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Line4 and variants.

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10. augustus 2004, 19:09:44
Onderwerp: Re:
Yeah ... BuiderQ seems right. Until we have a mathematical prove of the second player advantages we should keep it the way it is now. Anyway ... I'll keep on accepting invitations for double games (or maybe games where I'm not the first one to move :)))).

10. augustus 2004, 17:33:36
Maybe we should take a step back and remember that 8x8 line4 has not been solved yet. Neither player has been proven to have a sure win.

10. augustus 2004, 17:22:29
I assume you mean open invites can only be sent if the playing sending it is to play first? That would just create a problem similar to IYT - you have to figure out who has to invite who to play certain colours. I don't think anything needs to be changed - Five in Line is even more imbalanced...a proven forced win from the start by player 1 (by move 24 or something like that). If there are invites waiting for the wrong colour, don't accept them.

10. augustus 2004, 16:51:05
Onderwerp: Re: Re:
Ok, what do you think about that:
You can play a two games match or a single game but If you want to play a single game than you got to be the first one to move (you can't take "advantage") ... would it be fair ?

10. augustus 2004, 16:12:43
Onderwerp: Re:
Because a single game is potentially unfair, whereas a 2-game match with alternating colours can't be.

8. augustus 2004, 20:54:43
Why should a two-game match be forced?? If you think that's the only fair way to play, then refuse to play any single games and only play two-game matches. If someone wants to play a single game, why should you try and stop them?

8. augustus 2004, 06:33:38
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
Indeed. That's it then, no single games for Line4, but minimum 2-game matches with alternate colours - Fencer, are you there? :)

7. augustus 2004, 17:39:22
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
I agree that two-games matches are the only fair way of playing Line 4 on the 8x8 board. Regarding the widely disparate skill levels BuiderQ was saying ... well ... If you want to beat a highly skilled player, than you got to take the risk and go for it !!! I don’t know any better way of developing your own skills than playing a “stronger” opponent … no pain, no gain :^).

6. augustus 2004, 18:20:41
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
Perhaps two-game matches are the fairest way? But they seem superfluous between players of widely disparate skill levels.

6. augustus 2004, 17:18:39
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
Consider the following, which is based on all line4 games played at BrainKing.
White won 7614 (51.11 %)
Black won 7201 (48.34 %)
Draws 81 (0.54 %)
I don't think most players below the ceiling would find it much help to play as black against those above the ceiling.

6. augustus 2004, 12:52:49
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
<Then the solution is simple: when you get over a ceiling rating in Line4, you are banned from playing as black :>

5. augustus 2004, 20:06:11
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
Yes, i think the same, black player has and advantage on 8x8 board, but i guess if second player is not a good player, it's very easy win as whithe player

5. augustus 2004, 17:44:04
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
Yes, the 6x7 board is a first player win. I used to think that applied to the 8x8 board as well, and discussed the matter with grade1teacher, who thought otherwise. However, I have now joined the consensus that I discovered exists among the top players here: black has the advantage on the 8x8 board. The extra column negates much of 6x7 theory, and so far I can see no win for white.

5. augustus 2004, 17:33:33
Onderwerp: Re: Recommended Reading
This site basically says that Line4 isn't a fair game to the second player, as perfect play by the first player guarantees the latter's win. Is there something we can do to change this? I know that site refers to the standard 6x7, but there's no reason why their findings shouldn't apply to our 8x8.

20. juli 2004, 03:00:35
Onderwerp: Recommended Reading
www.farfarfar.com has some good (though not error-free) information regarding line4. It also has a reasonably good program you can practice against, and most importantly, a number of links to other sites related to line4.

12. juli 2004, 16:32:23
Onderwerp: to universal
You got something to say to me...then say it...i dont know what the problem is..but ive done nothing. so keep my name out of ur mouth.....

5. juli 2004, 01:46:21
Onderwerp: Longest Game
Unlike all the other line4 varations available on this site, linetris games are not limited to 32 moves. Indeed, they could theoretically last indefinitely. So, what is the record for longest game of linetris?

By the way, with all due respect to Tactician, I think this board should have a moderator who is online more than once a year.

1. juli 2004, 23:42:34
I'm surprised that there is so little discussion on this board. Aren't there many line4 players on this site?
Anyway, I think that in line4 (all line games, in fact) the winning rows should be highlighted.

12. april 2004, 08:07:08
hmmm I'm not seeing any green..

12. april 2004, 07:48:00
Onderwerp: graphics
Why, all of the sudden, do the black pieces have this horrible green background? It's a real distraction.

15. januari 2004, 09:25:43
Okay, thanks.

15. januari 2004, 09:09:55
Ughaibu: No you would not be able to play B2 in that situation. Each edge is like the bottom of a line 4 board..

15. januari 2004, 08:15:14
Can a piece cling to any side of another or does this only apply to the edge? For example, if there are pieces on A3 and B3 can I play B2?

19. december 2003, 15:59:21
Onderwerp: and this?
rather quiet here... i wonder wheter there would be an echo if i shouted this message ...
what about a "new" variation of line4: line4x4x4. Actually, the name says it all: it is played on four 4x4boards, representing a cube. Aim of the game: get four stones in a row (duh). Here is a link to try it out

8. december 2003, 00:17:52
Onderwerp: how about this?
some sites to practice against a java program:

1) http://members.aol.com/shadows125/connect4.htm

2) http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/System/3517/C4/C4Conv.html

...and there are more.

6. december 2003, 00:33:01
hmmm first to post...what to say...dunno.

4. december 2003, 01:34:05
Onderwerp: ok soooooooooooo
what do i do?? lol

3. december 2003, 21:36:26
Retired on 2700 
Onderwerp: Variationns
Well me and my brother(rahvin666) are currently trying out Spider line5 (or Stack 5x5) on a five in a line board now here at BK! We are only playing up to the letter J, which makes it a 10x10 board for starters. My first impressions so far of this is that its a bit to slow in starting, not much excitement, BUT as more moves are layed down, the thinking then starts!...see how it goes for now.

Kevin, how about the 'free space' move goes to black only and they can use it at any point during the game.

e.g. If white starts D1 then moves over to A4 on second move, then black could go for the prime sqaure, which would be D4! Hence it would be 'free in space'...or black could use it later in the game if you can see a white winning set up!...or you could vary this by white having 2 free space moves with black having 3! white then would not be such as an advantage(I dont think it is anyway in normal 4x4, but weve already had that debate, SLAYER? lol)

3. december 2003, 09:10:06
Gone and exit 
Onderwerp: Re: Variations??
I meant of course that Spiderline4, or Stack 4x4 isn't that much of a challenge to me anymore....Matt knows what I mean....we know way too much theory and forced wins even after move 3 or 4! Then the following 6 till 10 moves are no fun........

3. december 2003, 09:06:54
Gone and exit 
Onderwerp: Re: Variations??
Spiderline 5, or Stack 5x5 on a 12x12 board would be very interesting!! Then, new theories will have to be found out!! I'd love to try that one out (a 10 games exhibition match, Matt?!) lol
Would be a challenge as Spiderline 5 isn't that much of a challenge anymore for me, except against the best (no offense)........

3. december 2003, 06:20:15
Hexagons could be fun, although i imagine it would be even easier for player 1 (having 6 directions from each piece rather than 4).

Without a much larger board, 5 in a line would almost never happen but could be fun.

I would have to study it more, but my first impression tells me that a "free space" would give player 1 a much larger advantage, if not a forced win.

2. december 2003, 18:54:33
Retired on 2700 
Onderwerp: Variations??
Can anyone think of any Spider line4 variations? like maybe have a 'free space' move per game in any square you like, or have a different shaped board, like a spiders web shape? or Spider line5(five) would be very interesting, & extremly hard to achieve! this could be for the advanced players maybe?

27. november 2003, 19:25:10
Pedro Martínez 
Onderwerp: Ajax
and Feyenoord!!!

27. november 2003, 10:27:44
Gone and exit 
Onderwerp: Re: Help!
Yeah m8 Matt, keep on beating me and like I already said, keep them all connected, not only on the board! Liverpool F.C. and P.S.V. rule!!

27. november 2003, 09:33:22
Retired on 2700 
Onderwerp: Re: Help!
lol, yes your right its not arrogance, its just my silly English humour, as Stefan knows, sorry! just wanted to see if anyone could give me some tips, Stefan? ;-)

27. november 2003, 08:44:36
Gone and exit 
Onderwerp: Re: Help!
My dearest friend Matt, wants either to get a discussion about the game or uses the famous English humour! His message sounds a bit arrogant, but I can tell you he is NOT, I am though, lol

Matt, keep them all connected!

Stefan, (former rival)

27. november 2003, 02:08:34
Yes, that 2660 rating leads everyone to believe you're not quite sure how to play, M4tt ;-)

27. november 2003, 01:30:21
Onderwerp: Re: Help!
Well, if you want to go to the Rules, here on brainking, click here.

26. november 2003, 16:55:10
Retired on 2700 
Onderwerp: Help!
How do you play Spider line4, does anyone know? ;)

8. november 2003, 13:50:24
Onderwerp: Unrated tourney #1
come and join this tourney everyone.
SpiderLine4 Unrated Tourney #1

31. juli 2003, 02:10:42
Onderwerp: 2000+ Linetris Tourney
All the Linetris experts out there make you sign up for Rahvin's 2000+ Elite Linetris tourney.

14. april 2003, 16:48:23
Gone and exit 
Onderwerp: Strategy
Just play a lot, try to learn from your mistakes and not making them twice! (StackMaster knows what I mean, lol) Try to understand what certain positions are all about and what the key squares are........and don't miss force wins if they are there. Play not too aggressive when you are playing black! Defend first and counter only when the time is right, but you can only learn by experience when it is that right time...) Do not replay the games of the best too much because if your opponent makes another move you just don't know what the position is about and you'll probably lose..... Making notes on the games is recommendable! Put your fisrt piece always on the same place eg e1!
I did all this and it ended up so far with 32 tourney wins at www. itsyourturn.com, which noone ever achieved and 2400+ points here but that doesn't say that much I think.......


13. april 2003, 21:07:47
Onderwerp: Strategy
Here are things you can do to help your game:

1) Look at old games - take a look at the top players, study some of their past games - a lot of time, people will "fall" into the same trap over and over.

2) Whenever it is your turn - look at where the other person put their piece. STUDY IT, and ask youself "Why did they put that there" - most of the time you can find what they are planning, and go from there.

3) Use your in-game notes to yourself - If I have a plan, or something - I always list it in the notes for myself to read - like "watch out for B3" - or a step by step plan like "(me B3)(him B4) (me E3) - win 2 ways".

... that is all from me for now.


13. april 2003, 02:07:23
My strategy is to try and get 4 in a row. :-)

12. april 2003, 13:47:23
Onderwerp: Re: strategy
Hello Artfuldodger,
If you invite me I will share my strategy with you. Good Luck

12. april 2003, 08:22:32
cya peeps 
Onderwerp: strategy
anyone care to share their strategy ideas??

31. maart 2003, 15:49:28
Onderwerp: Game 40322
Hi...game 40322 will not let me click a submit button...keep getting brainking ran into technical problem....but I am still able to play other games.

11. februari 2003, 13:48:41
Onderwerp: Re: Game # 23425
Kevin,that was exactly it. Silly me, must have been during one of my old timers moments.Thanks a lot

9. februari 2003, 22:07:24
Onderwerp: Re: Game # 23425
Without looking at the game, i will assume that the last move filled the bottom row, making it dissappear and everything else drop down. The blue square is to indicate the last move was in that column. It is very possible to have several moves in the same square (in the bottom row only) because of this rule. Hope that helps!

9. februari 2003, 14:53:14
Onderwerp: Game # 23425
I'm playing this game with Dawn and on the game notations it has both of us moving on B1 It showed up as an empty blue square on my turn. Tried to play on top of it and couldn't. It let me move on B1 also

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