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mook53lhd: Obviously I am NOT Fencer. This is a public discussion board, which means the PUBLIC can participate. No one made light of anything. It was an attempt to help, but with the way you act, I certainly won't be attempting to help you again.
mook53lhd: what he is saying (I believe) is that if something is "up" with YOUR cache, it could be causing you to see something that "isn't really there". Or something that was there... A computer person (which I'm not) can probably explain better, but it isn't an uncommon problem.
Czuch: I think one think you may not be considering is that even if someone "gives" you BKR, unless you keep "buying" it, it is eventually, over time, going to show your true BKR.
What's to stop people from doing what has been talked about already on this board? (giving chips if someone gives someone else a membership)
I imagine most people, if they know it is not considered correct behavior, wouldn't do it. But we all know there are people who would find a way to do it anyways.
Bwild: See my post in your fellowship. It is because you must be in Rich Text Editor. If you use that, you have to use the chain link thing to put a link in a post. If you switch out of rich text editor, doing it the way you did it works fine. But if there are no "regular resets" of chips, are you suggesting that once you use up your 1000 chips, you can never play poker again? Seems to me the number of potential opponents will dwindle down to the point where there are only a few people playing.
Bwild: Yes, I have folded early on sometimes, and would like to be able to see how I WOULD have done, had I not folded. The cards disappear, and I don't always remember what they were.
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