Faust Eric (爆発チェス - ルールを表示する) Eric is the ninth Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett. It was originally published in 1990 as a "Discworld story", in a larger format than the other novels and illustrated by Josh Kirby. It was later reissued as a normal paperback without any illustrations, and in some cases, with the title given on the cover and title pages simply as Eric. (The page headers, however, continued to alternate between Faust and Eric.) トーナメント表へ戻る 試合類: 普通 トーナメント類 (?): 相手それぞれに2ゲームずつ(色変わり) 最小団体数: 4 最大団体数: 無限 部別ごとの最大団体数: 8 団体戦の選手数: 5 制限時間設定 (?): 4 日と, 標準休暇 状態: 終了