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There is a variant of LOA (developed for an imperfect reason but still the result was playable and challenging) called 'Alternate' LOA, whereby black starts with a stone on b1, White on c1, Black on d1, White on e1, etc. all the way around the board. The object is the same, to aggregate all of your color, but the strategies are markedly different. Since no two stones of the same color are on adjacent spaces, it compels the player to take into account all of the stones.
Perhaps with enough support and requests, we can get it added here. It doesn't seems too difficult to program.
(verberg) Als u op uw beurt aan het wachten bent en niet steeds op F5 wilt blijven drukken kunt u ook de pagina snel automatisch laten vernieuwen door op "Verander" naast "Verversen" te drukken op de Hoofdpagina, en de tijd hier in te stellen op bijvoorbeeld 30 seconden. (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)