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管理人: alilsassy , rod03801 

BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

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Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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16. 3月 2004, 17:00:21
件名: new 2.0
think we'll see that this year??

16. 3月 2004, 16:58:42
bad guess...its the constant nagging by just a few do gooders that use the fact they are letting their children play in here.
When ever someone they dont like,says something...up goes the"hey! theres children here" banner,and everyone jumps on the bandwagon.
These same people cuss and talk like sailors in different area's though...and sometimes in the very spot they wish to "child proof"
I think this is condesending and hipocritical.
As far as cussing in public forum...I dont do it as a rule...but when I'm with the guys..I talk like the guys!

16. 3月 2004, 16:53:17
That's why I prepare several significant changes to discussion board system. For BK 2.0.

16. 3月 2004, 16:51:45
I'm guessing this thing about children on boards is about the use of foul language on the boards?

Well it is not only children that is offended by foul language. And sometime, the youngsters may be watching mom/dad/brother/sister play games & read the boards.

16. 3月 2004, 16:36:48
no wonder you win so many tank battle games!! LOL:P
but is your daughter reading the posts in fellowshipps?
I can see how in your case Fencer...yor daughter..when shes older...would be a member.but how many folks have PAID for memberships,for their children? My guess is...not very damn many.

16. 3月 2004, 16:22:43
And my little daughter loves to click on little tanks :-D

16. 3月 2004, 15:55:33
More than you'd think, bwild. For obvious reasons, they are not encouraged to shout about their age.

16. 3月 2004, 15:39:22
件名: children in fellowships?
how many are there?

16. 3月 2004, 15:37:20
件名: To all the recently joined children
nap time is at 10:00
lunch at 12:00
lessons on how to be a HIPOCRIT at1:00
then everyone goes Home!

15. 3月 2004, 23:01:48
Fencer nice to see you out :) hope the flu is rapidly improving.

15. 3月 2004, 21:33:38
Maybe a PM explaining this would be nice too Fencer??

15. 3月 2004, 20:24:34
Steve: Unfortunatelly for you, I am in a very bad mood today, so I have no time for long stories. I've just made all your posts hidden on all boards until you come to your senses again. I don't want to see such words anywhere on BrainKing.

15. 3月 2004, 19:53:20
You have a foul mouth Steve. You really need to edit that post, and a few others. I don't have you on enemies, if you really want to swear at me, do it by PM then nobody else has to be subjected to your filthy mouth.

15. 3月 2004, 19:39:48
Steve, you have spammed nearly every board with this rubbish about HOME. And you still haven't had the decency to explain what you mean??

15. 3月 2004, 17:50:19
件名: Challenges
Ive got in a right fuddle with the games and lost a list Id written from work, the only ones I can update, are ones in my message box, cos cant be bothered with looking through the boards to find results. I had asked somewhere before if numbers and results could come to me by PM for this reason.

So could challenge organisers / captains please look through the games etc, and let me know what needs updating please, the help would be much appreciated :o)

BTW You can blame the reaction on HOME fellowship board after my page crash for the way I feel about putting myself through too much to help at the moment

15. 3月 2004, 02:11:44
AIRCRAFT ENTHUSIASTS ...come and join this new fellowship

9. 3月 2004, 11:08:17
Uh huh.. I'm gonna go start putting in that addition on the clubhouse now.

9. 3月 2004, 11:05:46
Of course it is - I'm a member! :-)

(recruitment shudders to a halt)

9. 3月 2004, 10:53:35
Gee.. thanks! :) Great fellowship, that one! :)

9. 3月 2004, 10:49:09
Oh yeah, your prize is free membership of Anti-Socials.

9. 3月 2004, 10:44:04
件名: Re: <plug>Anti Socials</plug>
*bows* Thank you very much... I'd like to thank -- *thwop*

9. 3月 2004, 10:30:41
件名: Re: <plug>Anti Socials</plug>
And the Brainking prize for the shortest recruitment campaign for a fellowship goes to....!

Good luck with your Fellowship, Lythande.

9. 3月 2004, 09:39:30
件名: <plug>Anti Socials</plug>
Membership drive. :)

29. 2月 2004, 18:06:56
件名: Loonies Unite
I have just created the 'Loonies Unite' fellowship if anyone cares to join so we can have a giggle and when i get more members we will have some fun tourneys - all welcome - as long as you know how to laugh :-) just send me an invite request :-)

26. 2月 2004, 08:05:11
Please consider to rename the fellowship immediately. It's not good to have more fellowships with the same name.

26. 2月 2004, 04:53:01
May I suggest that you change the name of the fellowship so it is not the exact name of another fellowship. (For example, "Boost A Pawn II", or something)

25. 2月 2004, 16:15:24
Be better giving the 2 cents to the detect the hacker fund Bwild ;oÞ

25. 2月 2004, 16:07:04
I would love to say something..but I'm sure my 2 cents would be deleted.

25. 2月 2004, 16:02:18
*stomps on Steves footsie* LOL

25. 2月 2004, 15:59:45
Id just like to say that IMHO that....... OOPS Medic stomped her footsie,
I better stop before I start LMAO

25. 2月 2004, 15:40:12
Careful with that lip harley dear, a pigeon might fly over LOLOL

25. 2月 2004, 15:37:52
[bottom lip slooowly curls out]

You shouted at me!

Ok, you're right, Medic! (Frist time for everything! :oP) I'll say no more about this.

25. 2月 2004, 15:33:57
ARGHHHHH Does it never end? People dont forget the differences in culture not to mention ways of viewing things. I say tateer and someone else says potatoe. The point is, BK is a great place, one of the best, if not THE best on the net. It brings together lots of people from around the world. Which with it brings different views. Lets let it go. If Linda wants to 'toot her horn' let her do it, she deserves it for the hard work. But at the same time if others disagree with the way she is doing it, say something and then.........

move on give it a rest

There are so many more important and/or fun things to talk about!

*steps down off soap box*

25. 2月 2004, 15:24:27
Yes, I was. If that post was directed at her then its still not right! She can't be expected to take all this and not say anything. If she defends herself she's wrong, if she doesn't she's wrong. What can she do?
The boost a pawn fellowship is Linda trying to give to people. To put something back into BrainKing which also benefits individual people. Now am I understanding right, that you object to Linda apparently patting herself on the back for this?
I haven't seen her do that, or not taken it as that. And so what if she did? She's helped someone out, she has every right to feel good about it.

25. 2月 2004, 15:06:23
件名: Re:
Sorry Harley, I wasn't talking about you.
You were defending Linda, were you not?

25. 2月 2004, 15:03:20
"but becoming defensive, only make you look that much more guilty of the charge."

I'm sorry, I wasn't aware there were any charges against me. Could you enlighten me about that please?

25. 2月 2004, 14:57:11
件名: Re:
I don't think anyone is 'upset'. I think it is just some good nutured ribbing, thats all. Maybe this isn't the right forum for it though. Maybe someone will start a 'good natured ribbing' fellowship? Or is there already one somewhere?

I think that everyone should do something for the benefit of someone else, that they do not know you did, everyday. I think some take umbrage of, and get suspicious of the motives, of someone who pats themselves on their own back, for their charity work.

If it is only that persons perception.... then no harm, just ignore them...but becoming defensive, only makes one look that much more guilty of the charge.
Being right needs no defense!

25. 2月 2004, 14:46:25
That really isn't nice. Everything Linda has ever done here has been done with BrainKing in mind. Nothing she does benefits her personally, and she has given a great deal of her time and energy to BrainKing. I think that is to be commended. I can't understand why you're so upset about what she has done and is doing.

25. 2月 2004, 14:42:12
How about .....
'Boost a pawn, boost your brains, boost your esteem' fellowship? (this is a private, by invite only, program)

25. 2月 2004, 14:06:49
Gotta have kids .... LOL

25. 2月 2004, 14:03:38
I've thought of one called 'Pawn a kid - Boost your Brain"

25. 2月 2004, 13:58:28
What you up to now LJ? YOU know there is a fellowships called that exact name already

25. 2月 2004, 02:59:31
件名: Fire, EMS & Law
Would there be an interest in this type of fellowsip? To meet and do whaat we do best....be perverted? LOL

24. 2月 2004, 04:47:32
Round robin backgammom tournament at * USA *

23. 2月 2004, 14:15:47
Due to lack of posts, I will be deleting my mystical stories fellowship

23. 2月 2004, 10:00:09
Anti Socials fellowship needs some more members. :)

12. 2月 2004, 19:38:44
件名: Speaking of Whiskey...
The Ironhorse Saloon is under new management.No cover charge for the ladies,and the guys only have to pay to get out!!LOL:)
actually...everyone is invited:)

10. 2月 2004, 15:07:03
I think its the extra energy, now hes well again :o) or too much whisky last night LOL

10. 2月 2004, 14:10:30
It's no cussing, just a Czech translation of bumble's post. Yes, I have a strange mood today. But nothing is tragic :-)

10. 2月 2004, 14:03:57
Exuse me but is Fencer seem onedge lately. I don't think I ever read him cussing before? LOL

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