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oh whoops..after reading my post and the link, I have to update..the Waltz ran for 5 years, and they are bringing it back this year to get a roof for Neon Street, the home for the kids of Chicago..anyways....
..but I'm downright gobsmacked here.... I came across this the other day on the web and have to share.
When I was in kindergarten and first grade, I lived next door to this guy and he was my favorite friend to hang with, always smiling, always fun, big heart of gold. I moved away and came back in high school and was in awe of him from afar. I doubt he would remember me, shy, quiet kid that I was and still am But I've never forgotten him. Imagine my surprise when I found out, that not only is he a sucessful musician now, but that the heart of gold I always remembered is still going strong.
He organizes and annual event every year in Chicago (since 2000? I think) to raise money to benefit the homeless kids in the city- to give them a roof over their head and resources to start a new life. So if any of you are in the Chicago area (Or travel there) and don't know about gotta check out this concert! A very worthy cause! For those of you not in the area, check out a great musician you may or may not have heard of...the site has some utube embedded videos I love..the third one has him playing with one of my all time heroes, Rick Danko of The Band..and the last one has him playing with Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick. I think you can also find some of Nick's music on utube. Look for Nick Tremulis or NTO (Nicholas Tremulis Orchestra) I love his stuff.. ...anyways, the link to the event:
件名: Ola Brunkert, drummer for Swedish pop superstars ABBA, dead in tragic accident.
So when you're near me, darling can't you hear me S.O.S. The love you gave me, nothing else can save me S.O.S. When you're gone, how can I even try to go on? When you're gone, well I try, how can I carry on?
A GREAT chat show on ITV in the UK, with 'Al Murray', the Pub Landlord, who always ends the show by singing a song by Queen. Here is the end of the last show of the last series, where he is joined by the cast of 'Queen' the stage show
A fellow player reminded me of this excellent band,I was a big fan of their FAITHFUL album.I doubt this song was heard much outside of Canada,but you'll love it!........the footage of Venice is kinda cool too
While we're on the topic,The Grapes of Wrath recorded this little gem around the same time