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28. maart 2009, 11:46:25
Onderwerp: Re: if it is giving you health care or welfare or any other, is all a form of big brother.....
Czuch: ...... So you get it now. And I think it does sound like some systems in place today in the western world. IE as in the USA your local state and county governments, and in the UK our local councils, who are given the ability to raise money from locals and get some dosh from the Government to use as they feel fit to meet the needs of the people living in their area.

It's not true socialism, but it's closer then the old USSR model.

27. maart 2009, 18:07:20
Onderwerp: Re: if it is giving you health care or welfare or any other, is all a form of big brother.....
Czuch: No. It isn't.

And Czuch... a real working model of socialism as worked out in the USSR by those who could... but rejected by the 'bosses' would lead to less government and less power for the government. The local community would be in more charge as they being the local people would be able to better work out their needs.

... But, alas. The consequences for the soviet bosses is that most would not be needed, so the idea was thrown away.

No, can you know see the difference between real socialism and a fake socialism, and basing your views on a false socialist model then is like feeding false data to a computer and asking it to work out an accurate answer based on that false data.. It don't work.

27. maart 2009, 16:44:47
Onderwerp: Re: Please give a solution to avoid the trap and global enslavement
GoodTimeCharlie: Yep. Problem with good intentions.. one factor... man and his perception, or lack of it.

27. maart 2009, 16:22:43
Onderwerp: Re: Please give a solution to avoid the trap and global enslavement
Aangepast door Mort (27. maart 2009, 16:24:48)
Czuch: You perhaps I suggest strongly, have got what Big Brother means confused. Your Homeland security is Big Brother, some of our new laws on terror are 'Big brother', not socialism.. as pure socialism (not the fake USSR crap) ... is to benefit the people. Not just the few at the top like in the old Russia. Stalin basically saw to that.

And IMHO.... wasn't your revolution against the British Empire and your constitution socialist?? ...... "Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. "

And Lincoln goes onto say... " that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

27. maart 2009, 16:13:56
Onderwerp: Re: Please give a solution to avoid the trap and global enslavement
GoodTimeCharlie: oooOOooo A secret agent!! I better implement the dead man protocol on all the 'evidence' I have hidden on the web.

27. maart 2009, 15:19:20
Onderwerp: Re: The Disclosure Project
The Usurper: The Conservative party over here has promised (or so their leader has.... that if the Conservatives get into power they will open up and publish all the UK secret UFO info.

27. maart 2009, 15:14:22
Onderwerp: Re: Please give a solution to avoid the trap and global enslavement
GoodTimeCharlie: I can't enlighten you Charles.. it don't work that way.

And yes.. I think we do need a board for propaganda... I think you'll be amazed at how much we are pumped at with every day.

And are you saying you'd be happy with a Big Brother society?

27. maart 2009, 10:19:17
Onderwerp: Re: George W. Bush's opinion of the U.S. Constitution
The Usurper: Scary.... but it explains your lobbying system.

27. maart 2009, 06:53:22
Onderwerp: Re:
Pedro Martínez: Tricky... As we are talking about taking out a missile at low orbit levels... maybe even higher. Plus if someone has sneaked one into a satellite.. then no anti missile system could stop it.

26. maart 2009, 23:47:59
Onderwerp: Re:
Pedro Martínez: You don't need to. the whole idea of an EMP bomb is that it is detonated high up so the effect is as widespread as possible.

26. maart 2009, 23:43:12
Onderwerp: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Pedro Martínez: So did I... and quite frankly with both going on it was difficult to make out what he was saying... He ummmmmd and rrrrrrdd and was so confused over his words I'm not sure he knew what he was talking about. I think he just had a bad day and was waffling on as he was expected to speak.

26. maart 2009, 23:38:58
Onderwerp: Re:
Pedro Martínez: I don't see the point of an anti missile radar system, unless it is EMP proof. And technically to destroy a company.. or at least cripple it that it would collapse on itself... One high up EMP bomb will do the trick.

26. maart 2009, 23:05:50
Onderwerp: Re: And the winner of the Red Eye debate is.......
The Usurper: A Ghandi style revolution.

26. maart 2009, 22:34:17

26. maart 2009, 22:10:00
Onderwerp: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Czuch: No, that is just one thing I enjoy to do. It is useful sometimes, especially when dealing with officialdom.. It's so nice to watch them squirm after they have tried to be less then honest.

Ya know.. that little niggle.. "something stinks/is wrong here"

Like one time I was told that one office could not communicate with another office 400 miles away..... my reply.. "what!! You've never heard of the postal service? ..... the bloke hung up.

26. maart 2009, 21:58:07
Onderwerp: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Czuch: .. I'm not everyone. I'm just one part of the human race. Generalisation and assumption based on pre determined values of what a person is based on a label.... Is never accurate.

Especially when you've never actually met the person. It's good to see.

26. maart 2009, 20:57:58
Onderwerp: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Artful Dodger: ......... tell me then, if you think I have one... what do you think it is. I'll bet ya 1000 chips ya wrong.

26. maart 2009, 17:14:15
Onderwerp: Re: Please give a solution to avoid the trap and global enslavement
GoodTimeCharlie: Use your mind, it being yours, learn how to trust your instincts and intuition and be yourself.

Same way people escaped all the other 'dictatorships' (whether government or religion based) through out the years.

.... And when you can.. pass it on.

26. maart 2009, 17:10:30
Onderwerp: Re: The US economic policy is the road to hell."
Pedro Martínez:

"The Czech EU Presidency rejected reports yesterday (25 March) that Prime Minister Mirek Topolánek had referred to US stimulus policy as the "way to hell", saying he had been misunderstood. ......... "No, he didn't say that," Czech Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra told a news conference after Topolánek's speech to the European Parliament on Wednesday (25 March).

...... A Czech presidency spokesman said Topolánek, speaking through an interpreter, had noted the United States was taking strong fiscal action to combat the economic crisis. Topolánek then said the European Union would be on the "way to hell" if it boosted its own fiscal spending, the spokesman said.


The Czech EU presidency website published a summary of his statement, however, which sounds quite different from the original speech made at a European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg.

Czech journalists confirmed that European Parliament translators were not to blame. Their delivery of Topolánek's words was quoted by the international press in the following terms:

"The US Treasury secretary talks about permanent action and we, at our spring council, were quite alarmed at that [...] The US is repeating mistakes from the 1930s, such as wide-ranging stimuluses, protectionist tendencies and appeals, the 'Buy American' campaign, and so on," he told the Parliament session in Strasbourg. "All these steps, their combination and their permanency, are the road to hell."

It is not the first time that Topolánek made a blunder in the European Parliament. Presenting the Czech EU Presidency's priorities in January, the prime minister caused an outcry when he suggested that the EU's current Nice Treaty was better than the Lisbon Treaty, which the Union's leaders are struggling to push through."

The moral of this story is... don't believe all the hype when those reporting a matter have an agenda.

25. maart 2009, 22:28:37
Onderwerp: Re: an O'Reilly guest once said a certain thing was "retarded."
Artful Dodger: No... he said..."I'm a little retarded about this".. He said he didn't know or failed to understand. PC was overdone by people who missed the point and what he said. I suggest that like Obama, that was overplayed.

25. maart 2009, 22:23:48
Onderwerp: Re: Don't try to understand any of it. It will give you a migrane.
Artful Dodger: You get headaches from trying to understand me... I'm expanding your mind then!! ...... Thankyou for letting me know that.

25. maart 2009, 22:20:32
Onderwerp: Re: Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people
Czuch: Because Czuch. It depends on how it's done. Not just the content, but the intent and the timing. But generally racism, and subjects based on an ism.

He made a stupid analogy. Not a tirade of immature moronic garbage. I don't even get how they get to call themselves comedians!! We have guys here that use their brains to make jokes.

25. maart 2009, 21:30:27
Onderwerp: Re: Bam had a laugh at the expense of handicapped people
Czuch: He didn't, he used the wrong analogy and screwed up because of that. It is then to choose whether you think the man had a temporary attack of idiocy (as we all do being human) ... or is a idiot fall stop.

The vote is out as it's too early to tell.

Censorship... Mmmmm Difficult, my main thing would be adverts that don't tell the truth or are designed to pray on peoples fears attenuated by a Hollywood culture that requires a very big bank account to realistically meet the false idol the adverts 'project' as being real rather then delusional.

TV... it's a thing of the moment, one cannot tell until one has seen. But I certainly wouldn't be a 'mary'..... British TV, etc... is so much more open then your US system.

25. maart 2009, 21:18:10
Onderwerp: Re: Think whatever you like.
Artful Dodger: I do.

25. maart 2009, 21:02:47
Onderwerp: Re: Fox News produces it, they own it.I don't care what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: I do. Just admit it for once.

25. maart 2009, 20:53:18
Onderwerp: Re: Fox News produces it, they own it.I don't care what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: fox... fox... fox.

25. maart 2009, 20:21:40
Onderwerp: Re: Fox News produces it, they own it.I don't care what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: Oh Blimey.. fox news.. fox channel, yatta, yatta, yatta.

25. maart 2009, 19:53:27
Onderwerp: Re: But a group of comedians on a late night show that mocks the news?what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: Mmmmmm all phoney? Or the reaction is just not what you anticipated?

And no Art.... It's all the same, saying the left does it more is score pointing by the right... and the left saying the right do it more is score pointing by the left.

Sorry, but empirical evidence from watching our Houses of Parliament at work does not support your assumption.

25. maart 2009, 19:41:10
Onderwerp: Re: But a group of comedians on a late night show that mocks the news?what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: The talking has carried on because of the talk that carried it on. People will voice their feelings here. You know that.

And no.

25. maart 2009, 18:23:35
Onderwerp: Re: violation of the Chemical Warfare portion of the Geneva Convention
Apaleunicorn: Damn.. you have a cottage industry there!! If ya can compress it, then you have a passive crowd disperser for sale.

25. maart 2009, 18:01:40
Onderwerp: Re: But a group of comedians on a late night show that mocks the news?what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Artful Dodger: They were not mocking the news, they were mocking the Canadian Military.

And as I said, if people in the UK can get canned for making inappropiate jokes.. why can't the same apply to another joke making people?

And ya know the BBC... the jokers who got canned... they got told off as well, and had to apologise. IE they were the ones who employed the jokers, and by right should set standards on what their people are allowed to do.

25. maart 2009, 17:53:28
Onderwerp: Re: So would you..
Artful Dodger: Nope.

25. maart 2009, 17:52:20
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: All?

25. maart 2009, 17:21:03
Onderwerp: Re: a rotten piece of fruit or three..
ScarletRose: Yeaahhh throw the fruit. I can compost it.

25. maart 2009, 14:01:03
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: Well.. From my point of view your argument fails. And there are other things on my list, many other things. But that is my personal feelings. I can't expect everyone else to feel the same, but just to acknowledge that I (like you) have the right to those feelings. We might not agree, but we still have the right to feel.

25. maart 2009, 11:25:24
Onderwerp: Re: Fox News produces it, they own it.I don't care what time of the day or number of viewers the show has,Fox stamps their name on it.
Bernice: No.. He is stating he is Canadian. Therefore he has a right by nature of his nationality and his love for his country's soldiers and military to be upset.

I mean... Do you like it when soldiers from your country get killed in action, or are put down? I'm sorry if I'm wrong.. but you seem to me to be proud of where you live.

25. maart 2009, 08:36:31
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
The Usurper: Our TV over here, has rules and limits. And viewers are free to complain to the regulators if they are offended. Sometimes such complaints are upheld and the broadcaster is 'told off', sometimes not.

Sometimes, the news publishers will work with the gov and/or police to keep certain info quiet, to protect or to aid the efforts into an enquiry.

... Or as in the case of recently deceased it is considered bad form to print or broadcast names before the family is informed... Especially in regards to soldiers names who have been KIA.

But maybe that is just very good manners.

25. maart 2009, 08:12:43
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: .. then if you think it includes the President, you can't make fun of your current president.

... And please... censorship.. That's been in place since WW! or WWII.

25. maart 2009, 08:09:16
Onderwerp: Re: And I feel it's you taking advantage of the military that are in harms way for your own ideological view.
Artful Dodger: You'd be wrong then.

24. maart 2009, 22:17:04
Onderwerp: Re: Really.. a non issue... Perhaps you could tell the Canadian Defence Minister that..
Artful Dodger: Well that's you, and I feel that's you getting grumpy over Fox.

But as I said, it doesn't matter. When something similar happened on a BBC radio show (as in went OTT) ... One guy had to resign, the other was suspended for several months. And they were just taking the mickey over relations between the one who resigned and a famous person grand daughter (she is an adult who enjoys bondage and goth) ....

24. maart 2009, 22:11:08
Onderwerp: Re: Really.. a non issue... Perhaps you could tell the Canadian Defence Minister that..
Artful Dodger: Wow..... people are not allowed to show empathy for their Commonwealth brothers.... I shall tell the Queen not to bother with it any more after all the hard work to rebuild relations and the sense of a Commonwealth.

It's all pointless!!

24. maart 2009, 22:02:51
Onderwerp: Some wisdom from Douglas Adams....
[A spaceship carrying a 100 foot tall silver robot had just landed in, or more accurately, on, a rather expensive chunk of London real estate, specifically Knightsbridge and more particularly, Harrod’s:...]

"I come in peace," it said, adding after a long moment of further
grinding, "take me to your Lizard."

Ford Prefect, of course, had an explanation for this, as he sat with Arthur and watched the nonstop frenetic news reports on television, none of which had anything to say other than to record that the thing had done this amount of damage which was valued at that amount of billions of pounds and had killed this totally other number of people, and then say it again, because the robot was doing nothing more than standing there, swaying very slightly, and emitting short incomprehensible error messages.

"It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."

"You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"

"No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."

"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."

"I did," said Ford. "It is."

"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."

"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"

"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."

"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"

"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard
might get in. Got any gin?"

24. maart 2009, 21:46:31
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: Bush is a leader, not military. And excuse me, but the way some Republicans are making jokes of your current Democrat President is the same or worse.

I also have to say that if opposition politicians are allowed in a democratic free western world to take the mickey out of our PM during PM's Question time, or at any other opportunity they can find.. it kinda gets you thinking that such attitude keeps our leaders on the ball.

24. maart 2009, 21:39:03
Onderwerp: Re: Really.. a non issue... Perhaps you could tell the Canadian Defence Minister that..
Artful Dodger: ?? Sorry, but I think you'll find that a certain country doesn't feel that way.. and many of that countries Commonwealth brothers and sisters may share that feeling.

And I'm not pretending to be offended. I am offended.
As I said, if it happened over here those guys would be canned.

24. maart 2009, 21:35:34
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Jim Dandy: I didn't. Our soldiers do what they are told to do, they fight where they are told to fight. It's a job.. a hard one and can lead (as I've met some guy who saw the bad side of the Northern Ireland war) to it affecting their lives mentally and/or physically for a period of time that extend to being for the rest of their lives. Opposition to he war, calling a leader a joke or putting him down for being an idiot... that's par for the political course and par for the right to people to have an opinion on the matter.

I mean.. when you find your PM has lied about significant details regarding Saddam's offensive capability and that the decision for us Brits to join in on GWII... then you have the right to be annoyed. When you feel that Saddam had no WMD's.... and I believe many of those presenting evidence in the UN by their manner thought the evidence was dodgy...

... Are you going to keep quiet, or voice your concerns?

24. maart 2009, 18:48:33
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: you'd let your troops be mocked? Shame on you!!!

As I said, us Brits were against GWII, but we supported our troops 99.99%
We've even set up a new charity over here to aid those injured in action.

24. maart 2009, 18:46:13
Onderwerp: Re: So the troops deserve respect.
Charles Martel: Nope. I don't touch soldiers unless they are guilty of war crimes such a torture.

.. anything American!!

I think you've not been paying attention to my posts or the nature of the context.

But that's your problem

24. maart 2009, 16:38:42
Onderwerp: Re: So the troops deserve respect.
Czuch: Anyone who fights besides your troops and our troops deserves respect.


24. maart 2009, 16:36:51
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Czuch: An idiot.

Ok, lets put it on another foot... supposed it was your military taking a beating from some comedians? Ya know... tend to shoot friendlies, don't know how to shoot.....

... But I know how you'd react to that. You'd be furious. That's not idiotic, that's being loyal to your soldiers and your military.

24. maart 2009, 07:33:35
Onderwerp: Re: 116 dead,4 last week in Afghanistan since 2002
Artful Dodger: Really.. a non issue... Perhaps you could tell the Canadian Defence Minister that..

"I think it is an uninformed view," MacKay told CTV. "It is crass. It is insensitive and it is in fact disgusting given the timing, when Canada is just receiving back four fallen heroes today."

"There should be an apology to the families in particular and to the Canadian Forces and to Canada generally, given the sacrifice and the commitment that we have demonstrated in Afghanistan," he added.

Or the Canadian people, as the "non issue" has created angry reactions in Canada. Some people are threatening to boycott American goods.

108 Canadians have died in Afghanistan.

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