I have experienced what you were talking about. There are many players who use time and their days off purposely to aggravate everyone else. It is a strange tactic. I bought into this site to avoid that, but I still get players who (really) will use every vacation day they have rather than resign to a game that I have am one move away from winning. (In fact it is happening right now)
Anyway, Harassed is right to suggest that you choose games with the green dot or the red dot indicating no days off. I learned the hard way, like you. Once, though, I asked an opponent why they would not move, and let them know why I was frustrated, and they suddenly made moves every day and we finished our game in little time. It surprised me, but apparently direct communication can work.

3. 2月 2007, 00:48:57
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
TarantinoFan: Complaining is wrong, this is just how the system works. You might join or ask someone to create either a tournament without vacation days - green dot or fischer clock one - red dot.

3. 2月 2007, 00:47:40
件名: Re: 3 day tournament
TarantinoFan: I forgot to mention that it also ticks me off that Auto vacation means they can time out of LOTS of games each day and only lose 1 day of vacation. If they lost a vacation day for every game they might think twice about their inconsiderate play!!!

3. 2月 2007, 00:41:24
件名: 3 day tournament
I thought signing up for a 3 day tournament would mean that moves would be made every 3 days. Obviously I was wrong.

I chose a small tourney, (First 5 to sign), with a 3 day limit which is my own personal choice as I work and have family etc and sometimes I need the 3 days. I was quite happy to wait for the 3 days for each move but one person in our (FAST START) tournament has decided that he should set the time limit himself by using the Auto Vacation. As a pawn I don't have a lot of choice of tournaments and I chose a reasonably fast and small one so that I might be able to participate in others in a timely fashion.

I feel that this is just rude. This person has been online every day since the tourney started but has not yet deemed it necessary to grace our tourney with his presence (Now on the fourth day of a 3 day tourney). Just plain rude and inconsiderate!!!

Feel better now that I have had a whinge.

And before anyone tells me to pay to join the site so I can start as many as I want, as I said before, I have a family to support. I am quite ok with the 20 games as I play on other sites as well and 20 here is enough. 1 tourney is ok with me too. I chose small and reasonably fast to compensate for that fact.

2. 2月 2007, 23:26:44
Adaptable Ali 
件名: Re: tournament page

2. 2月 2007, 18:43:43
Universal Eyes 

2. 2月 2007, 14:34:21
joshi tm 
件名: Re: tournament page
Fencer: And can you do something about that?

2. 2月 2007, 11:08:49
件名: Congratulations
MadMonkey (2. 2月 2007, 11:10:36)に変更されました。

2. 2月 2007, 10:00:41
件名: Re: tournament page
helloguesswho: I agree with you, it is very annoying.

2. 2月 2007, 09:58:30
Adaptable Ali 
件名: Re: tournament page
beach: Yes i agree with you, it is very annoying.

2. 2月 2007, 01:07:32
件名: Re: tournament page
tonyh (2. 2月 2007, 11:02:19)に変更されました。
joshi tm: I agree; get rid of these old tournaments! No. 2 on the list has actually ended!

1. 2月 2007, 20:40:10
件名: Logik & Frog Finder
Since the tournament search is currently not working for these 2 game types, I will list the new tournaments I've created:

Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #11
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #13
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Frog Finder #14
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #6
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #7
Fast Start - First 5 to sign - Logik #8

Plus I created some new Dice Chess, Dice Poker, Triple Dice Poker, Ludo, Backgammon, & Hyper Backgammon tournaments (some of the most popular games on the site!) - find list here: http://brainking.com/en/Tournaments?utf=&tp=0&submit=Show&trt=-1&trp=-1&trnst=0&u=2560

Signup's limited to first 5! Good Luck to all!

1. 2月 2007, 20:19:46
joshi tm 
件名: Re: tournament page
beach: You're not the only one. I don't like that too.

1. 2月 2007, 20:10:45
Good Luck :)FLR 
件名: Re: tournament page
beach: yes it is .. why mr Abigail does not delete all that list ???

1. 2月 2007, 20:10:00
件名: Re: tournament page
beach: I agree, it*s very annoying.. the old Price Tournaments should be deleted.

1. 2月 2007, 19:56:33
件名: tournament page
I am the only person who find its annoying to click on the tournament page, and have to go through 4 pages of tournments before I can even get to tournaments that might actually start in a day or two, I mean a tournament with -300 days, would it be logical that if it hasn't started in say a week, that the tournment be deleted from the board,

1. 2月 2007, 10:32:41
件名: Please join in:

31. 1月 2007, 13:49:51

31. 1月 2007, 12:08:48

31. 1月 2007, 10:44:46
件名: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: Quite often, playing in tournaments, one meets players rated 400 points or more below your own raying. You may get 1 point for winning, with sometimes a loss of over 100 points for a loss!!
Swiss tournaments would, to a large extent, stop this happening. They combine the best of knock-outs and all-play-all tournaments.

31. 1月 2007, 09:57:58
Adaptable Ali 

31. 1月 2007, 08:59:47
件名: Re: New Format
tonyh: Quite true, arrangements would not be easy by any means. But Filip has the aptitude for this, as he has proven many times heretofore. At issue is whether he wants to expand the methods of tournament creation, or (to be more direct) whether he can be persuaded that he wants to by us! The only way that will happen is if enough members request it.

The single elimination tournaments are tilted in favor of the highest rated player. In the new types of tournaments we've discussed, that player might still win, but it would require more effort and exacting play, and the chances among all the entrants would be more balanced.

I also think that the restriction limiting pawns to one tournament should be lifted. It doesn't induce membership and, as to the databases, I don't see the difference between storing 20 tournament games as opposed to 20 casual games, or some combination thereof.

Some things to ponder .....

31. 1月 2007, 08:29:42
件名: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: You've said it!! Mind you, I imagine it would be horribly difficult to program; fencer would be really stretched on this one!

31. 1月 2007, 05:46:17
件名: Re: New Format
tonyh: Swiss is a good basis; after all, it is the most widely used in OTB tournaments. From that system, many interesting formats could be created.

31. 1月 2007, 01:41:45
Adaptable Ali 
Adaptable Ali (31. 1月 2007, 02:30:22)に変更されました。
My Biggest Backgammon Birthday Bash!!

It doesnt look like this is gonna fill up in time, sorry to all those that have signed up.

Link works, PLEASE sign up

30. 1月 2007, 23:38:46

30. 1月 2007, 16:04:24
件名: Frog finder

30. 1月 2007, 11:20:56
Universal Eyes 

29. 1月 2007, 22:25:27
件名: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: Yes, interesting, a Swiss Tournament.

29. 1月 2007, 21:41:45
joshi tm 
件名: Re: New Format
Pioneer54: Sort of Pond tourney. We should ask Fencer...

29. 1月 2007, 21:40:44
件名: Re: New Format
joshi tm: Interesting! If only we could test these theories

29. 1月 2007, 09:41:39
joshi tm 
件名: Re: New Format
joshi tm (29. 1月 2007, 09:42:22)に変更されました。
Pioneer54: I know also a nice tournament format, but that only works if player's BKR are evenly.

All players are put in a gigantic stair match with 3 pts.

Rules are like stairs, but when a games resolves, the winner recieves nothing (but BKR points), the loser recieves a -1 penalty. Of course, having zero points causes direct elimination. The last one standing is the winner.

29. 1月 2007, 08:18:18
HelenaTanein (29. 1月 2007, 08:20:16)に変更されました。

29. 1月 2007, 01:15:54
件名: New Format
What follows received NO RESPONSE on the 'features' board, so let's try it here:

I'd like to investigate the possibility of establishing "double elimination" tournaments. Eight entrants may be optimal, although any of the multiples available for single elimination would suffice.

Here is a proposal. Each player would start with two game points. Following each round, points are DEDUCTED for results as follows:
WIN -- No points
DRAW -- one-half point
LOSS -- one full point

Players would be eliminated whenever their point total drops to zero. Therefore, each entrant will play in at least the first two rounds.

In the first round, players would be paired normally according to ratings. In the second round, winners play winners and losers play losers, etc. and in successive rounds players are paired against others with point totals equal or within a half-point of theirs, as closely as possible. Also, to balance the opportunity, each player should have roughly the same amount of Blacks as Whites over the course of the tournament.

It may occur that an odd number of players would start a round, which could be resolved by issuing a bye to the lowest rated player with the fewest points, except if the tournament is reduced to three players, a round-robin round should commence until two players remain, and then match play until one is the winner.

There may be other flaws that need to be ironed out, yet the system would produce interesting games and results.

28. 1月 2007, 18:57:27
件名: have fun !!!

28. 1月 2007, 16:41:10

28. 1月 2007, 12:59:01

28. 1月 2007, 11:35:00
件名: Mastermind
WellyWales (28. 1月 2007, 11:35:15)に変更されました。

28. 1月 2007, 11:17:05

28. 1月 2007, 10:46:47

27. 1月 2007, 22:17:08
件名: Congratulations
Congratulations to baddesi on winning MadMonkeys 'Boat Battle' (7) (Battleboats Plus) Tournament.

27. 1月 2007, 13:09:15
joshi tm 
件名: The cube... returned.

27. 1月 2007, 12:29:14
Adaptable Ali 
Thanks madmonkey

27. 1月 2007, 11:37:10
Adaptable Ali 
Adaptable Ali (27. 1月 2007, 11:47:18)に変更されました。
My Biggest Backgammon Birthday Bash!!

Please sign up, only a few days left, it is an elimination tournament, so wont take that long to complete, so please dont worry with regards to the number of people requested.

*edited, now should make sense and work

27. 1月 2007, 09:41:52

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