Ramblin' Games for BKR less than or = 1700 (蜘蛛四目並べ - ルールを表示する) Are you like me, a fair game-player, but your BKR indicates otherwise? Are you unrated in some games, and just want to HAVE a rating? Would you like to play other people who share your position? Then join this tourney for any game in which your BKR is less than 1700. Set to start on New Year's Day, this tourney is restricted to those whose BKR's are less than 1700 (any game). Even if you have earned a high BKR on some games, and are just working on others, join the ones where your BKR is low! Most importantly... HAVE FUN!!! ゲーム類表へ戻る 試合類: 普通 トーナメント類 (?): 相手それぞれに1ゲームずつ メンバーの会員レベル: 最小人数: 4 最大参加人数: 無限 部別ごとの最大人数: 8 選手2名の区別の決勝戦のゲーム類: 3回勝ち試合 制限時間設定 (?): 7 日と, 標準休暇 選手の等級: 100 <= BKR <= 1700 レートなしのプレーヤー: はい 等級しない(BKRは反映されません): いいえ 非公開トーナメント(自分で招待を出す): いいえ 参加者をBKR順に並べる: はい 状態: 終了 開始日時: 14. 12月 2004, 17:58:03 終了日時: 6. 2月 2005, 08:05:16