The anti-dote to the Corona Virus is here! For 22 mins, the very very low sound of Tibetan bowls masks the silent subliminal programming designed for removing excess negativities and depressed immunity systems. You can expect to feel energies flowing, a buzzy, tingly feeling that means that blood and nerves are functioning better. You can listen to it everyday, but do be prepared for some detox reactions. It is suggested that it be played while sleeping (on mute, if you wish) for at least three days before playing them in the day - there are more than 1500 decrees in there and they cover all aspects of the fear of falling ill. . ゲーム類表へ戻る 試合類: 普通 トーナメント類 (?): 一回敗退 メンバーの会員レベル: 最小人数: 4 最大参加人数: 8 制限時間設定 (?): 6 日と, 標準休暇 選手の等級: 100 <= BKR <= 4000 レートなしのプレーヤー: はい 等級しない(BKRは反映されません): いいえ 非公開トーナメント(自分で招待を出す): いいえ 参加者をBKR順に並べる: はい このトーナメントの全てのゲームはオートパス機能を使えます。(オートパス使用可能なゲーム種のみ) 状態: 終了 開始日時: 27. 2月 2021, 10:20:00 終了日時: 27. 7月 2021, 11:05:01