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BIG BAD WOLF: Thanks, I think that helps a little, i will just have to play some more and figure it all out!
So, if my opponent uses all red and I use two reds in my guess, I will know that I have two colors correct and in the correct position, but I will not know for sure if either one of the red ones are correct or not?
I guess I am confused where, if I guess all red, and my opponent has used one red, then I have one guess that is the correct color and is in the right position, and 4 colors that are the right color but in the wrong position. Why only one black peg then?
Say for example my opponent has a red one in the last position and I guess that color in the first position, I will get a white peg for that, but if I guess a red one in both the first and last positions, The one in the first position doesnt get anything this time?
I am confused again! I placed a red one in the first spot searching for my opponent, and it came up black, which means that my opponent placed a red one in the first position? I thought thats what it meant, but on my second turn, I placed a red one in the first spot again and it did not show up black! Can someone please put me on the right track about what the pegs mean?
(verberg) Als u op iemands naam klikt en vervolgens op Beëindigde partijen dan ziet u een lijst met al zijn of haar beëindigde partijen in alle spelsoorten. Door vervolgens op een spelsoort te klikken krijgt u de informatie te zien van alle partijen in die spelsoort. Als u hier op een uitslag klikt krijgt u de partij te zien en kunt deze naar believen analyseren (tenzij de spelers ervoor gekozen hebben de partij "privé" te houden). (Servant) (laat alle tips zien)