Vikings: No, that is not correct. He had open options available on previous turns as well, but his dice roll didnt allow a move. Then after 3 turns like this, where i moved and stayed here, then it was not my turn again, but the dice did not show!
skipinnz: yeah, but why?? what sense does that make? If it has already been rolled anyway, then why does it matter if i see it?
It makes me wonder, if it has been rolled, and I cant see it, then i wonder what could be happening behind the scenes? maybe nothing, but it leaves doubts!
How come, in an auto pass game, when I "move and stay here" and my opponent cannot make a move, the dice are displayed for their roll, and it is my turn again.
But when I do the same and I find it not my turn again, my opponents dice roll is not displayed????
This so called auto pass of fencers is really a disaster isnt it?
AlliumCepa: The problem is with the way fencer has implemented 'auto pass' here is that it is not only used when there are no possible rolls that will make a move possible, but also when the dice rolled has no possible moves associated with it.
If a 1900 bkr beats a 2200 bkr, then it is called luck. If a 2200 bkr beats a 1900 bkr it is called skill.
But the better point is that a person with a 2200 bkr probably got that by being lucky themselves anyway, so doesnt it all work out in the end? On this site, at least after a person has played a certain amount of games, the person with a higher bkr is probably a better player, yet having a high bkr doesnt mean that they won all their games by skill alone either!
I think I have found an auto pass bug. This game will not let me double because my opponent has no move and the game keeps coming back to me and just wont allow me to double!
件名: Re:Is there even a way to know if we are playing with auto pass
pgt: Its not really a problem, its just that I have it in my head that I want to play my turn in auto pass games through until it is not my turn again, and I agree with grenv that it should be the default to have an auto passed move come straight back to you, thats all.
grenv: LOL, at first I didnt know it was auto passed, and when the game came back after a couple of other moves, I was thinking that my opponent was online and making moves quite fast!
件名: Re:Is there even a way to know if we are playing with auto pass
Oceans Apart: I am using auto pass and know how to activate it, but I am playing backgammon in the stairs format, and you dont have any choice to lay or not.
I obviously dont mind paying with auto pass, but if you are playing through your game list and some of them are using auto pass and some are not, i think there has to be a better way than to examine every game before every move to remember if it is an auto pass game, or to have to play and stay here on every move to find out if a game has been auto passed back to you or not?
Andersp: Well, I was under the impression that ideas and complaints etc about specific games belonged on that games own public board, but i dont think fencer has been to this one lately, and I dont want to spam every board looking for his attention.
It is a shame that you were one of the main instigators to get this auto pass option, but you were duped into thinking that it would be implemented they way you would like to see it implemented.
Andersp: Is there even a way to know if we are playing with auto pass? there really needs to be some way to be informed that a move has been auto passed back to us, so that we may continue to play it if we choose to!
I guess I am the only one who is not completely satisfied with the auto pass configuration?
Anyway, I just made a move in an auto pass game where I put my opponent on the bar, and stayed at that game, and sure enough there was my opponents roll that showed he could not make a move and my new roll as well. But when I made the next move and submitted and stayed there all that was there were my dice from the previous roll and it was my opponents turn.
Is it a bug that even though the dice are already rolled I cannot see them? Or is there some reason they stay hidden from my view until my opponent comes on to look at them?
For some reason I think that if the dice are already rolled, they should also be displayed? Is there any advantage I am not seeing that would make it more fair for me not to see the roll before my opponent does?
also again, any comments on a default to stay at any game where our opponent has auto passed?
I just had my first experience with the auto pass feature in a backgammon game. I was under the impression that it would be used only when there are no possible dice rolls that could create a move. But it seems that instead, the system makes a roll for us in our absence and checks to see if there are any possible moves, and if there are none, then our turn is passed?
So does the system always make a roll for the next move directly after a turn is played? So, for example, I can make a move and then go back into the game and see my opponents roll immediately after I play my turn?
I also thought that an auto passed game would remain on our screen to allow us to make another move, but instead, it just adds the game back to our list for another turn, which I do not like since we may not know right away this has happened and it will count against our time condition of the game.
I would like to offer a suggestion that we be able to make a default option to always "move and stay here if the next move is an auto pass".