ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: SueQ , coan.net 

Backgammon and variants.

Backgammon Links

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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10. 12月 2005, 09:02:03
... or even anti-backgammon :)

10. 12月 2005, 09:01:42
件名: Re: Congratulations, Jason
alanback: "sponsoring anti-backgammon tournaments"... sounds like sponsoring terrorism to people who hate anti-backgammob :)

8. 12月 2005, 06:11:15
件名: Re: %ages
grenv: Then someone like Ed Trice will come along and patent a new version of Backgammon where memorizing equity tables (as per chess openings) will be impossible or impractical ... hence my dislike of cube games :)

7. 12月 2005, 13:16:19
件名: Re: game question
playBunny: This case seems like a good "exercise" for cube newbies (cewbies?) or judgement evaluations ;)

18. 11月 2005, 18:47:34
件名: Game group ratings
Has anyone ever thought of suggesting to Fencer to introduce game GROUP ratings? For example, one rating system for Chess games, another for Backgammons, another for Lines games etc. I mean, we already differentiate between them when creating them, so this means they are essentially different entities and should not have a unified rating system - who can disagree with that? (Fencer - too much work involved?)

Remember, some game groups may still share the same rating system (until the frequent players there start complaining about it etc.!)

15. 11月 2005, 18:41:06
件名: Re: Men behind
grenv: Then let me make it a lot more simple. I never played (nor will ever play) cubed bachgammon - I'm a Greek, after all :) For me, every game is life or death - win or loss. There are no backgammons and gammons to consider. Only whether I can stop the SOB who's started taking men off while I have an anchor at their home. Should I "raise" the anchor, leaving one man, or should I leave them both, assuming at the same time I am at either position 1, 2 or 3 (4 or further isn't worth it probably) and that a nasty block is awaiting the unlucky man to be hit by me?

15. 11月 2005, 12:22:05
件名: Men behind
Say one has 2 men together in opponent's home, where men have already started being born off. What is the best practice then?

- Take one man out and see if dice for the opponent is bad enough for a forced hit, allowing one to hit back given more nice dice?
- Leave the men together, hoping for some dice for the opponent to force an open man etc.

Does any of these two scenarios have any distinct advantage, even under conditions?

8. 11月 2005, 03:47:31
件名: Re: Seeing red...
alanback: More appropriately, gives up half of the offered side of the doubling cube - if this is the first double, then the loss is 1 point, if the cube is offered from 2 to 4, it's 2 points etc.

6. 11月 2005, 21:57:37
件名: Re: Seeing red...
grenv: Me too. Still... ignorance is NOT bliss in these cases! Let's just accept that basic fun for some people is to move the pieces around, without the cube adding too much complexity. Maybe such people NEED to lose a match or two this way to notice the small print... Or maybe too much time without a cube has softened them ;)

6. 11月 2005, 21:51:25
件名: Re: Seeing red...
grenv: Then again, some people will not think like that - hence the need for compromise. It would be ideal if we all thought this way, but you know how it is - many people play here just for fun and ignore simple things like that...

6. 11月 2005, 21:43:49
件名: Re: Seeing red...
grenv: All the people who lost matches this way were by no means fools per se, but I have to agree with Mr. T's paraphrasing:

"I pity the fool that ain't seen the warnin'!" :)

Making the warning more visible is probably the compromise that will separate the true fools from the simply careless.

6. 11月 2005, 21:02:34
件名: Re: Seeing red...
playBunny: Stop showing off and chew your carrot :) (or the mods will step in ... ooooh!)

6. 11月 2005, 20:49:32
件名: Re: Resignation warning...
playBunny & Pedro Martinez: Let's just make sure the "stupid turkeys" reference is just a coincidence with Tayfun's country of origin ;) And who, of all people, points that out? A Greek!!! Anyway :)

28. 10月 2005, 15:52:10
件名: Re: Randomness
playBunny: That they don't go out of business in the short term ;)

28. 10月 2005, 11:22:22
件名: Re: Randomness
playBunny: Since randomness can also make the payouts too much too often, the slot machine operators need to make SURE ;)

28. 10月 2005, 09:14:45
件名: Re: Randomness
playBunny: Take one guess where DailyGammon get their dice from ;)

15. 10月 2005, 21:33:02
件名: Re: Multi game type tournaments?
WhiteTower: and I mean "introduced" in general for money games, not just here in Brainking for money games :)

15. 10月 2005, 21:31:55
件名: Re: Multi game type tournaments?
rod03801: No, please, the cube was introduced as a feature for money games in Backgammon :) No need to make other games go that way...

15. 10月 2005, 18:59:59
件名: Re: The devil and the dice...
playBunny: Until it happens to you, it's impossible, right? ;)

15. 10月 2005, 18:46:27
件名: Re: The devil and the dice...
playBunny: If your opponent thinks like the hare in the well-known Aesop tale, the 1s covering your man could be removed with one or more 1-1 throws, and one or more 6-6 on the turtle's dice could make things pretty uncomfortable for the hare ;) So it's just theoretical - obviously, never happens between even half-competent players!

15. 10月 2005, 18:31:38
件名: Re:
Pythagoras: Indeed, I always thought this rule could be made optional. I believe Plakoto is played that way to stop wasting time on a lost game - even though devil can make the dice so bad for the "winner" that the game can be still saved by the "loser" :)

15. 10月 2005, 11:24:23
件名: Re:
Fencer: Indeed, 15 + 15 new images to be exact. Mind you, the 14 or 15 on top of 1 will happen once in a few billion years :) BTW I hope it will be detected in Plakoto that, if both sides have a single man covered in each other's starting points at home, the game is an automatic draw, as there is no way to finish the game.

15. 10月 2005, 11:06:22
件名: Re:
Fencer: (I want to add more of them later)

Does this include Greek Backgammon, as per a certain perennial request? ;)

5. 10月 2005, 22:38:59
件名: Re:
alanback: He sure is - who knows ONE perfect programmer who doesn't introduce a new bug fixing a old one? ;)

5. 10月 2005, 20:38:11
件名: Re: Looks like the fix introduced a new bug
alanback: I mean, he obviously worked in the shadows while we were all jeering at him, and now his surprise has come out slightly faulty :) SURELY his pride will not allow this issue to remain alive for much longer ;)

5. 10月 2005, 20:15:20
件名: Re: Looks like the fix introduced a new bug
UzzyLady: I believe Fencer will fix this relatively trivial bug [pointing and shaking index finger at Fencer!] as soon as he is made aware of it :)

21. 9月 2005, 22:11:32
件名: MDU rule
Wouldn't the rish of accidentally violating the rule be minimized by placing the highest of the two dice first in order? That way, it would take a dice swap to violate the rule, and that would be deliberate.

19. 9月 2005, 16:41:07
件名: Re: Tempest in a teapot
alanback: I suspect that people who take the effort to argue about this issue do it because that relaxation would evaporate the moment a deviation from the established rules occurs - those rules are what make the game relaxing as well, if I am not mistaken.

19. 9月 2005, 16:18:40
件名: Re: This "temporary" bug
playBunny: Yet Fencer regards the "manual" dice throw as important enough to deny auto-rolling - go figure!!!

19. 9月 2005, 15:57:54
件名: Re: It's cheating, if deliberate and unrepentant
playBunny: One way to resolve this would be to check if the offended player's next dice throw would have a direct impact, i.e. hit the offending player's men - if not, maybe there was no harm done anyway...

17. 9月 2005, 07:07:17
件名: Re:
furbster: It's the windfall of dice, isn't it? :)

15. 9月 2005, 06:33:43
件名: Re: Narde
playBunny: That's Russian Backgammon, with slight modifications to the rules of Fevga (or was Fevga like Narde with slight modifications...?) Anyway, watch those URLs, buddy! :)

14. 9月 2005, 23:48:06
件名: Re:
Pythagoras: Let's say it plays quite well for its size :) But yes, it wouldn't win any World Championships...

14. 9月 2005, 23:43:00
件名: Check these variants out
A Greek student maintains the following page with a nice Java applet which you can use to play against his implementation of an average playing strength AI opponnent:


14. 9月 2005, 23:32:07
件名: Re:
Pythagoras: Probably due to the diametrical start and the no-hitting feature.

14. 9月 2005, 23:28:19
件名: Re:
Pythagoras: The truth is in the playing, as everyone who plays it for the first time knows all too well :)

14. 9月 2005, 23:22:03
件名: Re: Greek Backgammon (Tavli) implementation
Walter Montego:


14. 9月 2005, 23:06:31
件名: Re:

Fevga: Exactly.

Plakoto: Also quite strategic, although not at the level of Fevga.

14. 9月 2005, 21:38:47
件名: Greek Backgammon (Tavli) implementation
So, Fencer, are there any news on the possible introduction of the "Greek three-game series" that some people know as Tavli? For the record, Greeks refer to the whole genre as Tavli, and have three separate names for the variants, which they play in the following order up to 3-, 5- or, most frequently, 7-point matches:

- Portes (=Doors, no-doubling Backgammon)
- Plakoto (=Slab-covered)
- Fevga (=Go Away, similar to Russian Backgammon)

4. 9月 2005, 00:40:04
件名: Re: George is AWOL
playBunny: Ummm your link redirects to my Main page :(

3. 9月 2005, 21:17:19
件名: "Fast" players
So there is this tournament, declared specifically for fast players. What happens is that one player now holds up the whole tournament for days using the automatic vacation feature without telling (me at least) anything about the absence. Now, I know that according to the rules this user is fully entitled to this, but isn't there some kind of etiquette regarding these cases?...

Sorry if it sounds a bit like a whine...

1. 9月 2005, 23:27:25
件名: Re: Games with unrated players
Walter Montego: Well put.

[points microphone to Fencer]

Any comments, Mr Rachunek?


1. 9月 2005, 23:18:44
件名: Re: Games with unrated players
grenv: Not very nice... I will be more careful.

1. 9月 2005, 23:10:33
件名: Games with unrated players
Your expected BKR change: win: 2168 (0), draw: 2160 (-8), loss: 2152 (-16)

Ummm, so I have to win in order to avoid losing points... anyone else thinks this doesn't make sense?... Or doesn't it have to do with the unrated status?

1. 9月 2005, 21:07:23
件名: Re: Dice
playBunny: OK, lemme make it more specific: at DailyGammon, they have a long FAQ entry devoted to how the dice is calculated, INCLUDING the Perl script that does the hard work. Here, nuffink! I mean, it's not like a trade secret or summin', is it?

28. 8月 2005, 20:23:27
件名: Dice
Has the exact calculation of dice in backgammon games been ever discussed? Methods and randomization used etc.?

23. 7月 2005, 22:34:46
We still haven't seen anything by Fencer on the issue - if he doesn't care, all we write here is pointless anyway :) If he does, keep going...

23. 7月 2005, 19:34:10
件名: Re: Backgammon Ratings
alanback: Exactly - as long as we even consider more improvements, and can't even agree how to start off, it's dead in the water... I partly agree with what you say, but an inconclusive ratings system is worse than a win/loss record...

23. 7月 2005, 17:14:24
件名: Re: Backgammon Ratings
grenv: Whatever the answer is, the morale stays the same: ratings aren't good enough however you calculate them. Win/loss/draw ratios are the real thing in the end...

22. 7月 2005, 21:39:18
件名: Re:
Please, guys, what you are debating is useless - rolling 5-5 all the time is a typical trivial case, especially as it leads to a hugely non-standard result (infinitely long game) - therefore let's concentrate on finite games...

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