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John Tromp's website does not list a result for 8x8. I'm wondering, does anyone know who is supposed to win? 1st player, 2nd player, or draw? My guess is 2nd player, though I haven't studied 8x8 in much depth yet.
entr0py: Currently, all the sites I regularly play at use an 8x8 board, as BrainKing does. I have played other sizes in the past, including 7x6; see here for a list of sites offering connect four.
hexkid: I've never heard of this Pro Line4 being played anywhere. Incidentally, in that game you linked to, I note that Jason does have a diagonal four in a row in addition to the horizontal five in a row.
The rules for "Pro Line4" (all variants) are the same as the respective rule for the standard Line4 variant except that 5-in-a-row does not make a win.
If I and Jason were playing "Pro Linetris", this game wouldn't have already ended (and I might win it too).
Fencer: I think everyone read "between the lines" of the rules and thought that every full line disappears. I think it should be either specified in the rules (as BBW said) or it should be changed to reflect the thoughts of BuilderQ and myself. I'm not saying to go one way or the other (as a disinterested party) but I think leaving the ambiguity will just cause more problems in the future.
Fencer: Two lines can disappear after a move in a corner which completes two perpendicular rows, so I had thought the same applied to parallel rows. The way it is now, sides of the board can become "blocked" and the game's dynamic aspect is reduced. Still, BrainKing is the only site to have this game, so there is no precedent to contradict your method, and maybe I'm just annoyed at losing. :)
Do you like to play line games or want to learn? If you do, you should join the Official Lines Fellowship! We have line teams for almost every game as well as tourneys coming more and more! Sign up if you would like to join for teams, tourneys, lots of games, and the chance to better your game!
I was thinking that the Line4 players on this site weren't very active, but then I realized I was wrong when I noticed this epic series of games between Jeckelchen and jeckel. Their playing styles have become so refined that they know if they should resign by the second move! Wouldn't this site be more interesting if all players were as busy?
ColonelCrockett: The rules for Pro Five in Line and Swap Five in Line explicitly note that exactly five must be placed in a row. Hasami Shogi may also follow this restriction, but the rules do not refer to such a situation.
BuilderQ: hmmm . . . I was too lazy to look (LOL) . . . I could have sworn that there was a game on BK that required a specific number of tokens be placed in a row, perhaps Hasami Shogi? I'm still too lazy to look, ;)
so its up to player 1 (white) to make sure that he wont create a 4 .... as he can see easily he is being mirrored he can play the game all by himself .. and force his opponent to follow his plans (or stop the mirroring)
white is player 1 .. player 2 is the only one who can use the mirror strategy .. but when doing that until the end he will lose as noone will make 4 .. so player 1 wins
Aangepast door furbster (22. augustus 2005, 14:08:57)
BuilderQ: Thanks for that lol, yeh i didn't really know how to play when i played this one, i think it was my first game or one not long after i started playing it
So, the only way to counter this strategy is to fill up the board with no one winning, which is a win for white? (LOL, I'm sure you know what I'm trying to say)
Would someone be willing to play out a game of anti with me as black, using the mirror image strategy, and show me how you, as white, get out of it? It will make more sense to me if I am actually playing it out. Unrated/Uncounted, if you prefer.
I recently played anti line 4 at another site, and my opponent played using the mirror-image strategy. (I was player 1). I know there MUST be away to get around that, otherwise player 2 would just always win using that strategy.. However, for some reason I spaced it, and had no idea how to counter it, and lost of course. Can someone please remind me how to counter that strategy in anti?
ColonelCrockett: I don't know, I tend to chat occasionally during my games. I don't think anybody uses the discussion boards at IYT. To be honest I'd forgotten they exist.
I haven't been able to find a truly comprehensive resource for connect four information, so I've decided to start work on my own.
BuilderQ: I just took a look, at first it looks like a great idea to add a third color, but if it's an option if a person uses the "wild" or not - I would never use it - I mean why would I want to place a piece that my opponenet can use also.
thanks ... a dutch site as well .. located (physically) very close to where i did the last phase of my study (1 door away from my room, down the hall ;))
(verberg) U kunt instellen naar welke pagina of naar welke partij u automatisch wilt gaan na het doen van een zet door één van de mogelijkheden achter de zetknoppen te kiezen. (pauloaguia) (laat alle tips zien)