ユーザー名: パスワード:
管理人: Purple , harley , ScarletRose 
 Health and Home Remedies

A place where people can share their favourite home remedies and support for those with serious health concerns.

モード: 誰でも投稿可能

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19. 11月 2003, 20:57:55
This is going to be a really cool and helpful place. I am really into home rememdies. :o)

Sorry I just had to be the first at something LOL

19. 11月 2003, 21:41:12
件名: ozostomia anyone?
strange as it may sound, one remedy for halitosis is garlic! take the capsules (the suggested amount on the bottle), and by the next day your breath should be considerably less foul.

20. 11月 2003, 02:52:32
Princess Kammy 
件名: Welcome
hello everyone and welcome!! i am very interested in learning more about home remedies which stems from my mom who used a lot of them on us LOL.

EXAMPLE...oatmeal on a scorpion sting

20. 11月 2003, 11:23:28
plenty of oatmeal around here, but no scorpions... :(

4. 12月 2003, 22:11:50
anyone have a remedy for post nasal drip (cold related)?

7. 12月 2003, 18:25:46
Back Soon 
A site which may be of interest to anyone looking for alternatives......

18. 12月 2003, 11:39:41
件名: some of these seem interesting
>>* Budweiser beer conditions the hair
>>* Pam cooking spray will dry finger nail polish
>>* Cool whip will condition your hair in 15 min
>>* Mayonnaise will KILL LICE , it will also condition your hair
>>* Elmer's Glue - paint on your face, allow it to dry, peel off and see
>>the dead skin and blackheads if any
>>* Shiny Hair - use brewed Lipton Tea
>>* Sunburn - empty a large jar of Nestea into your bath water
>>* Minor burn-Colgate or Crest toothpaste
>>* Burn your tongue? Put sugar on it!
>>* Arthritis? WD-40 Spray and rub in, kill insect stings too
>>* Bee stings - meat tenderizer
>>* Chigger bite - Preparation H
>>* Puffy eyes - Preparation H
>>* Paper cut - crazy glue or chap stick (glue is used instead of sutures
>>at most hospitals)
>>* Stinky feet - Jell o!!
>>* Athletes feet - cornstarch * Fungus on toenails or fingernails -
>>Vicks vapor rub
>>* Kool aid to clean dishwasher pipes. Just put in the detergent section
>>run a cycle, it will also clean a toilet.
>>* Kool Aid can be used as a dye in paint also
>>* Kool aid in Dannon plain yogurt as a finger paint, your kids will
>>and it won't hurt them if they eat it!
>>* Peanut butter - will get scratches out of CD's! Wipe off with a
>>filter paper
>>* Sticking bicycle chain - Pam no-stick cooking spray
>>* Pam will also remove paint, and grease from your hands! Keep a can in
>>your garage for your hubby
>>* Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls
>>* When the doll clothes are hard to put on, sprinkle with corn starch
>>watch them slide on
>>* Heavy dandruff - pour on the vinegar!
>>* Body paint - Crisco mixed with food od coloring. Heat the Crisco in
>>microwave, pour into an empty ! film container and mix with the food
>>color of your choice!
>>* Tie Dye T-shirt - mix a solution of Kool Aid in a container, tie a
>>band around a section of the t-shirt and soak
>>* Preserving a newspaper clipping - large bottle of club soda and 1/2
>>of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 min. and let dry, will last for many
>>* A Slinky will hold toast and CD's!
>>* To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate
>>* Wine stains, pour on the Morton salt and watch it absorb into the
>>* To remove wax - Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it
>>absorb into the towel.
>>* Remove labels off glassware etc. rub with peanut butter!
>>* Baked on food -fill container with water, get a Bounce paper softener
>>and the
>>static from the Bounce towel will cause the baked on food to adhere to
>>it. Soak overnight. Also; you can ! use 2 Efferdent tablets, soak
>>* Crayon on the wall - Colgate toothpaste and brush it!
>>* Dirty grout - Listerine
>>* Stains on clothes - Colgate
>>* Grass stains - Karo Syrup
>>* Grease Stains- Coca Cola, it will also remove grease stains from the
>>driveway overnight. We know it will take corrosion from batteries!
>>* Fleas in your carpet? 20 Mule Team Borax-sprinkle and let stand for
>>hours. Maybe this will work if you get them back again.
>>* To keep FRESH FLOWERS longer Add a little Clorox,
>>or 2 Bayer aspirin, or just use 7-up instead of water.
>>* When you go to buy bread in the grocery store, have you ever wondered
>>which is the freshest, so you "squeeze" for freshness or softness. Did
>>know that bread is delivered fresh to the stores five days a week?
>>Monday, Tuesday, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Each day has a
>>color twist tie. They are: Monday - Blue Tuesday - Green Thursday -
>>Friday - White Saturday - Yellow So if today was Thursday, you would
>>want red
>>twist tie - not white which is Fridays (almost a week old)! The colors
>>alphabetically by color Blue - Green - Red - White - Yellow, Monday
>>Saturday. Very easy to remember. I thought this was interesting. I
>>looked in
>>the grocery store and the bread wrappers DO have different twist ties,
>>even the one with the plastic clips have different colors.
>>You learn something new everyday!!! Enjoy fresh bread when you buy
>>with the right color on the day you are shopping.
>>Pass this information onto friends
>>so they can be informed also.

18. 12月 2003, 11:54:26
件名: re : interesting stuff
<>>* To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate toothpaste
LOLOL.. so they won't be foggy, but how the hell do you see ?!?!?

18. 12月 2003, 12:31:33
ha ha ha!!! i think you have to wipe it odd so its clean!

19. 12月 2003, 21:52:28
Linda J 
LMAO @ Niki
Have to try some of those chatty

27. 12月 2003, 15:10:09
件名: chattytea
I'm going to try the peanut butter on my Lisa Marie Presley CD...
I will let you know the outcome. Thanks for the tip.

About useing vinager for dandruff...Do you use it full strength, before or after shampoo and conditioner. How much? I'm at my wits end, NOTHING seems to work.

27. 12月 2003, 20:16:35
件名: cole
i am not sure about any of these, its from an e-mail i received.. so its not tried and tested..
as for the dandruff.. it may be something more.. i suffer with psoriasis of the scalp.. dandruff shampoo does not clear it... maybe you should go to your doctor

28. 12月 2003, 00:07:31
I've had rotten dandruff since I moved down South, I figured it was the water change and it would settle down, but it hasn't!

28. 12月 2003, 00:21:44
LongJohn GZ 
mine is more like psoriasis than dandruff and I think it is related to a high stress job.
Head and Shoulders does nothing. That tar one that smells like road tar seems to help it the most but I have to use it constantly and I can never be bothered doing it every single day so the problem persists.

That road tar stuff does work though

28. 12月 2003, 14:42:47
件名: Re: cole
I will be the 'test dummy' on the vinager for dandruff remedy, and will report back.
As for useing the peant butter on the CD, it was to be scraped anyhoo, so I've nothing to loose, will get back to ya'll on that one too. :ř)

28. 12月 2003, 14:48:31
件名: Re: cole
yes please, i am sure a few of us are curious as to whether some of these do work.. some we know will.. others ????

28. 12月 2003, 15:57:58
I think an increase in vitamin A intake might help dandruff, liver is the best source.

28. 12月 2003, 22:17:58
Eww, is there anything except liver?! There must be an alternative!

Yay good on you Cole! I was also interested in the mayonnaise killing head lice. My daughter gets them from school sometimes *shudder* and I have an electric comb. That does the job, but what I want to know is if there is anything for the eggs. I think its horrible knowing there may be eggs that the electric comb doesn't touch :o( Bring back the nit nurse I say!!

29. 12月 2003, 12:47:27
件名: Harley
Dandelion leaves are a good source (also extremely high vitamin C content) but you should eat them untreated in a salad, they have a diuretic effect but the body quickly acclimatises. I hate watching my mother poisoning dandelions, one of the great wasted resources in the UK.

29. 12月 2003, 18:47:20
Uhhh, thanks... do they do vitamin A in a tablet form?!! LOL! Dandelion isn't very appealing!

29. 12月 2003, 19:22:13
You should be able to buy it at a local health food shop. In order for your body to absorb it you need to take them with some kind of fat/oil, a bacon sandwich should do the trick. Spending a lot of time on the computer also increases the need for vitamin A.

29. 12月 2003, 19:55:23
Ahhh, they're the kind of vitamins I like, that need a bacon sandwich to absorb them, and a long stint at BrainKing. Wow, I'll really have to change my lifestyle to take these tablets! ROFL!

30. 12月 2003, 02:13:23
Why does the need for Vitamin A increase when u spend alot of time on the computer? (asks the user who is on hers 12 hours a day!)

30. 12月 2003, 02:29:10
Linda J 
Are you referring to me Rose LMAO I'm here a lot.I know it made me need glasses

30. 12月 2003, 02:34:56
lmao naaa LInda i meant me! lol.. I work online all day an play the rest of the time.. I am curious as to why, if its from eye strain or what! lol

30. 12月 2003, 02:36:58
Linda J 
Oh LMAO I'm here that much and don't work on line

30. 12月 2003, 02:42:46
Come work for me so I can play more then! As IF I dont spend enough time here playing LMAO!

30. 12月 2003, 08:01:59
It's because of the intensity of the light. Conditions of both unusual brightness or darkness increase the body's use of vitamin A. Polar bears store so much vitamin A in their livers that it's dangerously poisonous to eat. I dont remember the toxic levels but they're well above general requirements, because A's fat soluble the liver can store quite large amounts so for a normal life style I reckon a pound of pig's liver a month is plenty. It's a long time ago that I looked into these things so you might want to check if you're planning more than half a pound a day.

1. 1月 2004, 00:45:46
Starting tomorrow I will be trying the Vinager for dandruff remedy...Just didn't want to smell like a salad at work..I checked on the web and it says to work vinager in to your scalp while the hair is dry, Then to let hair dry, before washing as usual, and that it should work after a few times, I will update by Saturday.

The peanut butter for scratches on CD's looks promising, but I want to tweek it a bit before I give my results.


1. 1月 2004, 08:46:24
Simplest and best "cure" for dandruff is to wash your hair less often. Shampoo removes all the oil from your scalp, respect your body it doesn't produce oil by mistake.

1. 1月 2004, 16:54:20
件名: Re:
I wash hair once a week..can't go any longer than that...
Vianger goes on when I wake up...I just got home from work.
BTW ...I do agree with ughaibu...better for the hair to have natural oils, than loading up on products.

2. 1月 2004, 03:40:03
Foxy Lady 
件名: Re: Hair Lice
Vinegar loosens the eggs from the hair shaft.Soak her hair,wait about 30 mins and comb them out.
Mayo smoothers the adults, and they can jump from one head to another.
Nit Nurse i agree with i say bring them back also.

Liver yuk........

2. 1月 2004, 03:44:24
件名: Re: Hair Lice
Dang !!! Vinager looks to work wonders on hair!

Liver...double bleech...I know the function of what a liver does in the body...and some one wants me to EAT IT once it comes out of a dead animal???

2. 1月 2004, 04:14:21
Princess Kammy 
LOL Cole....i agree on the liver issue...YUCK

OK on serious note...If anyone can tell me the functions of the pancraes i would be much ablidged

2. 1月 2004, 04:16:46
LongJohn GZ 
件名: Re:
My wife just told me it secrets insulin she thinks

2. 1月 2004, 04:19:06
Princess Kammy 
i guess its a necessary part then lol

2. 1月 2004, 04:28:59
Linda J 
Do you mean to tell me,you're supposed to have a swollen pancreas.You're waiting on a cat scan and never once asked the doctor what a pancraes was?

2. 1月 2004, 04:38:29
Princess Kammy 
well i knew it had something to do with metabolism...but not completely sure...already had cat scan...thats what determined swollen pancreas...now waiting on MRCT scan...new test to detemine reason for swelling

2. 1月 2004, 04:39:39
Princess Kammy 
plus i have only dealt with the doc office on phone since xmas eve...date of cat scan...so havent had a chance to interrogate him as i want to

2. 1月 2004, 04:46:29
Linda J 
When need for cat scan came out his mouth,the 1st out of mine would have been why and what is a pancreas,what does it do?

2. 1月 2004, 04:47:54
Foxy Lady 
件名: Re: Pancreas
Produces insulin in your body.PK are you a diabetic?

2. 1月 2004, 05:09:15
Princess Kammy 
no hystory of diabetes in family...last CBC for blood sugar was like 165 or something like that...that was my first concern when i heard insulin....and Linda he didnt mention pancreas or reason for CT until after recieved results....both he and i assumed was residual endometriossis pain or scar tissue

2. 1月 2004, 08:09:49
Yes it is hard to ask questions or even know what questions to ask before one knows what the problem is or what part of the body is being effected, etc. And even then (when it is me) it oftens takes me getting my thoughts in order...I don't realize how much I don't understand until I've reflected afterwards. So I determine to ask the doctor at next opportunity, prepare a list of questions etc. Or else do some research....or ask others like Kammy has done here. Not all of us are as quick on our feet as others.

2. 1月 2004, 08:10:25
Foxy Lady 
件名: Re: Pancreas
165 is high for a fasting blood sugar.Normal is about 70 to 110.

2. 1月 2004, 08:15:08
Princess Kammy 
件名: Re: Pancreas
ok what do you mean by fasting blood sugar...and i always thought that anyting over 200 was bad...never knew

2. 1月 2004, 08:18:17
LongJohn GZ 
I agree with Usurper, I wouldn't have thought to ask at the moment of being told either.
My first reaction has always been one of ignorant denial until I have a little quiet time to think.

2. 1月 2004, 08:59:46
Princess Kammy 
件名: Re:
thank you Greg baby,,and thank you LongJohn it means a great deal to know im not the only one who ges into shock at first lol

2. 1月 2004, 13:26:20
Foxy Lady 
件名: Re: Pancreas
Fasting blood sugar is no food or anything to drink after midnite,only water is allowed.
Watch the sugar and the carbs,pasta,potato,bread.
Carbs take the longest to digest and turn right to sugar.Anything with white flour.
Watch for thirst,excessive hunger,fatigue.Does the Dr have you checking your sugar?

2. 1月 2004, 14:29:40
Princess Kammy 
件名: Re: Pancreas
no he does not have me checking my sugar at this time.

2. 1月 2004, 17:13:57
Back Soon 
件名: Pancreas
Hi Princess Kammy, I have briefly talked to Usurper about pancreatitis (which could possibly be the condition you have?)
Have a look at this site www.pancreatic-disorders.com/
There are also other sites of help & also my partner who has suffered from pancreatitis for about 12 years can offer advice :o)
Hope you Get Well Soon!

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